Chapter 2

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 Jaggedkit woke up to coughing. He opened his amber eyes and looked around the nursery, trying to see where it was coming from. However, each of the cats in the nursery slept soundly. He peered outside, seeing that it was just barely dawn and the coughing was coming from outside the nursery. The snow was still thick on the ground and the air was incredibly cold, Jaggedkit pressed against his mother and sister, trying to keep warm.

The coughing, however, continued and kept Jaggedkit awake. Where was it coming from? Who was sick? He looked at Maplekit who was sleeping soundly. It had been a moon since they played in the snow, and her sneezes only lasted two days, but Fawnsky and Mosswing were both unsure about sending them out again. Part of Jaggedkit wanted to complain about it, but the other part didn't want Maplekit, Robinkit and Elmkit to get sick. He rested his chin on his paws, and decided to just lie down until one of his denmates woke up.

It took a while, but Robinkit was the first one awake, she sat up with a yawn and looked down at her brother for a moment before smoothing down her fur. Jaggedkit sat up as well, getting her attention. Robinkit let out a purr and stepped over Elmkit who let out a snore, she laughed quietly and moved over to Jaggedkit.

"How long have you been awake?" She questioned as they sat near the entrance to the nursery.

"Since dawn." Jaggedkit replied, looking out into the camp. The coughing he had heard earlier continued, he noticed Robinkit's ears twitch.

"Is someone sick?" She questioned.

"I think so." Jaggedkit replied, still wondering who it was and if there more than just one. When Maplekit had her sniffles, Fawnsky and Mosswing educated the four kits about whitecough and greencough and the lesson had stuck with Jaggedkit, he wondered if it stuck with the others as well.

"I hope that whoever is sick is alright." Robinkit mewed, her voice somewhat sad. Jaggedkit heard rustling behind him and looked over his shoulder to see that Maplekit had woken up. She sat up, letting out a large yawn and looked at Robinkit and Jaggedkit.

"What are you two doing?"She questioned, her voice groggy.

"Just talking." Jaggedkit replied, padding over to his sleepy sister. "Sleep well?" He questioned.

Maplekit nodded. "I heard coughing." She said, looking at Robinkit and Elmkit. "Is someone in here sick?"

Jaggedkit shook his head. "Someone out there." He motioned towards camp. Maplekit looked out the nursery entrance, twitching her tail. After a moment she shrugged and looked over at Elmkit.

"He's so lazy." She said playfully.

"Coming from the cat who just woke up?" Jaggedkit teased. Maplekit snorted and shoved him lightly.

"I see you lot are awake now." A sleepy mew came from Fawnsky, she hadn't opened her eyes yet but she had a pleasant expression.

"Elmkit isn't." Maplekit replied. "Just us three." As if on cue, Elmkit turned over in his nest, letting out a groan. Robinkit trotted over to her brother and poked him in the side.

"Hey!" Elmkit jumped awake, hissing at his sister. "Rude." He grumbled before flopping back into his nest.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." Maplekit mewed. "We have things to do!"

"Like what?" Elmkit growled, covering his eyes with one paw.

"Kit stuff. We have games to play." Elmkit peered out from under his paw at Maplekit who eagerly faced him. With a growl, Elmkit sat up. His fur poked out in several directions.

"Do you fight badgers in your sleep?" Jaggedkit joked.

Elmkit sneered. "Yeah, and I win. Unlike you and your porcupine fur." Jaggedkit hissed at him.

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