01. Does he ever kiss you? - est-ce qu'il t'embrasse jamais?

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Jastin version

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" Mr Bieber, Mr McCann wants you in his office immediately" Jason's personal assistant informed Justin as he chatted with his friends group on Kik. What Justin did in McCann's company? He himself didn't know. McCann prepared him an office room which faced the sea next to his own, putted a desk and a chair that has wheels ( which Justin used to drag race across the room when he's bored) , and even a sofa set so Justin can take a nap when he's tired ( of doing nothing) . He had a bathroom in his office room if needed. And a closet .

He had bought Justin a Samsung Galaxy S10e. He was free to use anything in the building including canteen and juice bar. McCann even allowed Justin to use 700 $ a week, McCann himself deposited it to Justin's bank account. But Justin couldn't go out of the building without McCann's allowance or he would get yelled at until his ears are bleeding. And after that came the punishment, Justin feared McCann's dominant side ( which is mostly experienced by the 24 year old) as much as he loved it. Angry sex was the best sex but Justin sometimes wished Jason treated him more tenderly.

Anyway, Justin didn't have anything to do in his 'office room' , he woke up in the morning in his bed which he didn't share with his 'husband', got ready, came to 'work' with his 'husband', wasted whole day unless McCann called him in for a blow job or even a few rounds of sex on the desk( which happened at least twice a day), and went back home to eat, sex and sleep. He felt like a slut and this room was his cage. McCann brought him here so he can use him whenever he feels like it and make sure Justin doesn't let anyone else touch him, as if Justin was his tooth brush. But Justin was okay with that ( or so he thought). As long as he gets to be with McCann.

" Tell him I'm on my way" Justin replied, locking his phone and putting it in his pocket. The 26 year old girl nodded, and turned on her heels  rolling her eyes, which Justin noticed. Jessica Smith has always hated Justin's guts. Most probably because she was trying to get with McCann but Justin got in her way. " Excuse me?" Justin snapped impatiently. " Do you have a problem with me?"

She smirked, turning on her heels and facing him. Justin was now standing and he didn't look intimidating because of his height, even without heels, she would still tower over him. They looked like mother and her 10 year old child according to the height. " Why would I have a problem with you?" She faked hurt but she was obviously mocking.

" I don't know" Justin pretended to think with a hum. ", maybe because Jason doesn't even look your way when you literally eye rape him every time you see him? And you definitely hear him fucking me on his desk and your sorry ass is jealous because that's not you who he fucks? Or is it because you have to clean his desk after I've cum all over it?!" Justin never thought he could be so disrespectful and rude but he has had enough of her bullshit. He had to finally let her know that he's not a coward.

Her smirk didn't leave her face. " Don't be silly, little boy." She chuckled " Yes, Mr McCann is married to you and he fucks you but that's it. The whole company know that you're his fuck toy and nothing else. He might be into your two inch tall figure but don't mistake his lust for love. He doesn't love you"

Justin felt his heart break into pieces but he kept a straight face. " You don't know us"

Her smirk grew. " Does he ever kiss you? " She leaned down so she's closer to his face. He kept staring at her eyes. Because he had no answer.

When he didn't answer, she stood straight with a smirk. " Exactly" she walked to the door. " So tell me, Justin" his name came out of her mouth like venom. ", why do I get jealous of a fuck toy."

And with that, she walked out of the room.


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