Chapter 11

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I chased Lauren out my front door and onto the porch.

"Lauren." She kept walking as if she didn't hear me. "Lauren!" I said a bit louder but she still continued walking. I reached out for her shoulder and stopped her. "Lauren!!"

"Stop following me!" She snapped as she spun around to face me. I released her and stared into her eyes. "You always yell at me for things I can't control like the death of your grandmother."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do!" Lauren scoffed. "You just did not ten seconds ago!" She had me beat.

"Lauren, I'm sorry. I'm just... frustrated. Everything bad always happens to me at the worst times." I muttered. Lauren looked down on me with her emerald orbs. Her eyes were gentle but at the same time had a little spark of something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Camz, you pretty much just summed my life up in one sentence." Lauren chuckled slightly. I chuckled a little looking down at my red convers. Lauren lifted my head by placing her index finger on my chin. "Thank you."


"Thanks to you, I'm a much gentler person. Even when Dinah hated me you stuck by me and took to my defense." Lauren stated then whispered; "Thank you."

I drove her home and watched her as she began her long journey up her front stairs and at about midway she stopped and waved. I returned a wave and drove home.

I was sitting in my room reading To Kill a Mockingbird for the hundredth time when my phone rand on my bedside table. I put the book down and read the caller ID, unknown caller. I answered hesitantly;

C: Hello?

?: Hello, Karla.

C: Who are you and how do you know my name?

?: That doesn't matter for you see, your friend, Lauren, is in a bit of a... predicament.

C: What did you do to her?!

?: Meet me at 401 Dark Oak Dr. at 6:00 tonight. Not a second earlier or later.



I slowly moved my phone from my ear to my bed, the hang up tone still going. What did they do with Lauren?

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