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nothing like that
first time, she was
in my math class.

Awoken by a few sharp dings from his phone, joey opened his eyes. his hands wandered around the bed, slamming into the mattress every movement in an attempt to find his phone. he groaned in an instant as his body plucked from the mattress. he winced at the cold air hitting him, before looking at the notifications. why the hell didn't he turn his do not disturb on?

jo please answer
i've gotten into some trouble

joeys stomach took a tumble into the floor— to say the least. he overfilled with both concern, and joy since Madison had been texting him. whatever it was, he enjoyed talking to her about it. within an instant, he replied to her.

yes of course
are you okay?

uh, yes.
i was at a party
i'm at 328 wald st
please come get me.

he was confused. why had he been running to her, perhaps something had come up and she didn't have a ride? he truly was confused, and tired. very tired. his eyes shifted to the time, seeing it as a dark 4am, on a Thursday. why is there a party on a school night? he only could ask himself as he trudged downstairs with his keys in-hand, and a hoodie.

pulling up to the house in front of a large garden surrounding the house and it's large lit up property, he watched in a gaze as a sniffling Madison approached his vehicle. "Maddie first of all why the hell is there a party at 4 am on a Thursday,," he quickly stopped himself, noticing her bright eyes almost now dim. they were enlarged and puffy, her eyes almost looked a bright baby blue now since the red around it had engulfed the color. "Hey, hey come in. what's wrong." he cooed warmly as he unlocked the door. The blonde opened the car door and leaned against the upholstered black seats almost immediately, letting out a deep breath. "the party ended at two." she rasped: joey watching in shock. "Please, take me home." she sounded as if she was begging. so, joey did as told, taking her home and wishing her sweet dreams.

Joey crept quietly upstairs whilst rubbing his eyes. he let out a sigh, almost approaching his bedroom door to see sophia stumble out of hers. she blinked a few times before staring at him, then walking away. Joey also did this, they decided it was best to avoid each other.
he lazily stepped into his room, then shut the door and flopped into bed. he pulled the covers just over his shoulder and readjusted his pillow. now— he was comfortable. although he was restless at the thought of Maddie. He wondered what possibly could've hurt her so bad at a party that she'd be so upset. but it wasn't to his concern, since she wouldn't tell him.

the next few days, joey arrived to school with hope he'd see Maddie at her desk— happily reading a book or speaking to one of her friends in that soft chirpy tone. he adored her voice. through the days, joey became more closed off, his chest became heavier and the school soon fell dark once again. this time not for him, for everybody else too.

this day screamed grief.



his bottom him quivering at the notes, pictures, and mural at her locker that he had seen her applying lipgloss at or giggling at was now filled with fucking decorations. but not by her. she was fucking gone. joey wasn't having any part in the pity party the school had thrown around, it's like they were fucking celebrating her death! 

joey watched as Jennifer approached him with panic, but also concern. his eyes snapped away from her to the locker. he felt the rage completely take over himself, and that's when his hand swiped the decorations off the metal lockers, slamming to the ground. his eyes pricked with tears would shoot from the crowd behind him to Jennifer who watched in disappointment and shock.

The long walk to Jennifer's office wasn't something joey could peep a word about. Normally they'd have conversations, but joey just stared and walked. that was up until she shut the door and they both sat down. "what the hell happened to her." he spoke darkly, his voice crackling. he didn't make eye contact, he just kept his eyes on the floor. silence filled the room as jennifer tried collecting her words. joeys mind filling with sorrow, his eyes finding themselves heavier. "she killed herself, joey." Jennifer spoke regretfully. she knew joey had cared for her, and Jennifer had been happy too— joey had finally found someone to talk to that he actually enjoyed talking to.
"she was sexually assaulted on Thursday morning, by henry bellows." Jennifers voice trembles. joey nods, and with that.. he leaves.

With pure anger and withdrawal running through his veins, he stomps through the hallways of the school until he reaches the one. Room A7, henry's class. Henry had been one of joeys friends, not a close one but still considered a friend. he too was apart of the very small friend group they had, but joey had other words for now.

the only friend group he'll have now is in hell.


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