Chapter 39

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"Shorttail, I want you to lead a hunting patrol near the AshClan border." Jaggedtail began. "Take Hazelshine, Fieldfoot, Timberfall and Mousethorn. Cherrypool, I want you to lead a border patrol on the MoonClan border take Foxwhisker, Owlheart, Rabbitwing, Mossleaf and Maplepool. When you all get back come see more for the later patrols." The cats that he had assigned set out on their patrols and Jaggedtail was left to try and plan out the rest of the patrols for the day.

Jaggedtail found being a deputy came naturally to him, he enjoyed planning out all the patrols of the day. He had been deputy for just over a moon and he had adjusted to it quite well. He enjoyed leading alongside Elmstar, who had also been born to be leader. The cats of LichenClan looked up to him.

Leaf-bare continued to claim the forest, and as Sagefeather predicted, it wasn't going to be long and hard. Amberflame, Gingerdust and Dustclaw had all lost their lives to sickness and Jaggedtail could sense that they weren't the only ones. The one that Jaggedtail feared the most was Sunstorm, his elderly father was incredibly sick and couldn't even move from his nest. Jaggedtail knew that Sunstorm wouldn't survive the season, and it tore him apart.

As Jaggedtail spoke to his father, Sunstorm told him not to fear. Sunstorm had accept his death and told Jaggedtail he had lived a long good life. Despite all this, Jaggedtail still didn't want to lose his father. I won't let Sunstorm's death destroy me, however. Jaggedtail told himself. He got to know Brackenheart so well, and he gave me a wonderful life. Plus, Fawnsky is waiting for him.

The other cat Jaggedtail was certain wouldn't survive was Sagefeather. As she told him, Sagefeather had grown sick as well. It was up to Barkclaw to care for the Clan, usually Stormsong would help but the former medicine cat had grown sick as well. This will be the hardest leaf-bare any of us have ever seen. Her words echoed in Jaggedtail's ears, he knew that this was only the beginning. So far five cats had died, three from sickness and two from the badger and Jaggedtail knew there would be so many more.

While he waited for patrols to return, Jaggedtail went to talk to Elmstar who was in his den. "Hey there," He greeted. "Having fun?"

"Not really." Elmstar chuckled. "It doesn't really feel like anything has changed." He admitted. "I have nine lives and a big den all to myself now, but I still feel like the old me."

"That's because you are still the old you." Jaggedtail mewed, nudging his friend. "You may have nine new lives, but you're still my best friend. You're still Maplepool's mate and you're still Mossleaf's father." Elmstar didn't respond, but he did seem to relax slightly. "I know you don't want to tell me what's been eating at you, but know that I am here for you. I'm your deputy, your best friend and your brother. You can always depend on me, even if you don't tell me just know that I am here for you."

"Thank you, Jaggedtail." Elmstar nodded. "I'm doing better, actually." For some reason, Jaggedtail didn't believe that. "But I would like some fresh-air." Together, Jaggedtail and Elmstar climbed out of the leaders den and into the camp where they grabbed a mouse to share. As they bit into their prey, Jaggedtail noticed movement coming from the medicine cat den. He lifted his head and saw Barkclaw step into the camp, his amber eyes filled with sadness. Oh no. Jaggedtail's heart twisted. Who died? Jaggedtail questioned, fearing that it was his father.

"Attention, LichenClan." Barkclaw raised his voice to address the Clan, the cats that remained in the camp looked towards their medicine cat. "It is with an extremely heavy heart that I tell you all that Sagefeather has passed." Sadness clouded over LichenClan once more, Jaggedtail dropped his head. He knew this would be coming, and yet he didn't prepare for it. "As she passed she gave me a message to pass onto her Clanmates." Barkclaw cleared his throat. "She said to not mourn her, she lived a life that was full and had no regrets. She loved serving her Clan and she wanted to assure us that even though this leaf-bare will be hard, it will not be the end of LichenClan. We will survive."

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