01. Troubles are a part of living

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Justin picks up Harry as the boy keeps whining and sobbing. He needs a teddy bear but last time Justin bought him one, Harry ruined it by putting it in a paint bucket. He wanted the teddy to be purple, he said. But Justin isn't going to buy him another teddy within a week. He doesn't want his children to be spoilt brats although their father is one of the richest men in the world. " Papa would buy me one if I asked him too!" Boy grumbles, hitting Justin's head with his small fists.

  " No Harold! You ruined the last one, no toys for you at least for a month. "

  " But I wanted Jassy to be purple!" He pouts.

  " And why would you put him in a red paint bucket?!hm? "

  " It's purple! Daddy no know colors!" Harry slaps Justin's face.

  " Harry, you're hurting daddy. And that was red, not purple. "

  Justin sighs in irritation. He loves Harry, but sometimes he's a real brat that makes Justin need to smack his ass. But Jason will beat his ass if Justin dared to do something like that and Justin didn't support child abuse although it's very tempting.   " Daddy stupid!" Harry grabs Justin's face and bites his cheek hard. Justin screams in pain and tries to push the boy's face trying not to hurt the baby boy, but it's of no use as boy keeps biting Justin. People walks by watches in amusement but noone helps Justin. When pain gets too much, Justin breaks down into tears and finally, someone takes the boy away. " Ow!" Justin wipes his face and blushes in embarrassment.

   " Don't do that to your daddy" the boy who took Harry says but smiles. " That's very naughty, you know?"

  Harry starts crying because he's not very fond of strangers and he thinks that boy's going to hurt him. The teenage boy gives him back to Justin and Justin thanks with an awkward smile. " No baby, don't cry okay?" Justin kisses Harry's head. " He's not going to hurt you, right ugh?"

  " Nick.. sir "

  Justin chuckles a little bit. " Are you really going to call me 'sir' after seeing me cry like that?"

  The boy laughs. " It's okay. Really. I know how painful it is when kids bite you. My little sister once bit my arm and I bled. It was really painful" he cringes at the memory.

  Justin laughs. " I'm Justin by the way, Justin McCann"

  " Daddy won't buy me a teddy" Harry pouts, burying his face in Justin's neck.

  " Oh is that why you bit daddy?" Nick coos.

   " Yeahh" he says innocently with a nod and Justin almost changes his mind.

    " Aww buy him a teddy Mr McCann" boy pouts as well.

   " He's being naughty so no, I won't"

  " But he won't be naughty again, right little buddy?" Nick tickles little Harry's tummy. He giggles and smiles. " No naughty. Harry be good boy" Harry giggles.

   " You won't bite daddy again? Or hurt him?" Nick presses.

  " Not ever!"

  " Then say sorry to your daddy"

  " Sowwy daddy!"

  Justin smiles. Nick is a really nice boy, he would like to spend more time with him but kids and Jason are going to be home soon and he needs to get the dinner ready before that. " Alright, I'll buy you a teddy but don't ruin it or you won't get another for a month, alright?" Justin tries to be intimidating but he can't even intimidate a 3 year old. He's just too soft, inside out.

  " All white daddy!" Boy jumps out of Justin's hands and drags him towards the toy section of the mall. Nick simply waves bye and leaves.


  Justin falls on the bed, arms wide open. He's tired from making dinner, sending kids to beds, specifically Harry, and cleaning the house because Harry has put all of his toys and books everywhere.

  He sighs and turns to look out the window. Jason has not come home yet. He's not going to fall asleep without Jason so he stares at the stars and beautiful purple sky. Moon is full and the whole garden is covered in it's silver rays. He can see the red roses that he recently grew. They're huge and dark red, the drops of water on the petals glow like crystals with the moon light. He's so caught up in the beautiful sight that he doesn't hear Jason walking in and closing the bedroom door.

  Jason smiles at the beautiful sight, not only the moon light and flowers, but the beautiful man who is enjoying the sight is the most beautiful sight Jason could ever think of.

   Jason slowly takes off his clothes until he's in boxers and gets in bed, hovering over Justin. Justin, who is now aware of his husband's presence, smiles brightly, a bit of tiredness in his eyes but that makes him look even more beautiful.

  Jason captures Justin's lips in his, kissing him gently for a while before he pulls away. " Did you take dinner, baby?" Jason smiles.

   Justin hesitates to answer. His sugar level dropped more than a few times because of starvation. He doesn't like to eat, he's so skinny but he doesn't care enough to gain some weight. After Harry's birth Justin just started to starve himself. Doctors couldn't explain that but they prescribed some vitamins. But nothing could get him back to eat like normal. He just can't eat, if he forces food down his throat, he'd most likely throw it all up. His weight lost rapidly but nothing could stop that.

  Jason sighs, knowing the answer. " Why baby?" He says irritated.

  " I try, okay! I just can't eat" Justin sighs, eyes watering up because he feels guilty about upsetting his husband.

  " I never said it's your fault, Justin. Please don't be like that" Jason kisses his head. " But is there anything that you can eat? Anything at all?"

  " I don't know"

" Pizza? Everyone loves pizza. I can buy you anything if it gets you to eat, darling. Anything".

  Justin gags just hearing the name. He looks at Jason apologetically. Jason smiles sadly, pulling Justin's to his chest and kissing his forehead.

  " I can eat ice cream, but milk makes me feel sick to my stomach"

  " Ice cream won't fill your stomach, Justin. I'm not surprised you're always so weak and tired. You can't do the chores in the house and look after Harry and other kids not being able to walk two feet without your feet shaking. "

  " I'm fine, silly. Jackie helps me anyway. "

  " I'll get a staff to do work in the house. So You can focus on your health. "

  " No Jason!" Justin snaps in annoyance. " I don't want anyone else to do anything for me. This is my family and it's my job to look after them "

  " Do you even realize how stubborn you're being right now Justin? I said you need to focus on your health. I don't wanna hear any more arguments. I'm not letting you win anymore. I'm tired and sick of your stubbornness and I'm tired of trying to convince you. So I'll do it without your consent. I don't fucking care anymore!" Jason gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Justin breaks down in tears. He doesn't want anyone else to do his job as a husband but Jason is trying to ruin that. He wants to be a good husband to his husband and a good father to his children.

  But he doesn't understand that Jason is trying to do it in good intention.


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