Chapter 18

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LichenClan arrived in the gathering hollow just before SunClan, making them the last to Clans to arrive. Jaggedtail walked beside Maplepool and Elmheart and took notice of the MoonClan cats, he couldn't see Icestorm and Breezeclaw but he spotted Ashbird sitting beside a black tom named Spidertail. Jaggedtail watched Birdstar and Jumpheart make their way to the trees, Birdstar was visibly annoyed. She's finally making our feud with MoonClan public. Jaggedtail flicked his ears. I wonder what the other Clans will think.

Once all the leaders were ready to begin, the gathering began. Foxstar was the first one to speak. "I'd like to start this gathering if the rest of you don't mind." The SunClan leader looked incredibly eager to get the gathering started. What kind of news does SunClan have?

None of the other leaders argued and Foxstar stood up to share his news. "SunClan welcomes a bunch of new warriors to this gathering. Stormwind, Slateclaw, Cloudstorm, Flowerpelt, Thornpelt, Tigertail, Bramblepelt, Crowfur and Rainears!" Jaggedtail was surprised at so many new warriors. Do they have any apprentices left? Jaggedtail wondered, but cheered along with the rest of the Clans. He couldn't pick out all the new warriors but they all seemed proud. "Our warriors den is crowded but we couldn't be happier."

"That's wonderful news." Goldenstar purred, now fully recovered from her illness. "Mind if I go next?" Foxstar nodded and sat down, allowing the AshClan leader to continue. "AshClan also has two new warriors, please welcome Lilyclaw and Graypelt!" Jaggedtail spotted the two warriors, Lilyclaw looked bashful but proud while Graypelt held his head high. "Our medicine cat apprentice has also received her full medicine cat name, Moonwhisker!"

Next was Cloudstar, leaving Birdstar to be the last to speak. "MoonClan also has two new warriors to announce, welcome Frostfire and Icestorm!" Jaggedtail finally spotted Icestorm sitting beside Frostfire, she had been one of the cats who invaded. Though she had been the one questioning the whole situation. That was the end of Cloudstar's news and the white and gray leader sat down, it was finally Birdstar's turn. Jaggedtail braced himself for the argument that was about to take place.

"LichenClan doesn't have any warriors to announce, but we do welcome two new apprentices, Cherrypaw and Applepaw!" Birdstar announced proudly and once the cheers died down, Birdstar continued. "However," She mewed sharply. "I've tried my best to keep this between us, but Cloudstar has pushed my borders for the last time." Jaggedtail could see Cloudstar and Ivystone tense up, as well as the rest of the MoonClan cats.

"For the past several moons Cloudstar has been crossing our borders, stealing prey and even invaded our camp!" The cats of SunClan and AshClan seemed uncomfortable with the argument, some muttered under their breaths and some looked completely shocked.

"I'm simply following orders that Owlstar gave before he died." Cloudstar flicked her ears, Jaggedtail felt annoyance burning in his chest. I want to claw that smug look right off her face! "You killed our warrior so you must pay." Beside Jaggedtail, he felt Elmheart tense. Many MoonClan warriors glared directly at him, Jaggedtail sat tall beside his friend.

"That was moons ago, Cloudstar!" Birdstar spat. "Honestly, I know we never forget our dead but you can't blame LichenClan forever. You tried stealing our herbs, that would've killed many of our cats!"

Cloudstar snorted. "I was taught that when a cat makes a mistake, that cat must be punished."

Birdstar bristled. "You blame the action of one of my warriors, I punished him! Move on!"

"You shouldn't have even made him a warrior!" Cloudstar hissed, claws digging into her branch. Elmheart let out a low growl, his claws ripping into the grass beneath his paws. Maplepool rested her tail across Elmheart's shoulders and that seemed to relax him slightly. Cloudstar is mad. Jaggedtail thought. They need to let it go.

