// Chapter 11 \\

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||Word Count: 882||

Iyah's POV

"You have Maths first, we don't have the same class. I'll just walk you to your room" I said as Jungkook nodded, following me as we traveled through the corridors.

"We'll meet at second period. Just ask around where room C23 is, that's English. Try not to get expelled on your first day" I jokingly said, as he rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"What are you now, my parent? As far as I know, or as I'm aware, you hated me. Why are you being so nice now?" He asked, looking me in the eyes as I stood there speechless for a moment.

Because you have too, duh. It's your work, right? Yeah, right.

"Well, what about you? Why aren't you being an asshole yet?" I fired a question back at him to avoid answering his as he pretended to think for a moment.

"My schedule to be an asshole is reserved for next period. See you" he replied as he turned on his heel and walked inside the room. I caught a glimpse of some of the people whispering as he did so.

Of course, highschool

I thought as I rolled my eyes before making my way to History class

Yep, I had History class this early in the morning. Fun, huh


"Hey, what are you doing standing out here?" Ari asked as she went up to me, standing outside room C23, where I was suppose to meet Jungkook to make sure the idiot didn't get lost.

"I'm waiting for someone" I simply answered as Ari decided to stand next to me and wait too.

"Who?" she asked

"That new student, Jungkook. Have you heard of him?" I asked as her eyes sightly widened.

"Who hasn't. Word quickly spread about this hot new transferee, and you know I'm already in on all the gossip. But wait, why are you waiting for him?" Ari asked, as it was immediately followed by a gasp. "Are you-" she started, but I cut her off quickly.

"No. Whatever you're thinking, no. I'm that damn kid's maid. Remember, I took a personal maid job to survive" I said as she nodded with her mouth in an "o" shape.

"Damn girl you're lucky" she said as I looked at her with a weird look on my face.

"You have no idea" I just simply said, growing irritated as Jungkook still wasn't arriving.

That asshole probably cut classes

I thought as I rolled my eyes, starting to walk inside the room, not wanting to be late. Especially because of him.

"Hey, I thought you were gonna wait for him?" Ari asked as she abruptly followed me.

"Asshole probably cut classes" I said as Ari just nodded, not really knowing what I meant or why I said that but also not really caring that much to ask questions.


It was now almost dismissal and I still haven't seen the idiot anywhere.

He's gonna get me in so much trouble with Mr. Kim

I thought as I lowkey started to grow worried. I mean, he was my responsibility and the bitch just left, and if Mr. Kim starts asking me questions what the hell was I suppose to say when I didn't know where he is or what the fuck he's doing.

Annoyed and lowkey nervous, I started to take out some of my things from my locker.

Guess I'll have to use my free period to find the bitch. I could've been dancing in the dance room right now.

I started walking around the hallway, seeing a few students who also had their free period spending it alone or with a few friends. I decided to ask one of them.

"Hey, have you seen the new kid? Jungkook?" I asked, hoping for the best.

"No, last I saw him he was getting picked on by Taehyung and his friends. Poor guy, he was cute, but he's weak" the girl replied, laughing with her friends at the end which somehow made me angry.

"As if you could talk back in a fight" I retorted as I walked away, hearing them whisper "bitch" amongst themselves but I didn't care. They couldn't do shit in front of people they didn't like, and they have the guts to call other people weak? Pshh pathetic idiots

I started to look through almost every room in the floor, knowing well that if Taehyung picked on Jungkook, it probably didn't end well. Especially knowing Jungkook's temper. Now I was almost positive he either got suspended or just ditched the whole day.

As I walked past the dance room, not bothering to look since I was heading for the third floor, I heard muffled music playing from inside. And me being me, once I heard music I got curious and decided to take a peak. But I definitely did not expect to see Jungkook in there, music blasting from his phone.

Nor did I expect to catch him dancing


Hey guys! What do ya'll think? It's not the longest but I decided to cut it there so ya'll have a reason to read the next chapter. So, I won't keep you long. Go ahead and read it!

Anyway, please stay safe, healthy and happy and as always, ILYGSM!💜


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