// Chapter 10 \\

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Word Count: ||1208||

Iyah's POV

"Is Jungkook still not ready?" I asked as I saw Judith preparing a lunchbox, probably for Jungkook.

"I think he isn't. You better wake him up, it's already 7:30" Judith said as I shook my head at this demon child.

I made my way up to his room and knocked on his door.

"Hey, wake up you got school today, asshole" I said as I heard nothing from the other side, telling me that this bitch was still asleep. "Hey, wake up! You're not the only one who's gonna be late, I have school too" I said louder, knocking on the door faster this time. Still, I heard nothing.

I was about to knock on it again but he opened it, which made my fist collide with his face as he stepped back in shock and pain.

"The fuck bitch why did you do that" he asked annoyed as he held his right eye, which my fist touched and poked.

"You weren't answering, how the fuck would I have known you were already ready? And you deserved that" I said as I turned around and walked downstairs.

"How can you be a maid with that attitude" he called after me as I made it to the top of the stairs.

"Same way you can be a human being with yours" I answered before disappearing from his sight.

Once we were done with breakfast, I took my bag and waited for Jungkook outside where the car was ready.

"Hey, why didn't you bring my things?" He asked as he ran outside, his bag and lunchbox nowhere in sight.

"They're your things, why the fuck should I carry them?" I asked in a "duh" tone.

"Because that's your job" he simple answered which shut me up as I rolled my eyes and went back inside to get his things.

"You bitch" I huffed as I walked out again, getting ready hop in the car before he stopped me.

"Don't bring that" he pointed to his lunchbox. "I don't need it" he simply said.

"But Judith made this for you" I replied, one of my eyebrows lifted.

"I didn't ask you to tell me who made it. I don't care. I'm not carrying that around" he said as he put his shades and earphones on, blocking everything around him.

I just shook my head and let out an exasperated sigh at him.

The poor lady woke up so early just to prepare his food and he doesn't want to eat it because he feels embarassed? The fuck is wrong with this guy's head.

I thought as I decided to just keep it for myself.

If he isn't gonna enjoy good food then I am

I thought as I put it inside my bag. My eyes unintentionally met Yoongi's eyes in the mirror, he gave me a reasurring smile which I tried to return but honestly couldn't as much. He said this kid wasn't gonna be "as bad" but what the heck, bad doesn't even do his personality justice.

"We're here" Yoongi announced, which Jungkook of course didn't hear as he had his earphones on and was probably fast asleep.

"Hey, wake up" I shook him slightly, but instead he just made noises. "We're at your school-" I started before catching a glimpse of the school as my eyes widened in shock "-which is also my school...." I trailed off as dread started to fill me.

People were gonna find out that I was a personal maid and was struggling, which is embarassing, but they didn't know shit about me so even if they judged it won't be valid anyway. You got this, it's gonna be okay

I thought, even though I know fully well it won't be. School was suppose to be my escape from my life, and from him yet now I literally have to see him every hour of every day almost.

"Wake up you jerk" I said and pinch his side lightly, but enough to get him to wake up.

"The fuck bitch" he said as he abruptly opened his eyes as his sunglasses fell off, allowing me to see the glare he shot at me.

"We're at school dumbass" I said as I got out first, leaving him to try and avoid having people realize that we were together and start controversy.

"Hey, wait for me" he called out, jogging up behind me to try and catch up. As soon as he stepped out of the car, people's eyes were instantly on him. I mean of course, typical clichè. He was the good-looking new student, who had a nice car. Who wouldn't fall for him, right? And that was sarcastic in case you didn't know.

"Why? Do you need me to clean up after you here too?" I asked, looking at him annoyed as he looked at me confused.

"I'm new, of course I need someone to show me around" he reasoned, not sounding anything but genuine which honestly was weird, but I was far too pissed at him to believe it.

"Show you around? Or do you just want to piss me off like you always do?" I asked sarcastically as he looked at me with furrowed brows.

"If you don't want to show me around just say so" he answered simply before he started to walk away, leaving me there standing.

Honestly, I did kind of feel bad. I knew deep down he was genuine about wanting to be shown around so he wouldn't look like the weird kid who was lost, but I was just too embarassed about myself at that moment that I didn't even think about mh words before I splattered them out.

For a moment, as I stared at him walking towards the entrance, trying to look like he knew where he was going, I almost wanted to run after him and help him.

And of course this bitch did just that

"Jungkook, wait" I called out, running towards him as he stopped and looked at me angrily. "Fine, I'll show you around" I said as he raised an eyebrow at me. "What do you want to look like a stupid lost kid?" I asked as he rolled his eyes.

"I thought you said I was just gonna piss you off like I always do because apparently I'm so bad" he bit back

"You are, but I refuse to be as bad as you and let you make a fool out of yourself" I said as he just looked at me, having no emotion on his face.

"Now give me your schedule so we can go"


So I decided to cut it there since I already did reach my 1000 words target and also because I wanted to give ya'll a reason to look out forthe next chapter so I hope you all read the next one! I'm trying to upload 3 chapters consistently per week but I honestly don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up but hopefully I can. Also, please let me know your thoughts as always in the comments so I can improve in writing😊

Anyways, please stay safe, healthy and happy and ILYGSM!💜


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