40. You and your body.. ( the end)

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- Three years later-

"I, Jason Andrew McCann, take you, Justin Drew Bieber, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you."

  "  "I, Justin Drew Bieber, take you, Jason Andrew McCann, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge myself to you."

  Jason slid the diamond ring that he specifically made for him, in Justin's smooth, thin finger that was his to ring for the eternity. He looked into Justin's beautiful greenish hazel eyes, seeing his unusually beautiful rose petal lips and dirty blonde hair that is combed back, in the corner of his eyes. Jason couldn't wait to kiss those lips.. and every part of Justin's body for that matter, the joyful smile on his face only increasing Jason's urges to grab the man and kiss the shit out of him already.

  Justin slid the matching ring to Jason's finger, and looked up with a smile.

 "Groom and groom, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings. It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and husband.

   Now you may kiss the groom"

  With that being said, Jason grabbed Justin's face in his hands gently, looking into Justin's eyes and smiling. Justin smiled with the same adoration, as Jason turned Justin's head to the side gently, leaning in and catching his lips in a sweet, passionate kiss. He has been hungry for those lips since the day before, so he forgot all about the crowd before he kissed Justin's lips like those are the sweetest thing on earth, to Jason, they were. But he didn't dare to push his tongue in Justin's lips, for he only wanted to show that Justin mattered so much more to him than a fuck toy.

They could hear everyone cheering in the background, including their three years old twins and one year old baby boy. Justin gave birth to another baby two years ago. ' Justin Hazel Angel Bieber-McCann'

" I love you darling" Jason whispered in Justin's ear, kissing it right after. Justin returned the love, before he smiled brightly.

  " Gosh, I can't wait to get you in a room" Jason whispered so only Justin heard and Justin blushed. " Not until we reach Bora Bora"

   Jason groaned. " I should've found somewhere closer to spend the honeymoon"

  " Too bad. I love Bora Bora" Justin giggled.

  " I can't wait to have you naked in the beach house and.. , why not on the sand too? It'll be so damn hot"

  " Temperature or-?" Justin giggled as Jason smirked. " Sex" Jason said shamelessly, making Justin roll his eyes but smile.

   " Thank you for everything Jase. "

  " Don't thank me, I should be the one to thank you, you gave me a life... I'm happy with everything the life has offered me and I know things ain't always gonna go as we plan but you taught me how to cope with anything. For that.. " Jason kissed Justin's forehead " I can't thank you enough"

  " I didn't do anything..our babies did"

  " You had faith in them and me, because of you, we're a beautiful family today. " Jason grabbed Justin's hands, kissing his knuckles. " I love you.. every part of you..." He said, forgetting everyone who's watching as he kissed Justin... From his knuckles, to his arms up to his neck and his neck.. and, last but not least... His soft pink lips.

  " I love you, baby" he said with so much love in his eyes.

     " You and your body" 

                ~ the End  ~


  It's the end guys😥. Thank you all for reading, voting, commenting and supporting. You guys have been amazing and every bit of support matters to me a lot.

  I'm planning to write a sequel but it will take some time. I'll let you guys know when it's ready to come out. Plus, if I write a sequel, I'll add it to this book as a second part so don't remove this book from your library if you are willing to read the sequel as well. Again, thanks for everything!

Good bye! See you soon!!

Not you, your body. ( Jastin & Zustin Versions)Where stories live. Discover now