02. Little Angels

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Jason thinks while he takes a shower. He feels guilty about being a bit too harsh on Justin. Justin loves chores around the house and he enjoys doing things for his family but he gets tired easily. Jason doesn't want Justin to focus on anything else but his health but Justin, he just loves everything he does. Jason can't forbid Justin from working because when Justin wanted to do a job, Jason forbid him from doing so. Jason doesn't want to be a control freak but, let's face it, he always ends up being one. But only for his husband and children's sake.

Walking out of the shower, Jason grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist and grabs another, drying himself down.

He sees Justin on bed, asleep, and walks into the closet, grabbing a pair of shorts and puts on.

Walking out, Jason kisses Justin's head and pulls the covers over him, before walking out of the room to check on his children. He usually does that before going to bed.

The children has one room to sleep. They have separated rooms to keep their clothes and other things but they sleep in same room.

He knocks on the kids' door gently, not wanting to wake up anyone who's asleep.

His eldest daughter answers with a faint, 'come in'.

He walks in with a smile. " Hi baby girl" he whispers because most of the kids are asleep. Heather, his eldest daughter is on her laptop on the bed. Heaven, Heather's twin brother is asleep with Harry, the little baby. Harry doesn't like to sleep alone so he gets in one of the kids' beds somehow. Hazel is reading a book with headphones on. Harmony is asleep in her own bed which is surrounded by some teenage singer's posters and bed covers.

" Hey papa" Heather smiles tiredly, closing the laptop.

Jason sits on her bed and kisses her forehead. " What are you doing baby?"

She blushes a little. " N-nothing. Just chatting with friends."

" Friends or boyfriend?" Jason wiggles his eyes, smirking.

Heather blushes again.

" Is he nice?" Jason presses. " I want to know about him"

" He's not my boyfriend papa. Not yet" Heather whispers the last part but Jason hears.

" Anything is okay with me but make sure he's a good boy."

Heather giggles and smiles, nodding. Jason smiles wide and kisses her forehead as he hugs her. " I love you baby girl"

" I love you too papa. " She says gently as they pulls away. " Where's daddy?"

Jason sighs sadly, but tries to hide it with a fake smile. " He's asleep"

Heather frowns. " Is there anything that you're hiding from me papa?"

Jason gives up trying, because his children are too smart to not see there's something wrong.

" Justin and I are fighting. Not anything big though. "

" What's the matter?" Heather asks, now paying her full attention to her father.

" You know, he doesn't like to eat anything. It just irritates me so I told him to get a break from all the work around the house. I'm going to find a staff to do housework. But he doesn't like that. He should focus on his health but he's really stubborn" Jason sighs. " Why can't he see that I'm trying to protect him?" He rubs his face.

" He loves doing chores around the house, papa. He thinks it's his responsibility, which is fair for him to think. But I agree with you. Dad should focus on his health."

" Can you talk to him? He'll listen to you."

" Is it okay if we talk to daddy?" Heather says, referring to her and her siblings.

" It's okay. Anything to get him to agree"

" Okay we will talk to him but try again. He'll just listen to you. He loves you more than us"

" Nonsense. He loves you kids more than me. He doesn't stop talking about you guys when we're alone"

" It's the other way around when he's with us, though. I guess he loves us equally."

" That's right. Anyways. Good night baby girl. Sleep before 11.30 because you have school tomorrow"

" Promise papa. Good night"

Jason smiles before getting up and walking towards Hazel. The boy looks up at his father as Jason leans down to kiss his forehead. Jason pulls his headphones off before saying, " go to bed before 11.30 okay? You have school tomorrow" and places the headphones back in their rightful place. The boy smiles and nods. " Night papa"

" Good night baby boy" Jason ruffles his hair because kissing Heaven's, Harry's and his little girl Harmony's heads.

And walks out of the room shutting the door behind himself.


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