Chapter 6

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Jaggedpaw focused intently on his prey, a sparrow pecking the ground for worms, just a few mouselengths in front of him. He crept forward, keeping his paws silent. The bird had no idea that it was about to become fresh-kill. Taking a deep, silent breath, Jaggedpaw jumped forward, the bird began to fly away but it met Jaggedpaw's claws first.

He dragged the sparrow to the ground and killed it with a quick bite. Jaggedpaw looked at his prey proudly, he was proud at his bird catching skills. Fawnsky will love this. His mother's favorite prey was birds, she always picked them over anything else. He quickly buried his catch and looked around for more prey.

"Jaggedpaw!" Hearing his name, Jaggedpaw looked over his shoulder. He heard the rustling of brush as Hareclaw stepped into view.

"Is it time for me to come back already?" He looked up at the sky, he was supposed to hunt until sunhigh, it wasn't quite time.

"I'm sorry to cut your hunting short," Hareclaw apologized. "But Birdstar wants us for something."

"Alright." Jaggedpaw wouldn't argue, he unburied his sparrow and gathered the rest of his prey which was two squirrels along the way. He dropped his catch on the fresh-kill pile and followed his mentor to Birdstar's den. He watch as Hareclaw jumped up, climbing up to the leader's den. Jaggedpaw had never been inside Birdstar's den, but he had practiced a little bit of climbing.

He dug his claws into the bark and hauled himself up the tree and into the den where Birdstar and Jumpheart were sitting. "Greetings." Birdstar greeted both cats with a dip of her head.

Hareclaw dipped his head in return. "What did you need us for, Birdstar?"

"My patrol found a fox near the MoonClan border," Jumpheart replied, Jaggedpaw tensed at the mention of a fox. "It was weak so we chased it off but it ran into MoonClan territory, we want to warn Owlstar so some apprentice doesn't get attacked."

"And you want us to come?" Hareclaw questioned, sounding somewhat skeptical, and Jaggedpaw couldn't help but feel the same. Seemed like something Birdstar and Jumpheart could do on their own.

"I feel like seeing another Clan's camp could be a good learning experience for an apprentice." Birdstar replied, looking at Jaggedpaw with gentle eyes. "Out of all the apprentices we have I feel that Jaggedpaw will gain the most from it."

Jaggedpaw's pelt burned slightly. "Why me?"

"Because I saw your eagerness at the gathering." Birdstar purred. "You have an interest in the other Clans that isn't necessarily aggressive. You want to learn about them."

"I suppose." Jaggedpaw shuffled his paws, he supposed he did want to learn about the other Clans. It would be interesting to see another Clan's camp.

"Then we should set out, then." Birdstar stood up and the group of cats climbed out of the den. Jaggedpaw spotted Elmpaw and Maplepaw across the camp, looking at him curiously. As they passed them, Elmpaw ran up beside Jaggedpaw.

"Where are you going?" He questioned with curiosity burning in his amber eyes.

"MoonClan camp." Jaggedpaw replied. "Birdstar needs to talk to Owlstar."

"No fair." Elmpaw snorted.

"Elmpaw," Hareclaw spoke sternly. "Instead of complaining, why don't you take some prey to Hazelshine. Sagefeather said she's looking too thin."

"Yeah, yeah." Elmpaw rolled his eyes and flicked his tail. "You better tell me about it when you get back!"

"I will!" Jaggedpaw promised as he watched his friend bound towards the fresh-kill pile then the nursery. Hazelshine announced she was having kits about a moon ago, she was incredibly young but the Clan was happy. However, she hadn't told any cat who the father was.

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