15. I have you

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" Zayn wants to see me"

Justin sat on the bed with his phone in his hand as Jason came out of the shower in a towel. Water droplets rolled down his slightly tan body. His hair was wet and stuck to his forehead.

" Tell him that you're busy." Jason took a pair of boxer briefs, pulling them up his legs. Justin saw a glimpse of jealousy in his eyes as Jason tried to avoid eye contact.

" Are you jealous of him?" Justin spoke.

" Why would I be jealous of some wimp "

" Do you trust me?"

Jason sighed. " I do trust you, but I don't trust him."

" Please Jason, he's my best friend. He's a nice guy and he has a girlfriend. He knows I'm pregnant with your baby" Justin tried.

" Fine" Jason gave up, grabbing his dress pants and pulling them on. " But only because I trust in you. If he tries to do something that would make you feel uncomfortable, call me and I'll personally snap his head off. "

" He won't. He's my best friend and that won't change. Besides , I have you" Justin smiled and stood on his tippy toes, kissing Jason's lips. Jason kissed back and kissed his head. " I love you."

" I love you more" Justin giggled and sat on the bed. " Why did you decide that I don't have to go to work with you? "

" Because it is tiring and too much movement is bad for you and our baby. " Jason smiled. " Which reminds me that, if you want to meet Malik, ask him to go here and if he can't, ask him to fuck off."

Justin giggled again, nodding as he grabbed a handful of grapes, shoving all them in his mouth and started chewing. His face was like a air filled balloon and grape juice ran down Justin's chin. Jason laughed and made a disgusted face. " Are you really eating grapes with the seeds?" He asked because he he heard Justin chewing the seeds. " Yup" Justin nodded as he gulped. " It's tasty "

Jason rolled his eyes playfully and went back to getting dressed. " You seem to love fruits since recently" Jason figured.

" Fruits are good for health. I have to be healthy if I want my baby to be healthy. "

" Vegetables are good for health as well" Jason smirked, because Justin never liked vegetables.

Justin made a cringy face and pouted. " I know. I'm going to start eating veggies as well"

" You really love our baby, don't you?" Jason asked, his heart warming up as Justin's love and care for the baby had started to rub off on him.

" Of course, they're the biggest gift I got from you. I can't thank you enough" Justin spoke with a lot of gratefulness in his tone.

Jason sat on bed , now fully dressed in his dress shirt and pants. The tie in his hand. " I can't thank you enough. You're going to bring them to this world"

Justin smiled, and his face started to hurt because of how much he smiled for last few days. But he kept smiling, because it felt awesome to be smiling for so long even though it hurt. God was really an amazing person to bless him with so much when he was just a boy who gave god nothing in return. Or he didn't know how much god was happy with the way he made decisions in his life.

And they kissed. It wasn't filled with lust and sex. It was filled with nothing but the purest form of love.


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