Chapter 35

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"Today is a big day, are you ready?" Jaggedtail mewed, looking down at his two sons. "Today is the day you become apprentices."

"Of course we are!" Brackenkit declared, holding his head high. His amber eyes shimmered with a fierce determination.

"I was ready like five moons ago!" Redkit mewed boldly, sitting beside his brother with the same kind of enthusiasm.

"You could barely walk five moons ago." Cherrypool chuckled, flicking her tail over Redkit's ears. "And you're not going anywhere until you two get cleaned up!" She began fussing over Brackenkit who had the same kind of spiky fur as Jaggedtail. Redkit's fur was shorter and easier to manage, but he had a tuft of extra long fur on the top of his head that was never able to be smoothed down.

While Cherrypool fussed over their kits, Jaggedtail found it incredibly hard to believe that his kits were already becoming apprentices. It came out of nowhere, he wasn't sure he was ready for his kits to start their path to becoming warriors, he wanted them to stay kits forever.

"Alright," Cherrypool stepped back from the two very upset kits. "It's time." Cherrypool looked at Jaggedtail with love in her eyes. "I can't believe it's already time."

"I was just thinking that." Jaggedtail breathed out.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the High Stump for a Clan meeting!" Jaggedtail heard Jumpstar's call from outside the nursery. Jaggedtail and Cherrypool along with their kits, stepped outside into the camp where the Clan was beginning to gather.

"Good luck!" Barkkit called from his own nest where Branchkit was trying to get him to play. It would be there turn in just a short amount of time, and Barkkit had decided to become a medicine cat apprentice as his mother had been, Jaggedtail thought it was fitting.

It had been a long three moons since Fawnsky passed, and she wasn't the only one claimed by greencough. Badgerstrike and Vinetail had lost their lives as well. Leaf-bare was hard as usual, but it eventually passed and now the forest was back into newleaf. The forest was full of life and they could get back onto the path of peace and happiness.

As they walked to the gathered Clan, Jaggedtail looked down at his sons. They walked with purpose and both were incredibly eager to get started and Jaggedtail honestly couldn't wait, despite the fact that he still wanted them to be kits he knew that both Redkit and Brackenkit would be incredible warriors someday.

Jaggedtail and Cherrypool sat down besides Elmheart and Maplepool as Redkit and Brackenkit stepped into the center of the crowd. Jumpstar looked down at the two kits proudly. "I've gathered the Clan because these two kits are ready to begin their paths as warriors. Today is a proud day for LichenClan, by naming apprentices we show that we will remain strong for many moons to come. Brackenkit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Brackenpaw. The mentor I've chosen for you is Rabbitwing, he is a quick witted and strong warrior, I know he will teach you everything that you need to know."

Jaggedtail nodded in approval of Rabbitwing, he was a young warrior but Jaggedtail had faith that he would teach his son well. Branckenpaw and Rabibtwing touched noses, leaving it up to Redkit.

"Redkit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Redpaw. Your mentor will be Owlheart, she is strong and fierce so I know she will be able to teach you the skills to become a warrior." Redpaw stepped forward, touching his nose to Owlheart's and the ceremony was finished.

"Brackenpaw! Redpaw! Brackenpaw! Redpaw!" The Clan cheered for their newest apprentices and Jaggedtail couldn't help but feel a rush of pride. They're going to be incredible warriors.

When the crowd dispersed, Jaggedtail and Cherrypool approached their kits. "Congratulations." Jaggedtail purred. "You're finally apprentices."

"Now we have to wait to be warriors." Redpaw mewed, flicking his tail.

"Your apprenticeship will fly by." Cherrypool purred. "Trust me, you'll be working your tails off for the next few moons. It will be such an incredible experience for you two and Owlheart and Rabbitwing are such wonderful warriors. I know you'll do great."

"That's kind of you to say, Cherrypool." Rabbitwing purred, looking over at Brackenpaw. "I suggest we get started right away, there isn't a moment to waste."

Jaggedtail and Cherrypool let their kits head out into the forest for the first time, Jaggedtail hoped that everything would be okay. I just have to trust my kits and their mentors, I know that everything will be alright. Jaggedtail looked at Cherrypool. 'Well what do we do now?"

"I don't know about you but I want to go out and hunt." Cherrypool mewed. "I haven't gotten to leave the camp in six moons! I need to really stretch my paws."

"Allow me to join you." Jaggedtail purred. Together the two of them headed out into the forest as well, as they walked Cherrypool took in a heavy breath of fresh-air.

"Oh I've missed the forest so much." She purred. "I love those two kits more than anything but I have certainly missed my duties as a warrior."

"And I've missed hunting with you." Jaggedtail stepped forward as he realized that he and Cherrypool hadn't been able to spend any time alone together since Redpaw and Brackenpaw were born. Jaggedtail touched his muzzle to Cherrypool's, breathing in her sweet scent. Oh how I've missed this.

Jaggedtail and Cherrypool set out into the territory, walking side by side. As they began their hunt, Jaggedtail remembered how much he loved spending time with Cherrypool, and just how much he missed it. Their hunt began and Jaggedtail began tracking prey, the forest smelled fresh and full of life.

After only a short while, Jaggedtail caught the scent of a squirrel. With Cherrypool's help he tracked it to a large tree near the MoonClan border. He dropped into a crouch and spotted the small creature nibbling on a beech nut underneath the tree. Jaggedtail crept forward silently, making sure his breath was silent. He lashed his tail and when the time was right, Jaggedtail pounced forward. His paws landed perfectly on top of the squirrel and he killed it with an easy bite to the throat.

"Great catch." Cherrypool purred. "Now it's my turn." Excitement sparked in her green eyes and Cherrypool began the search for her own prey. Both of them could hear birds chirping and Jaggedtail knew that's what Cherrypool would be looking for. He followed Cherrypool as she tracked down her prey.

There was a single robin on the ground, pecking at the earth for worms. Jaggedtail watched Cherrypool hunt, even though she had been stuck in camp for six moons her form was perfect. The sun shimmered across her ginger tabby pelt, and her muscles still showed underneath her pelt. She's so beautiful. Jaggedtail thought, he loved nothing more than watching Cherrypool.

Cherrypool crept forward, completely silent and the robin had no idea the danger that it was in. In the blink of an eye, Cherrypool shot forward like an adder. The bird began to take off but Cherrypool caught the wing of the creature in her claws and pulled it back down to the forest floor, killing it with a neat bite to the neck.

"Impressive." Jaggedtail purred, completely in awe at watching Cherrypool hunt. "You're truly amazing."

"It wasn't that impressive." Cherrypool purred.

"But it was." Jaggedtail moved close to Cherrypool once again. "Everything about you is amazing, Cherrypool. There's a reason that I love you so much."

"I love you too." Cherrypool breathed out, brushing up against Jaggedtail. Right where he stood was perfect, Jaggedtail was completely and utterly in love with Cherrypool. She's my mate, the mother of my kits and everything I ever wanted in my life. As long as I have my family, I know that everything will be okay.

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