Chapter 40

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Jaggedtail walked beside Cherrypool, the snow biting at his paws. He felt a heavy weight on his shoulders that had been there for almost a moon now. I want this season to be over. Jaggedtail thought, Sagefeather's warning continued to come true. Not only did Mossleaf hate both him and Elmstar after Elmstar told her that she could never see Spade again, but Sunstorm's life had been claimed by greencough about a half-moon ago.

Jaggedtail forced through the grief and continued to serve his Clan as deputy, but he still felt at odds with Elmstar since that day. I feel like everything's falling apart. Jaggedtail thought, he just wanted everything to return to normal, but they still had at least a moon of leaf-bare left and anything could happen.

Currently, Jaggedtail was leading a border patrol along the MoonClan border. With him was Cherrypool, Hazelshine, Rabbitwing and Twigheart. For some reason, Elmstar had been demanding more and more patrols constantly. Jaggedtail didn't know what was wrong with Elmstar, but he seemed so jumpy and paranoid all the time. What's happening to him? Jaggedtail wondered constantly, and he didn't know how to help he was still upset with Elmstar for rejecting Spade.

The more he thought about it, the more that Jaggedtail thought that LichenClan could use a cat like Spade, they were losing a lot of warriors. We need all the support we can get. Jaggedtail thought, but Elmstar would never listen to him.

Jaggedtail finished up the patrol and went to plan out of the rest of the days patrols, including the dawn patrol for tomorrow. Tonight was the gathering so he had to make sure that everything was planned out for when he got home. I should also chose the cats for the gathering... Jaggedtail thought and began running through cats in his head.

"Jaggedtail!" Elmstar's voice broke his concentration and Jaggedtail looked up to Elmstar's den where the leader was calling him. "I need to talk to you." His voice sounded strained and stressed out. What's up with him?

Jaggedtail stood up and quickly crossed the camp to his leaders den, assuming that Elmstar didn't want to wait for him. He climbed up into the den and was a little shocked at the state of it. Elmstar and Maplepool both slept in there, but Elmstar's nest was shredded as if he had been clawing at it. "What did you need?" Jaggedtail questioned, forcing his attention to his friend.

"StarClan have shown me a dark vision." Elmstar began, causing Jaggedtail to tense. Was it the same thing they showed Sagefeather?

"What is it?"

"LichenClan is in danger," Elmstar was pacing quickly throughout his den, his eyes wild and stressed. "LichenClan is losing a lot of warriors, and the other Clans are going to attack us because of it."

"What?" Elmstar tilted his head. "The other Clans barely bother us, are you sure--"

"I know what I saw." Elmstar interrupted. "It was a vision, of countless cats rushing into our camp. Destroying our Clan and taking everything from us. StarClan showed me this vision so that I can protect our Clan, I will not let LichenClan fall under my rule!"

Jaggedtail could sense how deeply disturbed Elmstar was. I don't doubt StarClan, but would the other Clans really try and invade us? Surely not... "What are we going to do about this?"

"I'm going to prove that LichenClan is still strong! I will show all of the other Clans that messing with LichenClan would be the biggest mistakes of their lives!"


Jaggedtail felt incredibly disturbed by his earlier conversation with Elmstar, he had no idea how he was going to prove LichenClan's strength, but he assumed it would have something to do with a battle. Just don't turn into Cloudstar. Jaggedtail pleaded, he had to be there to support Elmstar and to try and calm him down.

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