Chapter 16

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   Lauren's door was left wide open for us to enter and assess the damage to the room. It was dark in there with cloths, books and other knick knacks spread across the room. We walked further inside and Dinah froze dead in her tracks.

   "We're not alone are we." I mumbled in almost a whisper. Dinah put her finger to her lips never losing focus on the left side of the room. Something or someone was there.

   "Get out here!" Dinah commanded holding a pair of scissors as a weapon. An evil chuckle surrounded the room making me shiver.

   "And what if I do?" It sounded like Lauren but deeper and almost demonic with a hint of a British accent, a voice that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.

   "Well I guess we'll find out." Dinah was in her ready position for attack, probably ready to take on her wolf form as a back up plan. Two red eyes opened in the darkened side of the room followed by a high heeled boot stepping out into the small circle of moonlight on the floor. We gasped when we found none other than Lauren herself before us!

   "Lauren!?" I gasped. She looked nothing like the Lauren I knew before! Her fangs were more well hidden, she was wearing the same cloths but her cape had been ripped and torn at the end plus her red streaks in her black hair had been replaced with deep purple ones. She clopped over to us and began circling like a lion does his prey.

   "You look different..." Dinah examined every detail of Lauren's appearance then snapped her fingers. "You got a haircut!" I face palmed myself then looked over at Lauren who was now standing still before us.

   "Why are you here?" Lauren asked me specifically.

   "We came to check on you since, oh I don't know, because your our friend!" I snapped rather coldly.

   "Temper, temper." Lauren smirked then turned it into a frown. "Pitty you're being used against me."

   "That's it! Poly beat down time!" Dinah yelled before lunging at the girl. Lauren surprised the both of us when she spread her new wings and flew above us causing wolf Dinah to crash into the wall behind her.

   "Surprise!" She smirked.

   "Get down here ya bird brain!" Dinah exclaimed leaping into the air repeatedly. Lauren had a look of pure boredom as she continued to hover over us.

   "Why don't you just come up here and get me, wolfy?" Lauren teased.

   "Fine. I will." Dinah crept backwards slightly then pounced up into the air using all of her strength and will power. She tackled Lauren to the ground easily, but holding her down was a difficult task since Lauren was flapping her wings, screeching and squirming beneath her. "Ya know, this would be a lot easier on me if you would just HOLD STILL!"

   "And what makes you think I would just sit still so you could captivate me?" Lauren asked sarcastically.

   "Please?" Dinah said actually thinking that would work on the tricky Lauren Jauregui. Dinah didn't realize that when she said that she released her grip slightly allowing Lauren to escape from her grasp. "Dang it! In all the-" Dinah was very frustrated with her own actions but now she had to get the floating Lauren down again. Lauren laughed and flew around hysterically, but as the seconds passed the laughter grew softer and softer as her wing flaps grew slower and slower.

   "L-Lauren? Are you ok up there?" I asked. Lauren closed her eyes and her wings suddenly stopped working as she fell to the wooden floor. We ran to her side and witnessed the sight of her wings suddenly disappearing and her purple streaks turning red again. "What now?" I asked looking at Dinah who had returned to her natural form somewhere in the mix of all that.

   "I guess we should put her back on the bed." Dinah sighed before picking up Lauren's upper half so I grabbed her legs in reaction.

   "Wow! She's kinda heavy for a 118 year old dead person!" I laughed as we placed her softly on the bed.

   "Yeah!" Dinah laughed. "But seriously! She has to stop passing out on us!"


   "Do you think we should stay with her? You know, in case some jerk tries something again?"

   "Awwww, Dinah! You actually care about her!" I cooed patting Dinah on the shoulder.

   "I do not! I just don't want to go through that hot mess again!" She said gesturing towards Lauren passed out on the bed.

   "Sure, Dinah." I giggled before walking out.

   "I do not!! And don't just leave me alone in here with this beast!" Dinah called from upstairs. I just giggled and shook my head as I poured a glass of just regular water for the two of us. My smile was short lived though since I couldn't get the thought of Jebodiah's plan out of my head.


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