Chapter 16

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Jaggedtail suppressed a shiver as he stepped out of the warrior's den, leaf-bare had a strong, icy grip over the forest and the cats of LichenClan were still suffering. The medicine cat den was full of sick cats, and both medicine cats worked tirelessly to keep them alive. No new cats had fallen ill, and not had gotten as sick as Rockflower had been but Jaggedtail was still terrified at losing another Clanmate.

It had been a moon since Rockflower's death and Jaggedtail's warrior ceremony, things were incredibly rough in LichenClan territory as leaf-bare continued to ravage the forest. Hunting was slow and nearly every cat in the camp was hungry. Jaggedtail wondered if the other Clans were struggling this much, he figured that he would find out at the gathering if they were. This would be his first gathering as a warrior, and he was both incredibly excited and terrified.

He wondered what MoonClan would say about their invasion and attempt to steal herbs, once again Jaggedtail was glad that the plan had been foiled. Without herbs all of our sick cats would surely die. Patchfoot was incredibly sick, but he was being kept alive with the catmint that Sagefeather and Stormsong had. Jaggedtail did his best to not worry too much about the struggles of leaf-bare. Fear doesn't fill bellies. Jaggedtail reminded himself each time he felt the panic of losing Clanmates cloud over him. Last leaf-bare had claimed Robinkit, he didn't want it to happen again. I can't heal the sick cats, but I can keep them fed.

Jaggedtail looked around LichenClan camp, it was early morning and the dawn patrol had already been sent out but Jaggedtail could tell that Jumpheart hadn't organized the rest of the patrols for the day yet, he was hoping to go on a hunting patrol. He always felt at ease when he was hunting, especially when he caught prey. He scanned the camp for Jumpheart but couldn't find the deputy.

He noticed that Applekit and Cherrykit were running in excited circles around their mother who watched with glowing eyes. Movement by the leader's den caught his eye and Jaggedtail looked towards the tree. Jumpheart and Birdstar climbed down from the den and heading to the center of the camp. Birdstar jumped up onto the High Stump and Jaggedtail knew she was about to call a Clan meeting.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the High Stump for a Clan meeting!" Her voice spoke out through the territory, getting the attention of the warriors of LichenClan. Behind Jaggedtail, Elmheart stepped out of the warrior's den.

"What's going on?" He asked with a heavy yawn.

"Not sure." Jaggedtail looked back towards Applekit and Cherrykit, they were now sprinting towards the center of camp with Hazelshine chasing after them. Both their eyes burned with excitement and Jaggedtail understood. "Looks like Applekit's and Cherrykit's apprentice ceremony."

"Cool." Elmheart replied, stretching in front of the den. "Let's go watch." Together, Elmheart and Jaggedtail joined the crowd of cats gathered to watch the ceremony. Jaggedtail looked around for Maplepool but couldn't find her, and she hadn't been in the den. He assumed that his sister had been part of the dawn patrol, he hoped she would return soon.

Once the Clan had gathered, Birdstar began speaking. "I've gathered the Clan today because two of our kits have reached the age of six moons and are ready to start their journey to become warriors." In the center of the crowd, Applekit and Cherrykit wiggled with excitement.

From the side of the crowd, Hazelshine watched with so much pride burning in her eyes. Once again Jaggedtail found himself wondering who Applekit and Cherrykit's father was, but Hazelshine never revealed who it was and Jaggedtail respected that. He cast a quick glance at Elmheart. Sometimes, cats are better off without their fathers.

"By naming apprentices we show that LichenClan will remain strong for many moons to come. Applekit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Applepaw. The mentor I've chosen for you is Sparrowheart, he is an incredibly strong and intelligent warrior and I know that he will train you well." Applepaw stepped forward as Sparrowheart stepped out of the crowd and the two of them touched noses, starting Applepaw's apprenticeship. Once Applepaw and Sparrowheart sat down, Birdstar continued. "Cherrykit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Cherrypaw. Your mentor will be Daisyfern, a smart and dedicated warrior who will teach you everything you need to know." Cherrypaw and Daisyfern repeated what Applepaw and Sparrowheart had done before returning to the crowd.

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