// Chapter 1 \\

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||Word Count: 1446||

Iyah's POV

"She really just kicked you out like that?" Sofia asked as I sighed, growing agitated at my current situation.

"Yes, for the 3rd time she did" I replied, taking a cookie from the plate and munching on it at Sofia took a sip of her drink.

"I just can't believe Aunt Christy would do that. She loved you like her own daughter" Sofia said, shaking her head at the thought.

"Well she did, didn't she?" I answered quite pissed.

"I'm sorry, I really wish I could help you, but even I don't know any jobs that would accept someone who hasn't even graduated from high school yet" Sofia said sympathetically, making me feel bad about snapping at her.

"It's okay, I only have a day left anyway before I have to leave their house. I guess I'll just see what happens" I replied, trying to mask my worry with calmness.

Ofcourse it wasn't okay. Tomorrow was Friday and I have still yet to find a job or a place that I could stay in. Everything in my life was just falling apart once again and this time, I was really alone.

"Lunch's over, I guess I'll just see you later. Aica said to meet them at Ari's place after school" Sofia said, standing up and fixing her things as I lazily copied, not having any energy to continue with anything today.

"Okay, I'll see you at the gate" I said before we went our separate ways. Sofia had Maths after class and I had a free period, so I decided to just spend it the dance room of our school.

Dancing was something that I really did enjoy. I loved the feeling of being free with moving my body to any beat, even just the beat in my head and for a few minutes being free of any other thought than just happy ones. You could say dancing was my escape from reality, and right now I needed it.

I decided to drop some of my books at my locker first since I only had 2 minor subjects before dismissal later. As I was walking towards my locker, I opened my backpack and looked inside for the books that I was going to leave before I felt a strong impact of someone else's body from behind, causing me to drop to my knees and my things splattering everywhere on the floor. And highschool kids being themselves, everyone that saw the scene either just stiffled a laugh or stared and just didn't care. I could feel the flush rising in my cheeks as I stayed in my position on the floor for a few more minutes before I looked up and saw someone a few inches away from me, just staring.

"Hey, aren'y you going to help me?" I asked with a 'duh' tone which made him crease his eyebrows at me.

"Why would I?" The person- boy asked as he just looked down at me before smirking. "Oh, I see what you want" he said before crouching down and picking me up bridal style, making me yelp out.

"What the heck put me down you pervert!" I shouted, thrashing in his arms and hitting him in the chest as he hissed in pain before putting me down. As soon as he did I slapped him quickly across the face, the sound being loud enough to cause the students who were watching to let out an "ooh" in unison.

"You jerk" I spat in his face before quickly collecting my stuff and leaving, not even caring about putting my books in my locker anymore.

I really needed to get to the dance room now.


"Where are you?" I asked as I was on the phone with Sofia. "I thought we were going to Ari's place after school?"

"I'm sorry, but my mom called and said I had to be home early since we were gonna pick up my dad from the airport. And Ari called me earlier and said that she and her family went out so Aica decided not to just head straight home instead. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't have time between classes" Sofia apologized again and again which made me sigh.

"It's okay stop apologizing. I guess I'll just see you guys tomorrow. Say hi to uncle and aunt for me" I said before putting down the call and walking "home". Or atleast until tomorrow it's gonna be called that.

As I passed by the local coffee shop, I unintentionally glanced at the window and saw my favorite Belgian waffles with chocolate syrup on display. And seeing as it was almost nighttime and I was hungry from school, I decided to just have an early dinner here and treat myself. I figured I atleast deserved that after everything that's happening.

As soon as I entered the café I heard a jolly voice welcome me.

"Welcome to Sunshine Sweets" a guy with orange-ish dyed hair said, a warm and bubbly smile on his face making me instantly return it.

"Thank you" I said as I went to the counter and looked at the menu. "Can I please have a chocolate drizzled Belgian waffle and a matcha frappe?" I ordered as the guy wrote it down.

"That will be $13.50 miss" the guy, who I think is named Hoseok based on the name tag on his chest said as I reached into my wallet and gave him the money. "Your name for the order please?" He asked, the bright smile still not leaving his lips as I said my name. "Okay, your name will just be called once the order is ready. Thank you" he finally said as I went and found a place to sit at.

As I looked around the interior of the café, I realized that it was a bit far from it's name. Not in a bad way, but just because it's name was so bubbly and bright and loud whereas the interior was a big more calm and edgy with all the records and rap posters around the café. Don't get me wrong it looked good and it was definitely unique and I think it described even the owner well since he was a very bubbly person yet his style was very punk-ish with the colored hair and ripped jeans look, or atleast I presumed Hoseok was the owner.

As I kept on looking at the different posters I suddenly saw one that didn't look like the others, considering it was a flyer for a job. That quickly caught my attention as I read what it said on it.

•Personal Maid
-17+ years of age
-Highschool graduate or finishing highschool
•Please contact xxxxxxxx for more details about the application

It said. As I stared at it more, I was slowly getting convinced on taking it. It didn't sound all that bad to be honest. Plus, it was one of the few jobs that actually could hire me even without a highschool diploma. Besides, giving it a try wouldn't hurt.

"Order for Iyah?" The guy- Hoseok said as he looked around the café and smiled as I stood up to take my order. "Thank you and enjoy your meal" he said as he made a move to turn around before I spoke up, getting his attention.

"Uh thank you but I wanted to ask something" I started as he nodded for me to continue. "I was wondering if you knew anything about that personal maid job? It's that flyer over there" I said pointing at it as his eyes traveled to it.

"Oh yes, my friend is the one who's looking for it actually. For his son. Are you interested?" Hoseok asked as I slowly nodded. "Great! Well then you can just give them a call and see how it goes. My friend is a nice guy and I'm sure he'll give you the job. Besides he really does need one as soon as possible" Hoseok said as I smiled in return.

"Okay, wouldn't hurt to try right? Thank you so much again" I said before turning around and walking back to my table to start eating, deciding to give the number a call as soon as I reach home.

Maybe this is when things will start to look up for me.


Hey guys! So I finally wrote the first official chapter! I hope you guys will enjoy this story especially since it's for a really good friend of mine. I also really hope she enjoys it too.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts and ILYGSM!❣️


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