Chapter 27

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"From this day forward you will be known as Timberfall, LichenClan honors your hunting skills and honor." Jumpstar mewed, facing the pale brown tom. Timberfall licked Jumpstar's shoulder as the leader rested his muzzle on Timberfall's head. Timberfall stepped backward, standing beside Willowstrike, who had been named just before him.

"Willowstrike! Timberfall! Willowstrike! Timberfall!" The cats of LichenClan cheered their newest warriors. The two newest warriors were swarmed by Daisyfern and Breezefall, they celebrated their kits becoming warriors. Jaggedtail stood up and turned to Cherrypool who had been sitting beside him.

"New warriors are always nice." Cherrypool purred, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"Yeah," Jaggedtail twitched his tail. "But the warriors' den is becoming incredibly full, and it's probably not long until Twigpaw and the others are warriors too."

"Oh, come on." Cherrypool nudged Jaggedtail playfully. "Stop being so negative." Jaggedtail met Cherrypool's gaze, her green eyes burning with amusement.

"Fine." Jaggedtail sneered playfully at his mate and nudged her back. "We should try and find something to do now."

"Probably," Cherrypool stood up and looked towards Daisyfern who was still celebrating with her kits. "Though we may have to wait until they're done."

"We could go out hunting by ourselves, we don't always need to wait for Daisyfern to tell us what to do." Cherrypool suggested. Jaggedtail nodded, but he usually liked to follow the deputy's plan, it kept the Clan in order. Jaggedtail looked at Cherrypool again, his heart filling with happiness. It had nearly two moons since Jaggedtail had asked Cherrypool to be his mate and everything seemed to be better. The sun shined a little brighter and prey tasted a little better, he slept beside Cherrypool every night and slept so peacefully as he breathed in her sweet scent.

Maplepool had yet to have her kits, but every cat knew that she was due any day. Maplepool's belly had gotten bigger but it wasn't as big as other queens had been. Sagefeather assured both Elmheart and Jaggedtail that she was healthy, just having a very small litter of kits.

Despite this, the two toms still felt concerned for Maplepool and Elmheart practically spent all of his time in the nursery, helping Maplepool and keeping her company as she was the only cat in the nursery. With the rise of newleaf, Jaggedtail was sure it wouldn't be long until more cats entered the nursery. Jaggedtail had considered having kits with Cherrypool, and he had been told many times by her that she wanted some he just didn't feel ready.

I want Cherrypool to be my mate for the rest of my days, but I just don't think I'm ready to be a father. Jaggedtail was worried about not being a good enough father, and he hoped that watching his best friend father kits would teach him something.

"Jaggedtail!" Jaggedtail's head whipped around as he heard Elmheart's call from across camp. His voice sounded both terrified and excited. Is it finally happening? "Maplepool is giving birth!"

Jaggedtail and Cherrypool shared a glance before sprinting over to the nursery where Elmheart was pacing outside, his tail flicking anxiously. "When did she start?" Jaggedtail questioned, causing Elmheart to stop his pacing.

"Just a few moments ago, Sagefeather and Stormsong are in there right now." Elmheart explained.

"This is so exciting." Cherrypool purred. "It will be so nice having kits in the Clan again."

Jaggedtail agreed, but he also couldn't shake the sharp feeling of anxiety biting at his chest. What if something happened to his sister? Or the kits? Jaggedtail met Elmheart's gaze and he could tell that his friend was just as nervous. Maplepool will be alright. Jaggedtail told himself. Sagefeather and Stormsong are the best medicine cats in the forest.

"It will be over soon." Jaggedtail rested his tail on Elmheart's flank. "Before the day is over you'll finally be a father." Elmheart's amber eyes flashed gratefully and he took a deep breath.

"I can't wait, I just hope everything goes well."

"Well," Cherrypool nudged Elmheart forward. "You should be in there with your mate, she'll need your support."

