Chapter 29

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Jaggedtail gently rasped his tongue over his wounds, they were still sore but they were slowly healing. The worst of his wounds were the bite on his foreleg from Shadowpelt and some nasty claw marks across his flanks from his fight with Squirrelpelt and Thorntalon. He was lucky to get off with only a few bad wounds, he was only slightly restricted from duties and should be fine in just a few days. Some of his Clanmates made away with just a few small wounds, but others were not so.

The worst of the wounds were Twigpaw, Kestrelflame with a deep wound in her shoulder, Ashstream with a deep set of claw marks across her belly and Flamewhisker with a severe wrenched claw and a bite mark on her hind leg. Jumpstar was recovering well from his fatal wound, but the Clan was still slightly shaken up by the battle, especially after the death of Hareclaw and Skytail.

Jaggedtail missed his mentor, he didn't spend nearly as much time with Hareclaw as he did when he was an apprentice, but it just felt strange to not have Hareclaw living with him anymore. He had so much respect for the tom, and the loss was incredibly painful. Despite everything, however, LichenClan was still standing strong and and hopefully, they wouldn't have to face MoonClan again.

Jumpstar did everything he could to keep LichenClan strong and keep morale high, so he made all of the apprentices warriors, naming them Twigheart, Mousethorn, Owlheart and Rabbitwing. Now the apprentice den was empty, and Mosskit was the only kit for the time being. Jaggedtail just wished that naming them warriors would keep spirits high.

Jaggedtail looked up at the sky, it was just before sunset and the gathering was tonight. Jaggedtail hoped that neither Cloudstar or Jumpstar would try and cause an argument. It's going to take both sides to not start this war back up. Jaggedtail thought. Cloudstar may have apologized but tensions are still going to be high. Jaggedtail sighed, all he could do was hope that they would be able to keep their peace.

LichenClan arrived in the gathering hollow just after SunClan and AshClan, but MoonClan wasn't long behind them. From the moment that the LichenClan warriors laid eyes on the MoonClan warriors Jaggedtail could feel the tension in the air. AshClan and SunClan seemed to sense it as well, giving questioning glances at the other two Clans. There was one AshClan she-cat, however, that was giving LichenClan a razor sharp glare. Who is that? Jaggedtail was pretty sure her name was Ravenfur, but he had no idea why she looked so angry at LichenClan.

"Now that all Clans are here," Foxstar began. "Shall we begin?" The other four leaders agreed and Foxstar began the sharing. "SunClan doesn't have much to report, but prey is running well and we are thriving in greenleaf." With a nod, Foxstar sat down and Goldenstar took his place.

"After a fox attack earlier this moon, we lost Graywillow. It was tragic, but despite this loss AshClan is still standing strong and prey is running well." There was a moment of silence for the lost AshClan warrior. "We have some good news as well, we welcome Crowpaw, Nightpaw, Dustpaw and Batpaw as apprentices." This time, the new apprentices were cheered and Goldenstar sat down, it was Cloudstar's turn next.

"After a battle with LichenClan, MoonClan lost Whiteriver, Windsong, Breezeclaw and Sootmask. It was such a tragic loss, one of my own doing and I have realized that this war Owlstar started needed to be ended." Cloudstar dipped her head, it was quite the treat to see Cloudstar making a public apology.

"Your words mean a lot, Cloudstar." Jumpstar dipped his head. "Hopefully this can be the beginning of a peaceful era for our two Clans. On that note, LichenClan lost two warriors during the battle, Hareclaw and Skytail." There was a moment of silence for the two warriors.

"I'm glad to see your two Clans making amends." Foxstar mewed. "Perhaps all four Clans can share a period of peace."

"I agree." Goldenstar nodded. "But for now, let the Clans talk and share a beautiful, peaceful night." The leaders jumped down and the mingling began. Jaggedtail stood beside Cherrypool as she spoke to a SunClan she-cat named Stormwind, they shared a friendly conversation and Jaggedtail just enjoyed being with Cherrypool.

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