Chapter 6

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"Mila, slow down" Mani chuckled. I drove straight to her house as soon as possible. Dinah and Ally met us there so now I was rambling on and on about Lauren being a witch.

"Lauren's a witch, I swear!" I screamed.

"Mila, how do you know she's a witch?" Ally asked. "You have no proof."

"No proof?!" I gasped. "She lives in an abandoned Estate alone, she wears a cape and to top it all off she vanished with a snap of her fingers!" I exclaimed. Dinah and Mani exchanged looks. "What?"

"Stay away from Lauren, Mila. It's for your own good." Dinah muttered as Mani nodded in agreement.

"Why? Tell me!"

"She has a reputation- a bad one." Mani sighed.

"Reputation? For what?" I asked trying to put the pieces together before my curiosity gets the better of me.

"She's a dangerous creature." Mani said. "A murderer of sorts."

"MURDERER!?" I screeched. "Lauren?" The two girls nodded in reply.

"Guys, come on. Lauren is not a murderer." Ally said as if it were a joke.

"What is she?" I asked. "Is she a witch? A bad witch?" I asked.

"Worse." Dinah muttered. Mani sighed to herself as if she were softening the blow.

"She's a- a vampire." Mani breathed.

"A vampire? That actually doesn't surprise me." I mumbled. Even before they told me Lauren reminded me of a vampire.

"Seriously Mila, stay away from Lauren!" Dinah warned yet again.

"Why? Do I scare you?" We turned and found Lauren standing in the window of Mani's room. Her cape was flapping slightly in the breeze as the night wind blew through.

"LAUREN?!" We shrieked in unison. Lauren smirked and lept through the open window. She walked right up to me, stopping inches away.

"Do I scare you, Camz?" She whispered so only I could hear her. Something was different about her. Her normally emerald green eyes were now blood red.

"Lauren, leave. Now." Ally said thoroughly as she pointed out the window in which Lauren came.

"Make me." Lauren smirked. Her eyes had turned even redder if that was even possible. She slowly stepped towards Ally and the girls stealthily making Dinah growl in warning and Mani slowly revealed a wand hanging from her belt loop.

"Fine. I will." Dinah suddenly howled and morphed into a wolf with shimmering gold fur. She charged Lauren fiercely as a child does a pinata! Lauren's fangs extended and her eyes widened as Dinah made contact with her.

"I've got you, Dinah!" Mani said whipping out her wand. "SERIA MANIA!" A strong stream of electricity shot through the room and struck Lauren on her forearm causing her to yelp in pain. Lauren examined her arm which was now bleeding. Lauren growled at Mani then touched her new wound. I watched as it healed itself and it actually appeared to be stronger now!

"This isn't over." She muttered before leaping onto the window sill. "Believe me. We will meet again." Lauren disappeared into the night, camouflaged by her cloak. For a while we stood in silence, not a one of us moving a muscle.

"What now?" I whispered.

"I don't know." Dinah stated, now in human form, shaking her head. "All I know is our lives are all now in grave danger."

"How do you know?" I asked. "And if you're right, what danger?"

"She may not know exactly what's going on, but her wolf instincts tell her if the world is 'off balance.'" Mani explained making air quotes with her fingers. "And as much as I hate to say it, they've never been wrong." That last sentence sent a shiver up my spine. If they've never been wrong before, how could they possibly be wrong now?

"Lauren's on the move." Dinah stated. "So should we." Mani and I nodded in agreement as we followed her downstairs. Obviously this was no game this was a real life situation. This was happening now and my life along with my friends' is now in deep danger. The question... is what danger?

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