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  "AAARRRGGGGHHH!" Justin screamed again and the doctor forced him to push his upper body up. Tears streamed down his face and at that moment, he thought the death was so much better because the pain he was going through wasn't something he had ever thought of before. He was naked Infront of over twenty people, legs bent at his knees and his lower body was fully exposed to the doctors, and it didn't help. Sweat was drenching the sheets, his body and his hair and he felt blood in his throat from screaming so much because he has been screaming for more than an hour, but he had only been able to push one of his babies' head. "GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!! FUCKKK!" Justin screeched and sobbed as he fisted the bed sheets and arched his back.

  Jason held Justin's hand and Jason's hand felt numb because of how tight Justin's holding onto it, but he didn't care because Justin was going through so much pain and he would've took the pain upon him if he could but he can't. His eyes were itching but he never let the tears to show up, for he wanted to show Justin that he has not given up. " Doctor! Do something!"

  " He needs to push! He doesn't even try!" A doctor snapped in annoyance but Jason shot back at him. " He's in fucking pain! Can't you see that?!!"

  " Let us do our job Mr McCann! If you don't shut up we'll not allow you to stay in here any longer. "

  " What did I do?!! My husband is in pain and you barely do anything about it!"

  " We're trying! Your arguing doesn't help!"

  Jason scoffed but shut his mouth, kissing Justin's head. " Please do something" Jason mumbled as the doctor forced Justin to push again.

  " I'm gonna d.die!" Justin sobbed. " I can't.. FUCK! JASON!!"

  " Justin, no. Don't give up. You're better than that babe. Just push " Jason kissed Justin's hand.

  " I'm tired"

  " I know baby, I know. But you can't give up on them, you can't give up on yourself, you cannot give up on us"

  Justin sobbed but pushed, and after few more minutes, a baby's crying filled the room and both Jason and Justin felt as if they were born again.

  " It's a girl" one doctor said and placed the baby who's now cleaned on Justin's chest, and Justin was crying all over again, but not in pain, but in rejoice.

  " S.she's s.so little" Justin smiled at Jason, who was staring at the baby girl in adoration. " W.we're parents, Jase" Justin gulped and closed his eyes because he was tired.

   A doctor took the baby and wrapped her in a purple baby blanket, before giving her into Jason's hands. Jason was pretty clumsy with things but surprisingly, he managed to hold her properly. Both men's hearts were filled with some warmth and the feeling of being a parent was something that you cannot just describe with words. One doctor fed the baby with a baby bottle as the others gathered around Justin's bed again. " We're not done yet, Mr. Your son is still on his way" the lady doctor smiled and grabbed Justin's back, helping him to push again. Justin whined and panted because he was really tired.

  Few more minutes later, Justin started screaming again and trashing around because giving birth to two children through the anus is not a very interesting experience.

  The doctor had placed the daughter in a crib and Jason, was again holding onto Justin's hand.

  " Oh! He's bleeding" An Obstetrician said in a panicked tone and Jason started freaking out. " No, Justin don't close your eyes! " A lady doctor patted Justin's cheek because he was passing out.

Not you, your body. ( Jastin & Zustin Versions)Where stories live. Discover now