24. Stubborn but I love you..

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Jason sat on the floor, leaning against the wall of the white hospital room, when Justin woke up. Jason sighed deeply, as Justin looked around the hospital room in confusion until it hit him, hit him like a bunch of bricks. Tears rolled down his face and his hand went to his stomach, his stomach which was empty, emptied from the babies that was supposed to come to this world and fill his world with happiness. Then came to his mind the reason why they're gone, his heart filled with anger and hatred, hatred for the one person he called the love of his life.

Justin grabbed the first thing he could reach out, which was a trey of fruits. He threw it on the floor and screamed, screamed at the top of his lungs. He ripped out the IVs stuck to his skin and blood started roll down his arm like droplets of water. But he didn't feel the pain, for the pain in his heart was much bigger and unbearable.

Jason sighed, keep looking down at his hands. " I didn't kill them" he said. " Stop before you do it yourself"

Justin's eyes widened. " W.what?"

" The babies, I didn't get them aborted. I didn't want you to hate me. " Jason sighed.

Justin couldn't help but start crying, crying like it's the end of the world, but in fact, he wasn't crying in sadness, he was crying in happiness and relief. " Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you Jason. I - I don't know what I'd do if they are really gone" Justin sobbed.

" Don't thank me. I would kill them with my two hands if you won't hate me. I'll get a nurse. We can go home after" Jason said emotionlessly. Justin didn't care, though, he was so much grateful for letting his babies live. Justin nodded as Jason got up to his feet and dusted his pants, and walked out.

Justin placed a hand on his stomach, more and more tears rolling down his face. He smiled through the tears, kissing his bloody fingertips and placing them on his baby bump. " Don't be sad, my babies. Your papa loves you, he's just scared. I hope you understand" Justin cried, because he understood what his husband was going through, if it was Jason who's pregnant and paralyzed because of the babies, Justin would've acted the same way. Only difference was that Justin was a lot more emotional and sensitive than Jason.

After the nurse came in and cleaned his cuts, and explained that Justin should be careful with everything he does and told Jason what to do in an emergency, Justin was ready to go home.

Jason picked Justin up and placed Justin in his wheelchair. Justin felt a pang in his chest, he didn't know if he will be able to walk again, but he would rather be paralyzed for life than losing his children.

Jason felt the pain Justin felt and he wanted to comfort Justin, but he didn't know what to say.
He sighed, bending down and kissing Justin's lips. " I hope you were a little less stubborn, Justin" Jason said, but he wasn't angry, he was tired of everything.

" I'm sorry, Jase" Justin cried out as his eyes watered. Jason sighed, kissing Justin's forehead. " Let's go home"


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