23. I hate you

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   "no.. NO!" Justin cried out as he tried to get out of the hospital bed. He had been here for few hours and doctors had checked him and given him medication but he wanted to get out of bed to use the bathroom but he almost fell when he stood on his feet. Fortunately, Jason was by his side to catch him before he falls but Justin was horrified because he couldn't feel his legs.

   The doctors came and checked on him but even they couldn't explain what was happening. They said that it could be a side effect of pregnancy because he was a pregnant man but they weren't sure about it and what scared the McCann husbands was that the doctors weren't sure when or if he could walk again. They assumed that it to be because  of Justin's pregnancy, and the nervous system doesn't work because of some reason and they guessed that it was because of the babies. They scared Justin shitless but they said what they had to say.

  " Mr McCann, please calm down. I'll do a check up and try to figure out if this is a case as serious as we think. But you have to calm down, it's not good for the babies in your stomach if you still think you need to keep them"

   " I'm not killing them!" Justin snapped at the doctor as he buried his face in the nape of Jason's neck. He had tears rolling down his face but killing the babies is not a choice in his book.

   " Justin, stop being stubborn. This is getting worse and I don't think we should keep them. " Jason said sternly even though his heart hurt, he didn't want to lose his husband.

" Jason?! I thought we talked about it and decided what to do!" Justin snapped. 

" Yes but you weren't paralyzed when we made a decision! This can get worse and I don't want to lose you." Jason snapped this time because he has had enough of Justin's stubbornness. " Doctors don't know what to do because they don't have experience about male pregnancy. The last thing I want is something bad to happen to you and my job is to protect you. I'll grab a rope and hang myself before I attend to your funeral because I fucking can't live without you!"

  " Then go and find a rope before you ask me to kill my babies one more time because I will not live without them.-" he was cut off as Jason's hand came in contact with his cheek. Jason scoffed and grabbed a handful of Justin's hair, making Justin whimper.

   " Be as stubborn as you want but if you won't let them abort the babies, we will fucking tie you up to the bed and do it. I don't fucking care anymore! I fucking can't lose you Justin!" Jason screamed and let go of Justin's hair. His face was red from anger and his eyes were pitch black.

  " You can't do that!" Justin couldn't help a sob as he felt helpless and abandoned. His chest was going to explore because only someone who is holding a child in their stomach knows the affection they have towards the child and the pain and fear of losing them.

   Jason looked like a monster at that moment and he hated Jason, he couldn't hate Jason when he was treating him like a piece of shit but now he loathed him.

   " Oh believe me, I can and I will!" Jason scoffed and grabbed Justin's hands. " Doctor, I want to abort the children. Grab the restraints or whatever the shit you want to keep him in place and start the surgery. "

  " Mr McCann we can't abort the children without the pregnant person's permission-"

  " Fuck that! I will kill you if you don't do it now. I said start the fucking surgery already!" Jason yelled at the doctor. The doctor sighed in defeat and nodded, sending the nurses to get the operation theater and the other doctors and nurses ready.

  They restrained Justin to bed before putting him to sleep. Justin sent Jason the most disgusted look he could. He mumbled something before he fell unconscious.

   "I hate you Jason McCann, I will never forgive you or forget what you did"


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