27. And we made love..

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Jason grabbed the purple luffa and filled it with white bubbles in the bath, bringing them to Justin's soft skin on his neck and slowly rubbed circles, making the smaller one moan at the comfort. He shifted so Justin was on his lap, and slowly grinded against the younger man who arched his back in need. Jason kissed the back of Justin's head, reaching out to his earlobe and gently bit at it, earning a pleasurable moan from his boy.

" I love you baby" Jason whispered in Justin's ear, kissing the soft surface afterwards. Justin turned his head, facing Jason so he can capture Justin's lips on his.

  " And I love you, Jase" Justin moaned softly, as Jason's mouth attacked his neck.

  Jason kissed down Justin's body, being careful not to do any harm to the baby bump. Justin's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his lips parted as soft moans left his rosey lips.

  Soon enough, the water flashed against the tub walls as Jason made love to the love of his life. It was passionate, intimate, and it was filled with love. Jason had to admit that making love felt so much better than fucking because it was coated with love. They didn't take long to reach their climaxes. And when they did, the water was getting colder but none of them felt it because their hearts were filled with some warmth, love.

  Jason connected their lips again and kissed Justin, no tongue contact because he wanted to taste his lips.

  Justin took a while to calm his breathing from the climax and Jason got out of bath, wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed another, laying it on the counter and took Justin out of the water. He placed a naked Justin on the towel and smiled. " Baby, can you hold onto something so I can grab another towel to wipe you?"

  Justin nodded, holding onto the counter top. Jason took some time to make sure that Justin wasn't going to fall off before he hurried to grab a towel. When he did, he took the towel and went back to Justin, wiping the water off of his body.

  And that night, they cuddled and just spent the night in each other's arms. The fear of losing Justin kept eating up Jason's chest and Jason's distress made Justin feel distressed as well, but they had to go through it. Eventually they learned to live with the fear but that doesn't mean Jason worried any less. Both of them couldn't wait to the due date to reach, but at the same time, they did not. Both of them wanted the fear to come to an end but Jason didn't want Justin to die. Justin, also, did not want to leave Jason because if Jason loses this time, he won't ever believe. He will forever be the monster he used to be but a child ( two in this case) is never a choice. Noone has a right to decide if a baby lives or dies. So Justin respected that and let whatever that has to happen, to happen.


Sorry guys, I'm not best at love making scenes 😫 But hope you enjoyed!

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