// Chapter 2 \\

40 3 6

||Word Count: 1818||

Iyah's POV

I took a deep breath before pressing the call button.

"Hello, this is from Kim Corp., what may I help you with today?" A lady answered after about 3 rings.

"Um, hi this is Iyah Tuazon, I was just calling for the personal maid job?" I trailed off, hearing silence at the end. "If it's still available" I quickly added, hearing shuffling at the end which threw me off even more. First of, I seem to have called an actual company which is weird (and quite embarrassing) since I was calling for a maid job and second the woman seemed confused with my answer which made it even more humiliating.

Why do I always have to be in a humiliating situation

I thought to myself as I briefly closed my eyes, wanting to disappear and forget the phone call ever happened, but before I could even slam the phone down and humiliate myself even more, the lady spoke up.

"Oh yes um the one for Mr. Kim. I believe it is still open but I'll have to send you directly to Mr. Kim's assistant so she can book you an appointment to meet Mr. Kim for further requirements. Could you please leave your name and phone number so we can contact you?" The lady asked as I went silent for a second before snapping out of it.

"Oh yeah, um Iyah Tuazon and my number is xxxxxxx" I answered, hearing silence which probably meant she was writing it down.

"Okay, we'll just give you a text on when you can have the appointment booked. Thank you for calling and have a nice day" the woman finally said before putting the phone down.

"What the heck was that....." I whispered, still dumbfounded by the phone call.

I thought I was just going to call a random house who needed a part-time maid maybe, I didn't think I'd actually be calling a damn company.

I shook my head as I tried to remember the company name.

Kim Corp.

I thought as I opened google on my phone and searched it. That was when I found out that Kim Corp. was a distribution company of Korean goods around not only America but actually globally. And this only made me even more confused.

Why would a food company need a personal maid?

I just closed my eyes and cleared my head. As long as I have a chance on getting that job and surviving because of it, I shouldn't even be asking questions. I thought before closing my phone and laying down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

I was lost in thought as I kept staring at my blank ceiling. Weirdly even though it was empty, it seemed almost amusing to me. I was one of those people who liked basic and simple things, and found them to actually be just as fun as loud stuff. It was 'cause I believed that anything can be wonderful if we believe it is.

Just as I was starting to doze off my phone suddenly beeped, opening to alarm me that I had a new text from an unknown number.

From: Unknown
           This is Mr. Kim's secretary from Kim Corp. I would like to inform you that Mr. Kim has granted an appointment with you tomorrow, 5 PM sharp at *address*. Please be punctual and thank you for your application

I quickly sat up on my bed and stared at the text. I can't believe they actually texted me back. I thought as I quickly replied an "okay thank you" and fell back on my bed with a smile on my face.

I stared up at the blank ceiling again, and let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe things really are going to start looking up for me.

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