14. Call me daddy

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" Justin-"

" Can you stop trying to talk me into getting my baby aborted and let me make my breakfast, please?" Justin rolled his eyes and sliced an apple into small pieces. " I'm not going to agree"

McCann sighed, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist. " baby, try to understand. I've been through the pain of losing you and I don't want to go through it again. Please can we talk?"

Justin sighed, grabbing his fruit salad and mango juice. He nodded, walking towards the couch and took a seat. He placed the beverage on the coffee table as McCann sat next to him. " Let's get rid of it Justin. Please? I can't lose you for something as worthless as this. Let's get a baby to adopt if you really need a baby but-"

" Let me correct you there, Jason. This is not an it. This is a baby. Have you not realized this? This is an actual baby made by you and me and they're a reflection of us. I know we didn't have a love when we made him or her but see what happened after they came into my stomach!? You started loving me. We became a real family instead of some fuck buddies. Even if they brought unfortune into our family, we can't and we won't blame them because a baby is a blessing no matter what the situation is. Of course, we can go and adopt a baby because every child is the same. Every child deserves happiness and love. But that doesn't mean we can abort one child and adopt another. This is our baby Jason. Our baby . Our flesh and blood we're talking about right here. Our creation. God was kind enough to give us a chance and we're going to disappoint him in us even discussing about getting rid of the baby he gave us. "

Jason looked down at his feet. Tears rolled down his face. " I'm just scared Justin. I don't wanna lose you"

" Every woman goes through that and all of them have a huge possibility of dying giving birth but do you see they complain and abort babies. Of course there are some who don't have a heart and kill their baby but I'm not one of them. I'm not a coward. People abort babies saying that it was not supposed to be there at the moment but that's the worst excuse for killing, especially someone as innocent as an unborn child.

We only have to believe. Jason. Believe that we can. Believe that our baby can. Believing is something that gets stronger the more you do it. So believe. "

Jason was quiet for a while. Justin took his hand and kissed it. " Baby"

" Call me daddy" Jason wiped his face and smiled. " Because we're going to be daddies!" He yelled and Justin smiled wide.

Jason picked Justin up and kissed him softly, yet passionately. Their lips moved in a perfect sync and Justin felt another empty part of his heart filling, filling with love.

" I love you" Justin mumbled softly, and kissed Jason's cheek.

Jason hesitated a bit, because he had never done this but- " I love you too, so much" Jason replied for the first time in their lives.

That moment Justin filled. His heart wasn't empty anymore and he had everything he wanted.


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