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||Word Count: 704||

Iyah's POV

"We're serious Iyah. You're 19 now. You need to learn how to be independent. We can't always be there for you" My aunt Christy said as she continued to beat the eggs she was going to make for breakfast.

"But aunt Christy, how will I survive? Where will I even live?" I asked, fear building up in my stomach at the realization that this wasn't just some sick joke.

They're really kicking me out

"You have to figure that out on your own. We can't always help you with everything Iyah. You won't learn" she replied, continuing with her cooking, as if what we were talking about wasn't such a big deal.

This is my future we're talking about here. Why are they so calm about it? Do they really not care?

"But what about my studies? Aunt Christy I'm about to graduate. Just a few more months. Couldn't you have waited until I graduated before you kicked me out? I mean, how will I be able to pay my tuition? There isn't that much jobs that would accept me, aunt Christy" I reasoned, trying to make them see how much of a big deal this is.

"You don't have to worry about your tuition. Your parents' savings will handle that. All you have to do is find a job that will keep you fed and sheltered" she replied, making me shake my head unbelievably.

Why does she say it as if finding a job as a student is easy?

"Aunt Christy it isn't that easy to find a good paying job that will hire me, especially since I haven't graduated" I argued, my breathing quickening as I slowly started to realize that no matter what I said, I couldn't convince them. They already made up their mind. They're already kicking me out.

"We know that Iyah, but that's where you have to be independent enough to make it work. We know that isn't easy, but neither is anything in life. You have to learn that" she replied, facing me completely, looking at me apologetically making me shake my head in disbelief once again.

"Why are you guys doing this?" I whispered, the tears starting to build up in my eyes.

Why are they leaving me right after my parents did? Am I really destined to be alone for the rest of my life?

"Oh honey, I'm sorry but we have to. You need to learn how to navigate life, and you won't be able to if we keep you in our protection forever. You're becoming a grown up now, so you need to start acting like one" she replied, walking closer towards me to hold me by my shoulders.

"I promise, you'll be alright. We'll still be here, you just need to learn how to be independent and grow on your own. You're a smart and strong girl, we know you can do this" Aunt Christy added, hugging me tightly before she let go and went upstairs.

"Wait, aunt Christy" I called, making her stop in her tracks. "When do I need to move out?" I asked, biting my lip, hoping it won't be any time soon.

"We'll give you until Saturday to find a new place to move into" she replied, giving me a smile before she continued to head upstairs.

Once she was gone, I sighed.

Why am I always left alone by everyone?


Hey guys! So here's a new book! I hope you guys root and support this book like you did with my other books and I hope you guys enjoyed that first chapter!

Also, I chose Lisa from Blackpink to play Iyah but you guys can choose whoever you want to play Iyah. You can just not mind my Liskook heart😂 Also, using Lisa is just for my preference. This isn't a Liskook fanfic so you guys won't be too bothered if you don't ship Liskook, since I also use Iyah as the name. Again, this is just for my preference and you guys can choose anyone you want to play Iyah, even yourselves❣️

Anyways, please be sure to vote, comment and fan/follow me if you enjoy my works and ILYGSM!❤️


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