20. One more chance

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   Justin hid behind Jason as Mr Bieber walked closer to him. Mr Bieber had a smirk on his face and Justin grabbed Jason's hand, squeezing it that the tight skin got bruised. Justin's face was pale as if he'd seen a ghost.

  Jason stared at Mr Bieber, challenging him or warning him with his firm face. Pattie had an amused smile on her face as she watched the scene unfold.

   " Justin, come here. Daddy wants to hug you and let you know how much he missed you." Mr Bieber kept smirking, and Jason could hear Justin's heartbeat from where he was.

  " d.dad.. I.. I.didn't -" Justin stuttered until he realized that he couldn't talk and didn't have an answer, he gulped. Tears of fear and anxiety started rolling down his face.

   " Stay away from him. He's scared and I don't want anyone to scare him anymore or hurt him. " Jason warned. Mr Bieber's eyes turned to look at Jason. They were the same height but Jason's body was a bit more built. " And you must be his husband? The one Justin left his parents for-" Mr Bieber raised an eyebrow.

  Jason was going to say something but Justin ran to the bathroom and dragged Jason with him as he sobbed, and locked themselves in it. He fell onto Jason's chest and cuddled up, sobbing his heart out to Jason's chest. " Baby what are you- uh open the door" Jason rubbed Justin's back.

  " No! " Justin refused and didn't want to let go of Jason.

  " Are you gonna lock yourself in here forever?" Jason rolled his eyes. Mr Bieber wasn't that intimidating, not for Jason.

  Justin kept sobbing. Jason went to unlock the door but Justin sobbed. " No. Please"

  " Why baby? What's wrong?"

  " He's gonna kill us. I'm too young to die and I want my babies. " Justin sobbed. " I'm a disgrace to his family. I didn't want to be a part of his family anymore and that's why I left. I didn't want to come back and I'm sorry for being gay but I can't help it. He won't understand-" Justin rambled on. Jason hugged him tight to his chest.

  " shhh babe! You don't have to apologize for being who you are. noone can change who you want to love and it's not your fault if you are gay. and he's not gonna do anything. Besides, I promised you that I won't let anyone hurt you. Don't you trust me?"

  " I do, but-"

" If you do, there's no buts. C'mon. Let's face him together"

  Justin nodded hesitantly, and let Jason open the door. Pattie was giggling on the bed and Mr Bieber was smirking, sitting on bed.

  Justin sniffled and walked out, following Jason close as he held tight onto Jason's hand.

" Come here Justin" Mr Bieber opened his arms. Justin hesitated, playing with Jason's fingers.

  " Baby. He's not going to do anything. " Pattie smiled reassuringly. Justin narrowed his eyebrows. " But-" he gasped when Mr Bieber pulled him into a hug. He struggled to get away but Mr Bieber kissed his forehead and Justin relaxed. He was confused as to what was happening but relaxed into his father's hug. " I'm not going to hurt you, Justin. And I'm sorry for what I said the day you left. I called you a fag, but I didn't mean it. I was disappointed at first but when I thought about it, it was me who I should've been disappointed in, I didn't accept you for who you are and I'm your father. It's my job to understand you and love you for who you are, not for what I imagine you as. I just failed to do my job but I hope you'll give me another chance. "

  Justin felt like crying but this time out of joy. He thought his dad hated him but he never did. He felt stupid for running away from home but he was glad he did because if not, he wouldn't have found Jason. " I wanted to be a grandpa to your children because you're the only child we have. Pattie couldn't have more children after she fell down the stairs when you were little. But it's fine. Your happiness is everything to us and I hope you and your husband can stay at least few nights in here."

   " Daddy. You don't have to worry. " Justin blushed. " You're going to be a grandpa soon"

  " He's pregnant." Jason smiled proudly as Justin hid his face in Jason's neck. " With twins. Girl and boy"


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