Chapter 19

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LichenClan continued to thrive in the season of newleaf. Prey was bountiful, the forest growing back and their warriors were as strong as ever. It had been just over a moon since Birdstar had told the Clans about Cloudstar's attacks on LichenClan and MoonClan had been uncomfortably quiet, Jaggedtail hoped that perhaps Cloudstar had finally stopped but deep down he knew that was far from the truth.

Despite his growing fear of MoonClan, Jaggedtail found himself focusing on how well LichenClan was doing, they continued to grow and thrive. Daisyfern had given birth to two kits just a few days ago, a she-cat named Willowkit and a tom named Timberkit. They were still very young and did pretty much nothing but sleep. They also weren't the only new members of the nursery, just as Jaggedtail had suspected both Vinetail and Poppywing had moved into the nursery expecting kits.

It wouldn't be long until LichenClan was full of new life, stronger than ever. Jaggedtail couldn't wait for more kits to be born, they always gave so much hope and happiness.

Jaggedtail left the warrior's den in hopes of getting on a patrol but he was stopped by Jumpheart. "Excuse me, Jaggedtail." Jaggedtail stopped walking and faced his deputy.

"Hi, Jumpheart." He greeted with a nod. "What do you need?"

"I need you and your sister. Well Birdstar does, actually." Jumpheart explained.

"I think she's still in the warrior's den." Jaggedtail recalled seeing his sister sleeping as he left. "I can go wake her though."

"Please do." Jaggedtail turned back to the den, he was confused on what Birdstar needed from them but he would do what he was asked. The den was nearly empty with the exception of a few warriors including Maplepool. Jaggedtail moved through the den until he reached his sister. He prodded her gently with his paw until she opened her eyes, which were incredibly groggy.

"Wha-?" Maplepool let out a heavy yawn and stretched out her forelegs. "What do you want?" She asked, slowly blinking.

"Birdstar wants to talk to us." Jaggedtail answered. His explanation seemed to wake Maplepool up more, her eyes opened fully and she lifted her head.

"What about?"

"Not sure." Jaggedtail shrugged. "Jumpheart just said that Birdstar asked to talk to us."

Maplepool yawned once again and rose from her nest, shaking loose moss from her pelt. "Alright then. Let's go talk to her." Jaggedtail and Maplepool walked out of the den where Jumpheart was waiting.

"Excellent." Jumpheart mewed. "Let's go." Jumpheart led Maplepool and Jaggedtail the leader's den where they climbed up into the den.

Upon seeing them Birdstar greeted the two siblings kindly. "Ah! Welcome you two." She purred.

Jaggedtail and Maplepool sat down in front of the den's entrance while Jumpheart sat down beside Birdstar. "What's this about?" Jaggedtail questioned.

"Well," Birdstar began. "If you're not aware, Foxkit and Flamekit have turned six moons old and are ready to become apprentices." Jaggedtail's eyes widened slightly. Are we really getting apprentices? "And I wanted the two of you to mentor them." Jaggedtail and Maplepool shared an eager glance.

"Really?" Maplepool checked. "We haven't been warriors for very long."

"I know." Birdstar gave a small nod. "But I chose mentors based on how well I think they will work the apprentice, not because of age or time as warrior. I personally believe that Jaggedtail will be a perfect mentor to Foxkit and Maplepool will be perfect for Flamekit."

"I would be honored to mentor Foxkit." Jaggedtail spoke up, trying to contain the excitement within him. Birdstar believes I am mature enough to mentor an apprentice, I have to act like it!

"And I would be more than happy to mentor Flamekit." Maplepool appeared to be trying just as hard as Jaggedtail to look composed.

"Then let's hold the ceremony!" Birdstar stood up with pride brimming in her amber eyes. Jaggedtail felt a surge of pride in his leader, Birdstar was old but she still had so much life in her eyes and body. The four cats left the leader's den and moved to the High Stump.

More of LichenClan had woken up and Jaggedtail spotted Elmheart returning from the dawn patrol, he met Jaggedtail's gaze then shifted it to Birdstar, looking somewhat confused. Jaggedtail beckoned his friend over with his tail and Elmheart sat down beside Jaggedtail. "What's going on?" He questioned.

"You'll see." Jaggedtail puffed his chest out.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the High Stump for a Clan meeting!" Birdstar called, getting the attention of LichenClan. Jaggedtail looked over at the nursery where Flamekit and Foxkit bursted out into the camp, Flamekit walked with more composure but Foxkit's fur was puffed out and his eyes burning with excitement. Jaggedtail light out a purr. That cat is going to be my apprentice. He thought proudly.

"Oh," Elmheart realized. "It's Foxkit and Flamekit's apprentice ceremony. I wonder who their mentors are going to be." Jaggedtail and Maplepool exchanged a cheeky glance to each other, confusing Elmheart.

Amberflame ran out after her kits and pinned Foxkit to the ground to groom his ginger fur, he complained and squirmed but Amberflame got her way. She ler her kits go and both sprinted across the clearing, making their way through the crowd and skidding to a stop in the center.

Amberflame sat down beside Hareclaw, the two nuzzled each other lovingly then looked on to watch their kits.

"I've called this meeting today because Foxkit and Flamekit have reached the age of six moons and are ready to start their journey to becoming warriors!" Foxkit and Flamekit held their heads high. "Flamekit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Flamepaw. The mentor I've chosen for you is Maplepool, she is a kind yet fierce and skilled warrior and I know she will pass those skills onto you."

Elmheart's eyes widened as Maplepool stood up and crossed the crowd to her new apprentice where they touched noses. Elmheart looked at Jaggedtail and mouthed the words "You too?"

Jaggedtail nodded and he saw pride flood into Elmheart's eyes. I wish Elmheart could mentor an apprentice, but his time will come soon. We're about to have a nursery full of kits.

Once Maplepool and Flamepaw stepped to the side, Birdstar continued. "Foxkit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Foxpaw. I've chosen Jaggedtail as your mentor, he was mentored by your father and I know that his teachings will be passed on to you as well."

Jaggedtail stood up and approached his new apprentice, amber eyes burning with fierce excitement. This apprentice is counting on me. Jaggedtail thought. I won't light him down. Jaggedtail touched his nose to Foxpaw's and they stepped off to the side.

"Flamepaw! Foxpaw! Flamepaw! Foxpaw!" LichenClan cheered their newest apprentices and then returned to their duties as planned. Once the crowd had dissipated, Foxpaw began bouncing in circles around Jaggedtail. "What are we doing first?" He asked eagerly.

"Well," Jaggedtail thought, looking at Maplepool. Flamepaw was much more calm than her brother. "I was thinking we did what your father did with me, we take you on a tour of the territory."

"Awesome!" Foxpaw exclaimed. "Is Flamepaw coming too?"

"I don't see why not." Maplepool purred.

"I was hoping you would become the mentor to one of my kits." Jaggedtail heard Hareclaw speak from behind him, he turned to face his former mentor. "Foxpaw you better behave for him."

"I think I can handle him." Jaggedtail mewed. "It's more of a challenge that way."

Hareclaw purred. "I don't want you to teach him the way I taught you, I want you to teach him better than I taught you. That is your job as a mentor, to take the skills you learned from your own mentor and improve upon them. That is how warriors evolve, and someday when Foxpaw is a warrior he will pass what he learned onto the rest of his Clanmates, including myself."

For a moment Jaggedtail missed when he was Hareclaw's apprentice, he was so wise and taught him so much. Now it's my turn to teach his son. I won't let him down.

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