// Chapter 6 \\

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||Word Count: 1415||

Iyah's POV

I gulped as I tried to muster up all the courage I didn't have to turn around and face the man thatw as towering over me like a beast ready to attack.

"I-I...." I trailed off, wanting to say sorry but somehow the words just couldn't escape. Maybe it was a pride thing, or maybe it was just because no matter how scared I was, I knew he deserved it. Heck, being called an asshole was nowhere near as horrible as what he just said and did to the poor girl earlier.

"Well? Speak the fuck up. What did you just call me?" He asked, wait no, screamed at me as I flinched a little at the tone of his booming voice which echoed throughout the whole house probably. Keep in mind how big it was.

"I-I, sir-" I was about to finish and finally swallow my pride and say I was sorry before another voice interrupted us, making us allface the direction it came from, which was near the living room.

"Jungkook stop it" the voice calmly said as I saw that it was Mr. Kim, who looked at Jungkook disapprovingly yet seemed to not be surprised by how the boy was acting.

Did he act like this all the time? Jesus Christ

"Who the fuck is this?" Jungkook, as I guessed was his name, asked Mr. Kim as he pointed a finger straight at my face making me jerk it backwards in surprise.

"This is Iyah Tuazon, your new personal maid. And hopefully your last" Mr. Kim said, giving a stare at Jungkook as he said the word hopefully which Jungkook just scoffed at before looking at me up and down which made me unknowingly crease my forehead.

"No" Jungkook answered sternly, shaking his head as he faced Mr. Kim again. "I want this girl fired. She called me an asshole, and she is very rude and not to mention she looks incompetent to work especially for me. When I get back she better be fired" was the last thing Jungkook said before taking one last disgusted look at me then keeping eye contact with Mr. Kim as he walked towards the front door, leaving.

"Woah" was all I managed to let out underneath my breath.

What an ungrateful, disrespectful, loatheful jerk. I just wanna rip his head off and-

My murderous thoughts were cut off by Mr. Kim's cough, making me look up at him.

"So now I guess you see why his other personal maids didn't want to stay. So now I'm asking you, while the option's still available, do you wanna continue this job?" Mr. Kim asked, looking at me half pleadingly and half understandingly.

I was silent for a few moments. He was a complete bastard, and if I stay I might just murder him one of these days. But if I don't stay, I'm the one who's gonna die of either starvation of freezing. I guess it's better for me to live than him. I guess I'll just have to muster up all the patience I don't have for this brat.

"I'll stay sir. A brat like him isn't going to break me that easily, no offence" I said to which he smiled and nodded at.

"None taken. So, have you settled in?" He asked as I nodded. "Good, ifyou need anything you can just ask Judith. She's basically in charge of the whole house and would be glad to help you with anything, as well as the other maids" he added.

"Thank you sir. Um, is there anything for me to do?" I asked, wanting to start working for some reason. I mean, better make use of my time wisely now that I'm indepeny right.

"Well, since your job is being Jungkook's personal maid, there's nothing for you to do unless he tells you to. Of course part of your job is cleaning his room and stuff. The laundry will be done by someone else. All you have to do is fix his room every now and then, since he tends to be messy. You can check it right now and see if it's clean. It's the third door to your right, second floor. I'll be going now" Mr. Kim excused himself as I nodded in assurance.

Well, let's get to work.


Once I found what I assumed was that demon's room, I saw that Mr. Kim was not joking when he said that that brat tends to be messy.

This room looks like a garbage room more than a bedroom.

I thought as I looked at all the clothes lying everywhere and the crumpled up papers everywhere too, as well as the unkept bed and desks. And dear Lord I do not want to see what the bathroom looks like.

I huffed as I shook my head. You got this. This is your job, it's just a little mess. You can do this.

I mentally pepped talk myself as I started to pick up the clothes and put them all in laundry basket, assuming everything was used since it was all on the floor. Next I went towards one of his drawers to try and find a new comforter and bedsheet covers since his bed looked like a mess and smelled like one. Once I found a clean set I hurriedly started to change the bed and put all the dirty covers in the basket that I was planning to take to the laundry room (which I still have to ask Judith about) to get them cleaned.

After I made his desk which was just next to his bed, I started picking up some of the papers that were lying around it, huffing as I put the crumpled ones straight to the garbage bin. But one of the papers wasn't crumpled into a ball, it looked like it had been, but then it was opened again. The paper contained a drawing of a girl, she had middle lenght hair, a blouse and a pair of jeans. It seemed like any other normal drawing, except the girl wasn't smiling. She just had this neutral look on her face, which was both sad and weird to look at.

"Maybe this is that demon's girlfriend. Sheesh, how can someone take his attitude" I said as I decided to uncrumple it the best I can and put it on top of his desk. As I did, I heard the door opening, knowing the demon has returned.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" His voice boomed once again, irritating me with it's unnecessarily loud volume.

"As you can see sir, I'm cleaning up your mess because that's my job" I said sarcastically as I smiled at him fakely before standing up, deciding to take the laundry basket and go.

"You touched my things? Didn't I tell that man to fire you once I left?!" He shoutd once again as he came closer towards me.

"Yes, and that man you're reffering to didn't fire me and told me to clean this mess you call a room" I answered, having half the right mind to talk to him in a such a way because as much as I hate to admit to thr truth, he is my boss, and he can somehow fire me, but as long as Mr. Kim doesn't agree then I guess I'm good, right?

"Who the hell are you to talk to me like that? You're just a maid who will soon be fired. You are way under me and you dare talk to me with disrespect?" He said as he looked at me up and down, scrutinizing my very being which made me both self conscious and angry. "I mean who are you compared to me? You're just a little poor bitch who needs to leach on other people's property to survive" he spat which took me aback, and before I could stop myself, my hand slowly raised and slapped him across the cheek.

Yes, on my first day of work

I slapped my boss


Hey guys! So what are your thoughts on that chapter? Please leave your reviews in the comments because I would love to read them so I can improve my writing which will always be my goal since I only want to put out the best for you guys!

Anyway, please stay safe and healthy and of course happy and ILYGSM!💜


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