Chapter 7

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The next day at school Dinah, Mani and Ally never left my side unless they had a different class, of course. Three of my four classes I have with Dinah while Ally and Mani only have two with me.

We were all in the same class during third period which happens to be my favorite class, algebra. The only problem is Lauren also has that class. Today we had a sub so we got to sit and talk for most of class after completing our assignments. I tried to ignore Lauren during class and talk to the girls but she always found a way to annoy me.

"Hey, Camz." Lauren smirked as she pulled up a chair. Dinah rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"What, Lauren." Ally snapped.

"Touchy, touchy!" Lauren chuckled.

"Seriously, what do you want?" I asked.

"Who said I wanted anything?" Lauren asked. "I'm just saying hello." I knew she was up to something by the look in her eyes. Dinah probably caught on to that as well.

"What are you up to, Vampy?" Dinah snarled. Lauren just smiled innocently enough to fool Mani and Ally but not us. Just then the lights flickered on and off briskly.

"Lauren, what did you do!?" I shrieked.

"I told you before, I'm not doing anything." Lauren stated calmly.

"Then explain dat!" Dinah exclaimed, pointing at a red puddle on the floor. Lauren gasped softly and backed away. The lights came on, but they were a deep red and didn't help us see any better. No one else was in the room now, just the five of us.

"I'm scared." Ally shuttered. "Where did they go?"

"No clue." Mani breathed in shock. Lauren ran over to the red puddle to examine it.

"Careful, Lauren." Ally cooed from the corner on the other side of the room. Lauren got down on all fours and stuck a finger in the puddle, moving her fingers through it.

"I wonder..." She murmured almost inaudible. She licked her fingers and nodded. "Blood."

"Blood?" Ally gasped in disgust. "Who's?"

"Ally, I don't know!" Lauren said a little bitterly. "I'm a vampire not a rocket scientist!"

"Sorry." Ally peeped.

"No, I shouldn't have snapped, but we have to go track those missing people." Lauren stated taking command. She snapped her fingers and her cloths were replaced with black ones and her famous black cape.

"Wow..." We gasped. Lauren winked and turned to the door.

"Hmmm, locked." She murmured.

"Oh! I can help with that!" Ally said almost with excitement as she ran to the door. She stopped and smiled shyly at the dark beauty before her. "If- that's ok with you."

"Be my guest." Lauren chuckled letting the older girl through. Ally used her long nail to click the lock open.

"Shall we?" Ally smiled.

"Wow!" Mani giggled. "Now I know why people call you Ally Cat!" Ally giggled and lead us out into the hallway.

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