Elmheart nodded. "Right." He took a deep shaky breath, Elmheart still had countless fears shimmering in the depths of his eyes. "I'll let you know both know when the kits are here." Jaggedtail watched Elmheart walk away and vanish into the nursery. Jaggedtail sat down beside Cherrypool, his heart pounding.

"I hope that everything goes okay."

"It will." Cherrypool purred, nuzzling Jaggedtail's cheek. "Maplepool is in very capable paws and she is strong and healthy, there's no reason for anything to go wrong."

Jaggedtail was grateful for his mate's words, but he still felt worried. He wished he could be in there with his sister and best friend, but he also knew that he would just be in the way. Elmheart is there to comfort her, Maplepool will be okay. Jaggedtail took a calming breath, all he could do was wait.

Maplepool had started kitting just past sunhigh and as the sun set upon the forest, she was still in the nursery. Every passing moment had Jaggedtail in such a panic. He struggled so hard to keep his calm in front of Cherrypool, she was the only thing keeping him from completely losing it.

Movement in the nursery entrance caught Jaggedtail's eye and his head snapped in that direction. It was Elmheart, he stepped into the camp and his amber eyes glowed fiercely with love and joy. Jaggedtail and Cherrypool stood up and rushed towards the nursery to greet Elmheart. "So? How is she? How are the kits?"

"It was a very long kitting." Elmheart mewed. "And it's not kits--just kit. There was only one, but Jaggedtail..." Elmheart's voice cracked with emotion. "She's the most beautiful kit in the forest."

Jaggedtail was shocked to hear that Maplepool had given birth to only a single kit, she definitely didn't get as big as he had seen other queens, but he was just happy that Maplepool and the kit were okay. "Can I go see them?"

"Of course." It wasn't Elmheart who responded, but Sagefeather as both medicine cats stepped out of the nursery from behind Elmheart. "Maplepool is doing just fine, and she is ready for visitors just let her and the kit get some rest soon."

"Congratulations again, Elmheart." Stormsong mewed, but something seemed off about her tone. Stormsong's blue eyes were dark with sadness, and her voice low. What's wrong with her? Jaggedtail wondered. Perhaps Stormsong is upset that she will never be able to have kits? Jaggedtail thought that medicine cats just didn't think about that. Jaggedtail didn't want to fret too much over Stormsong, however, his sister was waiting for them.

Once Stormsong and Sagefeather had left, Jaggedtail stepped into the nursery. The air was heavy with the scent of milk and he rested his eyes on Maplepool, and the tiny kit pawing at her belly. "I'm so glad you're here." Maplepool purred. "Come meet your little niece."

Jaggedtail stepped closer, the little she-cat was light brown with a few lighter markings on one ear and her tail. "Oh my, Maplepool..." Jaggedtail felt a rush of love wash over him looking at the tiny little kit. This cat is my kin, my own blood. The daughter of my sister and best friend. Jaggedtail heard pawsteps behind him, he looked over his shoulder to see Cherrypool and Elmheart walking in behind him.

"Oh, Maplepool." Cherrypool purred loudly. "She's just so cute!" Her green eyes burned brightly with affection, Jaggedtail purred at how cute she looked. "Do you have a name for her yet?"

"Not yet." Elmheart responded.

"Actually..." Maplepool spoke up. "I've been thinking of this one for a while now." Elmheart and the others turned their attention to the queen. "I wanted to name her Mosskit, after Mosswing."

Elmheart's eyes went soft and he lowered his head slightly. He moved over to Maplepool and rested his muzzle on her head. "That's a perfect name." Cherrypool pressed against Jaggedtail as Maplepool and Elmheart shared a tender moment. He looked at how much closer Maplepool and Elmheart seemed now that they had a kit, it was as if something had changed within them.

They have moved on to the next stage of their lives. Jaggedtail thought. They've officially grown up. Jaggedtail looked at Cherrypool, did she want kits? Did she want to take that step? Was Jaggedtail ready to move on to that stage? He shook his head, he didn't want to think too much about that, he just wanted to celebrate LichenClan's newest life.

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