// Chapter 4 \\

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||Word Count: 1029||

Iyah's POV

"So your basic salary will be $10,000 a month, special additions such as holiday bonuses and such are about $5000 or more depending on how well you perform your job. Also, you will have to be a stay-in type of personal maid, so your lounging and food expenses are also covered for the most part. Does that sound good?" Mr. Kim said, smiling, while I on the other hand wasn't even catching up on most of it. All I heard was $10,000 and $5000 with free lounging and food.

"Um, yes, that sounds amazing. Considering my job is just being a personal maid, those are amazing benefits" I answered, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by it all but knowing well enough to not pass down a good offer, especially in times when I really needed it like right now. Mr. Kim laughed a little bit before answering me.

"Well, I like to think of every job as an important one, so you're not just a personal maid. And trust me, your job is gonna be well worth the pay" Mr. Kim answered, making me furrow my brows in confusion at his answer. If I didn't know any better I might've thought that he was.....suggestive. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's gorgeous and all but he was like double my age and my boss and this was just too cliché to be real, honestly.

"Um, excuse me if I may ask just so that I don't get the wrong impression on your words but, what do you mean?" I asked slowly, trying to word it correctly as to not seem disrespectful in any way. Mr. Kim suddenly blushed, probably getting what I meant but quickly cleared his throat before answering.

"O-oh no, it's not that. I just meant that the kid you're gonna be working for is not really the easy type. I don't want to scare you off but, you aren't the first one to get this job, and with an offer as good as that, I'll just leave it to you to figure out why the others before you would rather give that up than stay and work for the kid" Mr. Kim said, making me nod my head.

Psh, a bratty kid won't be the reason for me to give up easily.

"It's not a problem with me sir, trust me. I can handle any bratty kid" I answered as he nodded and closed the folders.

"Well, since that's all settled, I guess I'll see you at your first day tomorrow. I'll have my assistant send you a text on where the house is so you can move in quickly before Monday" Mr. Kim said, standing up as I did the same. "I hope you will be the last to take this job and not give up easily" Mr. Kim said as he extended his hand for a handshake, making me laugh softly as I shook it with a smile.

"You can count on that sir" I answered before excusing myself to leave and walk out the door.

Once I got out, I smiled at his assistant and made my way down to the lobby to head home and pack my things.

Maybe things really are starting to look up for me.


"Aunt Christy, I have to tell you something" was the first thing I said as I entered through the front door.

"I'm in the kitchen" she called out as I made my way to see her. "What is it?" she asked as she continued to cook some chicken on the pan.

"I finally found a job and a place to stay at so I can move out tomorrow, just as promised" I said with a bittersweet smile as she stopped briefly and looked at me, holding the same bittersweet expression in her eyes.

"Well that's great sweetie, I knew you could do it. Just tell me if you need anything or any help with packing" she said as she smiled and continued with her cooking, making my heart break a little bit again.

"Yeah, but I can do it on my own" I answered quite coldly, meaning more than what met the eye as I excused myself to head to my room so I could pack.

They really didn't care. They just, didn't.

I thought as I closed the door, trying to control my emotions.

"No Iyah, this isn't something to cry about. You can do this. If they think you're old enough to do everything on your own then prove them right. You don't need them. You can do it on your own" I said out loud, looking up to try and keep the tears in as I sniffed and harshly wiped my eyes.

This won't be the reason for my tears again.

I thought as I went to my closet and took out my clothes before I neatly folded them so that they would fit in my suitcase. Then I started to pack other things like my books and other trinkets and put them in a box I had at the corner of my room. Lastly I just packed my toiletries and other essentials in my duffle bag.

Once I was finished, I looked around my now almost empty room aside from stuff that I could leave for now since I won't be able to carry everything. As I looked around the room, knowing all too well that I was now inching closer to my departure from the life that I used to know for years, I suddenly felt.....nothing. As weird as it sounds, I didn't feel sad or anything. I guess I just got used to it. Or maybe subconsciously I prepared myself, but either way I was just glad I felt nothing.

Better than pain, I guess


Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed that one and I know it wasn't the most eventful but I promise I'll make it up for the next chapter because it's probably the one that ya'll would have to look forward to so go read it! Anyway, always stay safe and healthy and ILYGSM!❤️


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