Chapter 3

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The nursery had become a very quiet place, Jaggedkit, Elmkit and Maplekit didn't do much playing. They only did a lot of worrying and thinking. It had been almost half a moon since Robinkit left the nursery to be cared for by Sagefeather, and none of the kits or their mothers had stopped worrying. Mosswing would check on her almost every day but she came back when the same news: "She's not any better."

Jaggedkit couldn't stop thinking about Robinkit, each time he heard movement outside he expected it to be Sagefeather with Robinkit bouncing back inside, as energetic as she had been before. He rested his head on his paws, looking at Elmkit who was sitting in silence, staring at his paws.

Jaggedkit worried about Elmkit the most, the once bold and confident kit was now sullen and silent, his eyes as far away as StarClan. Jaggedkit jumped, lifting his head when he heard someone entering the nursery. When he looked up it wasn't Sagefeather or Robinkit, instead it was his father, Sunstorm. His father looked at him and Maplekit with loving amber eyes, and extended the same glance to Fawnsky.

"Hello, everyone." He mewed softly. "Are we keeping our heads up in here.?" He brushed his golden tail under Jaggedkit's chin. Jaggedkit failed to keep his head high, he looked away in sadness.

"We're trying to." Fawnsky replied, Jaggedkit noticed she was looking at both him and Maplekit.

"Is there any news about any other cats with the sickness?" Mosswing asked, looking towards Sunstorm with fearful eyes. Sunstorm let out a sigh, looking at his paws.

"Tigercloud died and Birdstar lost a life." Sunstorm explained, his voice dark. Jaggedkit stared, their leader had lost a life?

"That's so horrible." Fawnsky lowered her head.

"Sagefeather is worried that Birdstar might lose more than one, she's really ill."

"She's an old she-cat." Fawnsky mewed. "She was leader long before my parents were born."

Mosswing's face was hidden, clearly she was terrified about her daughter getting as sick as Birdstar.

"However," Sunstorm added, his voice growing lighter. "All the sickest cats have been moved to the abandoned badger den outside of camp. "But Robinkit and a few others are still in the medicine cat den."

"She still only has whitecough." Mosswing added solemnly. "But it's not getting any better." Her voice shook. "But it could get worse if not treated soon." She looked up, Jaggedkit felt pain when he saw the look in her eyes. "Is there still catmint?"

Sunstorm slowly shook his head. "From what I hear, not a lot." Mosswing winced as if Sunstorm had hit her, she looked at Elmkit who was still silent.

Jaggedkit felt himself and Maplekit being pulled closer to Fawnsky. Jaggedkit looked at Elmkit, he let out a sigh then looked at Sunstorm. "How come my father hasn't visited us? I can't remember the last time he actually came to visit us. You'd think he could at least spare a visit while Robinkit is dying."

Jaggedkit was taken aback by Elmkit's words and tone, none of them had mentioned the fact that Robinkit was dying, none of them wanted to. Mosswing looked at Elmkit in horror and sadness. Elmkit looked over his shoulder at her. "Well?" He questioned. "Why hasn't he?"

Mosswing lowered her head, looking defeated. "I don't know, Elmkit." She breathed out, exasperated. Elmkit's eyes filled with pain, he seemed to be realizing how painful his words had been. Elmkit stood up and nestled in against his mother who pulled him close.

Jaggedkit felt Maplekit's head rest on his back, she was trembling slightly. Jaggedkit looked at the ground, wondering how they would manage if Robinkit died? It was hard enough with her being outside of the den. Could they manage if she died? There would only be three of them as apprentices, not four. They wouldn't become warriors together, they wouldn't hunt or fight together.

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