// Chapter 13 \\

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||Word Count: 993||

Iyah's POV

I sniffled as angry tears started falling from my eyes.

That asshole

I kept on cursing at Jungkook before I finally stopped to catch my breath. I let out a big sigh as my arms clutched the railing that overlooked the school's field, feeling the wind brush my face.

"If your gonna have your little dramatic moment, can you not have it here? I'm trying to cut in peace" I heard a voice from behind me say nonchalantly, making me stop for a few moments before deciding to turn around, only to see Taehyung sitting on some chairs that were dumped here for storage, puffing out smoke from his cigarette.

"Why are you such assholes" I asked, frustrated with how people kept treating me recently.

"Woah, I didn't tell you to let it out on me, pretty" Taehyung said as he took the cigarette between his fingers and looked straight at me. "Hey, you're that bitch that slapped me in the hallway last week" he added as he sat up and promped his hands on his lags, taking in my appearance. "Boy, you look even worse than the last time I saw you" he finished, adding a chuckle and a smirk at the end.

"I didn't ask for your stupid opinion on how I looked, dumbass. And it's your own fault why you got humiliated-" I started before he cut me off.

"Woah woah, you really think you could humiliate me? Bitch, do you still not know who you're talking to?" He emphasized by pointing at his face which made me roll my eyes.

"I don't give a fuck" I replied, emphasizinh by moving my head as I started to stomp away from him and this useless conversation.

"Hey where are you going? Aren't you going to continue your little dramatic scene?" Taehyung called out after me.

"So you can make fun of me even more? Sorry, but I'm not gonna give you that satisfaction" I replied, giving him a look over my shoulder.

"You're a feisty one, huh. Too bad you're not exactly my type" Taehyung added as he chuckled again.

"As if I'll ever even want to be" I retorted as I stopped a few good feet away from him.

"Oh, why are you staying?" Taehyung asked as I could almost hear the smirk from his words.

"You don't own this place, so if I want to stay I will" I replied, not even looking at him.

"Geez, are you always this bitchy?" Taehyung tried to keep the conversation going which annoyed me even more.

"Can you just shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business?" I snapped, silencing him for a moment.

"You're just like that skanky new kid, Jongkuk or whatever. Difference is you're actually manlier to stand up to me than his gay ass" Taehyung blabbered on, but this one caught my attention for some reason.

I should've agreed. I should've jumped on and degraded Jungkook aswell because of how much of an asshole he is, but I didn't. Somehow I knew I couldn't.

"You know what, you're right" I started, looking at Taehyung as I saw him smirk at me. "He is skanky and he is an asshole. He's stupid and insensitive and spoiled and is literally every bad thing you could think of" I started, seeing Taehyung's smirk of satisfaction grow even more. "He isn't gay, but even if he was that shouldn't be a problem or any of our business. He's a lot of bad things but he does what he does for a reason, and you degrading him jusy to seem 'cool' doesn't make you any better than him or anyone. If anything, he maybe is even a tad bit better than you, because he would never talk badly to someone behind their back" I finished, not really knowing if half the things I said was true, let alone why I even bothered standing up for that jerk.

It's just part of your job to protect him, right?

I nodded, trying to convince myself that it was just that.

"Jesus, if you were in love with him you could've just let me know instead of giving out a whole ass speech on why he's the best human ever" Taehyung said as he looked at me with a blank look on his face.

My eyes widened as I stuttered an answer back.

"I-I'm not in love with him. I just said he's a j-jerk and that he may be every bad thing you could think of calling him" I argued, facing him completely as he stared at me, as if studying me.

"But you stood up for him. You overlooked all those and still found good things to say about him to me, and you expect me to believe you don't feel anything for him?" Taehyung replied with amusement in his eyes as his lips held a small smile.

"W-whatever. Why are you so curious about that anyway? It's none of your business, especially if it's not true" I answered as he shook his head and stood up.

"Whatever you say pretty. Just remember, if that asshole breaks your heart, let me know. We definitely aren't friends, but I know how to stand up for someone when an asshole breaks their heart" Taehyung casually said as he passed by me, brushing his shoulders with mine as he did.

"The heck, people are going crazy lately I swear" I whispered as I stood there for a few more moments before shaking my head and deciding to go back to my locker, knowing well that class was definitely almost finished.

Time to face the demon child again


Hey guys! So what do you think? As always please let me know your thoughts in the comments to make my day and to help improve my writing!

Also, please stay safe, healthy and happy and ILYGSM!💜


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