04. Try something new

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" Let me drive"

It'd been two weeks since they fought and they are back to living the life they used to live, the life that involved sex and silence, and nothing more. This had happened before and it will happen again, Justin would think about a divorce, and when the papers are ready, he would rip them into pieces and would decide that he doesn't have a life out of McCann's arms. Even though he would never get the love and care he wants from the person that he loves.

" I'm too young to die" McCann said with an amused smile on his face. Justin pouted. " Please, I love driving but I rarely get the chance to"

" Alright, but be careful. This is a Lamborghini"

" Thanks"

" But I want one thing"

" What would that be?"

" I want to try something new"

" Like what?" Justin asked, although he knew which this was headed to.

" DDLB "

" What is that?"

" meaning is Daddy Dom and Little Boy. It's kind of a role play. I'm going to be daddy and you're going to be my little boy. You're going to be a baby and I'm going to punish you whenever you do something bad. we can try this out for a week or two."

" Oh, I've heard about it" Justin remembered. " But we can't do that"

" Why not?" McCann furrowed his eyebrows.

" Daddy has to take care of his little boy"

" And?"

" You don't take care of me"

" Don't start with the pitty party " McCann rolled his eyes. " We can do it without having to look after you. You can be such a bratty boy so I can punish you the whole time." McCann smirked. " You're used to being an spoilt brat anyway. You wanted to celebrate your birthday in a cruise ship and I gave you just that. You knew I wouldn't say no to something that you ask for your birthday. "

" You gave me just that because you wanted to try out fucking me in a cruise ship on my birthday. And that's what you did. You didn't even let me have a piece of my birthday cake. You dragged me into our cabin and started fucking. Do you remember how many times I passed out at the climax? But you started again when I gained consciousness."

" That mouth is enough to earn a nice ass beating. You talk like you didn't want me to fuck you. Didn't you scream my name and asked me to keep going?"

" But you ruined my birthday. I wanted to spend it with my friends and you kept me for yourself and I realized that my birthday was spent just fucking the next day when I woke up. "

" Whatever, can you do it or not"

" I don't have a choice, do I?" Justin sighed. " You will put me in a crib even if I rejected"

" Since when were you so smart, little boy? " McCann smirked.

Justin rolled his eyes. " Ha ha, very funny"

And McCann handed him the keys.


" I knew I shouldn't have given you the keys" McCann joked as he laid in a hospital bed. He was unconscious for a whole day and all Justin did was sob, and fight with the doctors and nurses when they tried to drag him out of McCann's hospital room. And they finally let him stay in the room. Justin had a scratch or two but he was fine.

Justin couldn't control the vehicle and it hit a tree. McCann didn't have seatbelts on so he jumped Infront of Justin to stop him from getting his head hit against the steering wheel and got hit instead. He was bleeding when the ambulance arrived and unconscious. But Justin was in a worse condition as he acted like someone died.

Justin started sobbing again. " I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I won't forgive myself if anything bad happened to you"

" It's okay. I didn't die. A bit in pain but I've been in worse situations so you have nothing to worry about. "

" I love you" Justin couldn't stop the words from coming out and he regretted when they did.

McCann just looked away. " Why don't you get in bed with me and try to take a nap? You look exhausted"

" But I might hurt you by accident-"

" No you won't. C'mon. I won't let you get in bed with me unless we're having sex again so don't miss this opportunity. " McCann joked but Justin's frown deepened. McCann slapped himself in his mind for saying something like that. " C'mon Justin" he made room for Justin's smaller frame.

And Justin got in the bed, soon falling asleep on McCann's chest for the first time because every time they had sex, Justin had to go back to his room. Even if he was unconscious ( which he mostly was) , McCann would carry him back to his room.


Another update and DDLB?😏

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