Chapter 7

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LichenClan were the first to arrive at the gathering hollow, but SunClan weren't far behind. Birdstar called to Foxstar and they exchanged pleasantries. Jaggedpaw was just as excited for this gathering as he was his first, he hoped to see Crowkit here. Wondering if the MoonClan cat would be an apprentice by now.

It wasn't long before Jaggedpaw spotted MoonClan coming over the ridge, his eyes scanned for Crowkit. He couldn't find him until the cats started to disperse, then he spotted him by his white ears. "Come with me." Jaggedpaw said to Elmpaw and Maplepaw. "I want to introduce you to someone."

Elmpaw and Maplepaw seemed confused but followed anyway. They approached Crowkit, or Jaggedpaw guess it was Crowpaw now, who seemed to be slightly nervous. "You're an apprentice now." He spoke to the apprentice. Crowpaw jumped, turning in alarm and looking at Jaggedpaw, Elmpaw and Maplepaw. "Glad to see you made it." Jaggedpaw mewed.

"Yeah." Crowpaw's voice trailed off, he looked incredibly uncomfortable. What happened to the bold kit I met? Jaggedpaw wondered, he decided to introduce his friends.

"This is my sister Maplepaw and this is my best friend Elmpaw." He motioned to the other two apprentices, then turned to them. "This is Crowpaw of MoonClan, I met him when I went with Hareclaw to MoonClan camp."

"It's nice to meet you, Crowpaw." Maplepaw purred, being her usual kind self. Elmpaw just nodded. What's his problem? Jaggedpaw would ask later. "Is this your first gathering?" She questioned.

Crowpaw nodded. "I haven't been an apprentice for very long. Is it your first gathering?" He looked over the three apprentices, he seemed to be calming down.

Elmpaw finally replied. "No. Our second, we've been apprentices for almost two moons." Crowpaw tilted his head slightly.

"You all became apprentices together?" Crowpaw seemed confused.

"Our mother's are really close friends and had kits within days of each other." Jaggedpaw explained, wondering if he should mention Robinkit. He decided against it, Crowpaw didn't need to know about that. Crowpaw nodded and his blue eyes became distant, he was clearing thinking about something.

"AshClan has arrived!" A gray SunClan tom called, getting the rest of the Clan's attention. Jaggedpaw watched Goldenstar and her Clan walked into the gathering hollow. Crowpaw watched the Clan, he clearly didn't know the names of Goldenstar or Ivyheart.

"That's Goldenstar and Ivyheart of AshClan. The brown tabby tom near them is the medicine cat apprentice, Eagleclaw." He looked for the medicine cat Featherstorm but only saw a small, silver tabby she-cat with Eagleclaw. "Though, I'm pretty sure Featherstorm is their medicine cat but I don't see her."

"Now that AshClan is here." Foxstar called. "We should begin." The leader's took their place and the cats of the Clans sat down. Jaggedpaw looked at Crowpaw who sat down with them, but looked around, he appeared to be looking for someone.

"Since AshClan is late," Owlstar spoke, looking at Goldenstar. "I suppose they should go first." Goldenstar nodded and stood up, her green eyes shining.

"AshClan has very sad news to announce. Our beloved medicine cat Featherstorm has passed away due to her age. She served AshClan for countless seasons and will be remembered forever." There was a moment of silence as the Clans honored the lost medicine cat. "However, we proudly welcome three new apprentices, one of which who has become Eagleclaw's apprentice. Please welcome Riverpaw, Echopaw and Moonpaw!" The Clans' mood lifted and there were warm purrs. "Greenleaf is drawing to a close, but AshClan is still thriving."

"I'm glad to hear that," Foxstar dipped his head to the AshClan leader. "If you're finished I will go next." Goldenstar sat down and Foxstar stood up. "SunClan doesn't have much news, one of our kits was injured a while ago but thanks to our wonderful medicine cats she is making a full recovery. Prey is running well and our warriors are strong and happy." Foxstar sat down and nodded to Owlstar who stood up next.

"MoonClan doesn't have much to announce, but we do welcome one new apprentice. Please give a warm welcome to, Crowpaw!" The cats of the Clans cheered for the new apprentice, Jaggedpaw looked at Crowpaw who seemed to be incredibly uncomfortable. "Even as greenleaf draws to a close, the rivers are full and the rabbits are plentiful." After Owlstar sat down, Birdstar stood, looking over the Clans.

"LichenClan is joyful to announce that Hazelshine has given birth to two healthy she-cats. Other than that, we don't have much to announce, prey is running very well."

"I suppose this gathering is at a conclusion." Goldenstar mewed. "I see no reason to rush home on this beautiful night, we should stay and enjoy the truce." The four leaders agreed and jumped down from their trees.

Jaggedpaw stood up and looked at Crowpaw, he looked slightly more relaxed, but still on edge. "Do you have any siblings?" Maplepaw questioned, looking around the group of cats before resting her green gaze back on Crowpaw. The black apprentice tensed at her questioned, after a moment of hesitation he finally replied.

"No, it's just me." His voice was dry, Crowpaw was clearly upset about something.

"That's too bad." Jaggedpaw spoke up. "But I'm sure you have friends in your Clan?" He tilted his head, hopefully changing the subject would help him.

"Sort of." He mewed awkwardly. "There's two kits still in the nursery, they'll be apprentices soon and we're pretty close."

"That's great." Maplepaw purred. "How do you like being an apprentice so far? What's the best thing you've learned?"

At that question, Crowpaw's spirit seemed lifted slightly. "Swimming." He replied. Jaggedpaw and Elmpaw shared the same glance, forgetting for a moment that MoonClan cats actually enjoy swimming.

"You enjoy swimming?" Elmpaw questioned in disbelief. "We have to cross a river to get here but I hate getting my pelt wet." Jaggedpaw nodded along.

Crowpaw let out a mrrow of laughter. "Well, MoonClan cats love the water, with a few exceptions. My father is not a fan of swimming."

"I don't blame him." Elmpaw snorted. "I don't see how some LichenClan cats even enjoy getting their paws wet. We have such thick fur." His ears twitched.

"You're just heavier than most." Maplepaw shoved Elmpaw playfully and he flattened his ears. Jaggedpaw laughed at the two then turned to Crowpaw, the gathering would be ending soon.

"Well, it was nice talking to you Crowpaw. We should meet up with our mentors before the gathering ends, I'll see you at the next gathering." Jaggedpaw dipped his head to Crowpaw who did the same in return. Both Elmpaw and Maplepaw bid farewell and the three apprentices turned away from Crowpaw.

"He was nice." Maplepaw said in a light tone. "Seemed a bit uncomfortable though."

"Probably just shy." Elmpaw noted. "He was by himself, gatherings can be intimidating."

"You should've seen him when I was in MoonClan camp." Jaggedpaw mewed, recalling meeting Crowpaw for the first time. "He marched right up to me."

"That was also in his own camp." Maplepaw pointed out. "He was surrounded by cats he knew, a gathering is full of cats you don't know."

"That's true." Jaggedpaw agreed with his sister, but he also couldn't help but feel that something was wrong Crowpaw. He remembered how harsh his mother seemed, maybe she had something to do with it. He shook his head. I shouldn't fret over Crowpaw so much, I'm sure he was just being shy.

As the gathering came to a close, Jaggedpaw, Elmpaw and Maplepaw found their mentors before returning home.

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