Chapter 8

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"You need to put all of your weight into your front paws, Jaggedpaw." Hareclaw instructed. "It will keep you balanced."

Jaggedpaw nodded and placed his front paws on the ground, putting all of his weight into them as he kicked his legs backwards. He felt like a fool, but Hareclaw insisted that it would be a good technique to use in battle.

"When your opponent is chasing you, you can kick out and catch them off guard. Just remember to judge their distance carefully or you could completely miss." Hareclaw looked at Jaggedpaw's form carefully.

"Now you try, Maplepaw." Cedarcloud said from where she was sitting with Rowanfang and Ashstream. Jaggedpaw watched as his sister attempted the same move Jaggedpaw, Fieldpaw and Gingerpaw had done before. She placed her paws on the ground and kicked backwards, it seemed to come to her naturally. "Very good." Cedarcloud praised."

"This next technique," Ashstream said, stepping forward with Rowanfang. "Is somewhat more advanced and can be difficult to master." She looked at the four apprentices. "Gingerpaw and Fieldpaw have practiced this before." She faced Rowanfang in the center of the training area.

"What you want to do," Rowanfang said, "Is turn on your side and get under your opponent's belly, raking at their belly with your claws. Afterwards you want to swiftly turn back onto all fours out from under your opponent. We will demonstrate."

Jaggedpaw sat down, watching the two warriors. Ashstream lept towards Rowanfang, dropping to her side and quickly sliding under him. He tried to jump away but with both paws, Ashstream fake-clawed his belly and then was back on her paws in an instant. "You have to be incredibly quick." Ashstream mewed, turning her gaze back on the apprentices. "If you're swift and accurate you can leave your enemy unable to fight."

"Gingerpaw with Fieldpaw and Maplepaw with Jaggedpaw. Take turns trying to rake each other's bellies." Hareclaw instructed. Jaggedpaw stepped into the training area, facing his sister. He knew that Maplepaw was quick and agile, he would have to do his best to try and stop her. "Now!"

Maplepaw moved like lightly, going to her side and before Jaggedpaw knew it, she was under him. He tried his best to jump back but he felt her paws jabbing into his belly, causing him to nearly fall backwards. Maplepaw was back on her paws before Jaggedpaw regained his balance, holding her high.

"You're a natural, Maplepaw." Cedarcloud called. "Your turn Jaggedpaw." Jaggedpaw didn't allow Maplepaw to react, he had to take her off guard if he wanted to be as good as her. He turned to his side, soon facing his sister's white belly fur. With sheathed claws, Jaggedpaw dragged his paws across her belly. Maplepaw jumped upwards, allowing Jaggedpaw to get out. However, as he attempted to stand back up, he tripped over his paws and landed on his shoulder.

"Not bad, Jaggedpaw." Hareclaw mewed. "You need to be careful when getting up, you're a but clumsy."

With his pelt burning with embarrassment, he stood up and faced Maplepaw once more. "Try it again." She encouraged. "You did really good last time." Jaggedpaw felt his embarrassment fade. Mistakes are part of training. He reminded himself. I can do this.

He attacked once more, but this time Maplepaw was prepared for him. Despite this, Jaggedpaw was quick enough to slip under Maplepaw once more, raking her belly and getting back out. Other than a small stumble it was nearly perfect.

"Good job, Jaggedpaw." Hareclaw praised. "Keep trying it, both of you." The four apprentices continued their training for quite a while until their mentors called it a day. Jaggedpaw's belly felt bruised from how hard Maplepaw had been hitting it, he was sure her belly felt the same way.

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