Chapter 15

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   After Jebodiah let us in, I heard someone moving around in Lauren's room so I took that to mean she was finally awake. We made our way upstairs to Lauren's room door and attempted to open it.

   "Lauren, are you awake?" I called.

   "Camz? Oh thank God!" I heard Lauren exclaim relieved.

   "Eh, Dawg! Are you alright?" Dinah asked putting her ear up to the door.

   "I guess, I just can't get out!"

   "Do you know where a spare key is?" I asked.

   "Yes! Just ask Jebodiah if you can borrow his!"

   "Alrighty then, we'll be back!" Dinah said as we dashed back downstairs and tracked Jebodiah down.

   "Jebodiah! Lauren's trapped! We need to borrow your key!" I exclaimed half out of breath from running.

   "My key? Ah, my key." He murmured in his soft voice.

   "Yeah, your key! Give it!" Dinah commanded holding her hand out impatiently. Jebodiah didn't seem to understand the importance of his key at the moment.

   "I'm afraid I cannot do that, ladies." He said "For you see, Miss Lauren entrusted only me with the spare key."

   "Listen up, Jeb!" Dinah growled snatching the man's collar. "Here are your options. Either you give me that key or you get a good old fashioned poly beat down."

   "I cannot."

   "You will!" Dinah snarled. Jebodiah chuckled and shook his head removing Dinah's hands.

   "I'm afraid miss Lauren won't see another day." He stated with an evil smirk. "This estate is mine as of tomorrow."

   "Y-you did this!" I shrieked totally aghast.

   "Now now, let's not jump to conclusions! This was not my doing, just locking her away."

   "You'd best be releasing her den!" Dinah warned menacingly. Jebodiah just grinned before he withered away into a smokey breeze then whisking upstairs. Soon after came a high pitch scream of pure fear. Lauren.

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