Surprisingly, Goldenstar spoke up from her own tree. She stood up and got the attention of the other leaders. "I have to agree with Birdstar," Cloudstar's eyes went wide with fury. "You can't blame LichenClan forever, all cats in this hollow know that any battle could be their last. We all took that oath when we became warriors. That we will defend the Clans, even at the cost of our lives." Cloudstar hissed at the AshClan leader who was clearly unphased. "The loss of a warrior is tragic but you can't hold grudges forever, and it doesn't give you an excuse to break the warrior code. You're no better than an apprentice throwing a fit, Cloudstar."

Jaggedtail had to withhold laughter at Goldenstar's comment, maybe if the other leaders thought she was acting like an idiot then she would finally stop. Cloudstar, however, was very upset. Her white and gray pelt bristled and her claws ripped at the bark on her branch. "We're leaving!" Cloudstar hissed and jumped down from her branch with a lash of her tail. Without another word, Cloudstar led her Clan home.

Jaggedtail looked back at Birdstar, she looked slightly guilty, probably for causing a scene, but every cat in LichenClan knew that it needed to be said. "I'm sorry I had to bring that up." Birdstar apologized to the other leaders. "But I can't take it anymore, the Clans need to know what MoonClan is doing."

It's okay, Birdstar." Foxstar dipped his head. "I just hope that you two can come to some sort of an agreement before more blood is shed." Jaggedtail wasn't sure that was possible.

"Me too." Birdstar sighed and shook her head. "I suppose I should take my Clan home, may StarClan light your paths." She dipped her head and jumped down from her tree. Jaggedtail followed his Clan home, he could tell that Elmheart was still very upset by what Cloudstar had said.

"Can you believe her?" Elmheart spat. "Telling me I shouldn't be a warrior?" He lashed his tail. "She better hope that no LichenClan cat dies in her stupid little feud."

"She's delusional." Maplepool snorted. "I wonder if the rest of MoonClan agrees with everything she's doing. If Birdstar was doing something like this then I don't know if I would be able to follow her, my leader or not."

"When I found those three on our territory Icestorm seemed uncertain of what they were doing. Like she didn't want any part of it." Jaggedtail explained.

"Aren't Icestorm and Frostfire Owlstar's daughters? I'm pretty sure anyway." Maplepool questioned. "But I did kind of notice something weird."

"What?" Jaggedtail questioned.

"I haven't seen or heard anything about Crowpaw since Blacksky's death." Elmheart tensed. "He's not that much younger than us, he should've been made a warrior by now. They never announced his death if he did die. I haven't even seen him at a gathering."

Jaggedtail had been wondering the same thing, he thought Crowpaw was nice but it seemed like the apprentice vanished without a word. I wonder what happened to him. Jaggedtail could only imagine how upset Crowpaw was with Blacksky's death, Jaggedtail wasn't sure how he would handle losing his own father, but what happened to him?

Elmheart sighed loudly. "I don't want to talk about it anymore." His amber eyes stared ahead, burning with anger. Jaggedtail and Maplepool exchanged a worried look. Elmheart is very upset, but I don't think there's anything I can do right now. He thought sadly.

LichenClan reached their camp and Elmheart's mood hadn't improved, Jaggedtail was very worried about his friend. "What should we do?" Jaggedtail questioned his sister quietly so Elmheart couldn't hear.

"Let me try and talk to him." Maplepool mewed and approached Elmheart without Jaggedtail. He looked at her and Jaggedtail could see the obvious pain in his eyes. Despite what he claims, Elmheart is still guilty over Blacksky's death. Jaggedtail wished he could've seen it sooner, so he could try and help Elmheart. It doesn't help that Cloudstar won't let it go.

"Come talk with me." Maplepool said in a soft voice to Elmheart, Elmheart looked at Jaggedtail for a moment before following Maplepool out of camp. Jaggedtail wished he could be there too, but he was certain that his sister would be able to help. There was something off about the way Maplepool and Elmheart looked at each other, however, he just couldn't name it. It doesn't matter. Jaggedtail told himself, moving to the warrior's den to get some sleep. What matters is that Elmheart is happy and I hope Maplepool can help with that.

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