// Chapter 12 \\

22 2 0

||Word Count: 1035||

"What the hell are you doing"

Was the first thing Iyah asked as she entered the dance room, not being able to hide the smile on her face as she looked at the surprised look on Jungkook's.

"I-I....what are you doing here? Don't you have class" Jungkook quickly changed the subject, standing upright as he tried to play it cool.

"How about you? Haven't you skipped enough classes today?" Iyah retorted back, seeing a wave of emotion pass through Jungkook's eyes for only a moment.

"That's none of your business" Jungkook silently replied, walking to take his phone as he turned the music off.

"Wait, don't stop it. You can continue dancing" Iyah said as she nodded her head in assurance.

"Why? So you can make fun of me and get back at me for being an asshole?" Jungkook snapped which made Iyah furrow her brows.

"Why the heck do you always have to be so negative? I'm trying to hold a decent conversation with you and for once I'm actually trying to put up with your attitude, but you're being such a bitch" Iyah angrily spat as she started to walk away, irritated by the idiot's presence yet again.

"Maybe I have a reason to be" Jungkook silently whispered, but Iyah heard which made her ears twitch.

"There's never an acceptable reason for treating people poorly" Iyah said as she faced Jungkook again, raising an eyebrow for emphasis.

"But if it's other people who treat me poorly it's okay? But when I treat them the way they treat me it's suddenly wrong? Funny, but accurate" Jungkook sarcastically replied which confused Iyah.

"What are you saying? Is this about Taehyung picking on you earlier?" Iyah asked as Jungkook's eyes widened then his brows furrowed. "Word gets around quickly here" Iyah added as Jungkook slumped down against the wall.

"Psh, and you think some guy picking on me will bring me down? I thought you saw me as a cold-hearted, uncaring jerk?" Jungkook asked as he stared straight ahead at the mirror.

Iyah slowly walked towards where Jungkook was seated, sliding down to sit a few inches away from him.

"I didn't say anything, but from the looks of it, it definitely affected you in a way" Iyah said, hearing silence from Jungkook. "You don't always have to be strong-" Iyah started before Jungkook scoffed, interrupting her.

"Don't even start with me on that clichè bullshit. I don't believe in any of it" Jungkook replied.

"See this is the problem with you. You don't want to listen to other people and you love to believe you're always right even when you're not, and when you meet someone who doesn't bow down to you the way you want them to or when they start talking shit about you, you don't know how to react. And by just that you aren't being really strong in at all" Iyah stated, her last words hitting Jungkook harder than she knew.

"That's not true. I'm never weak" Jungkook lowly replied.

"Really? What did you do when Taehyung picked on you earlier?" Iyah asked with a challenging tone as Jungkook sat in silence for a moment before answering.

"I cursed at him then stormed out, like I always do with you" Jungkook replied, trying to sound proud but Iyah wasn't having any of it.

"You think that makes you strong? That just shows how insecure you are" Iyah replied, not bothering to bite her words back.

"Hey, you're starting to talk as if I'm not your boss-" Jungkook started, as Iyah cut her off.

"Like that ever stopped me from talking back to you. By now I thought you knew that I don't really care if you are my boss. If you're an asshole then I'm gonna be an asshole too" Iyah replied as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I still don't see why my dad decided to keep you. He could find someone so much better" Jungkook said as I looked at him with furowed brows. "But who am I kidding, I know exactly why he keeps you around still" Jungkook started with a smirk, making Iyah look at him confused.

"Because he pities you. Because you're a poor bitch who needs the money 'cause her family threw her out" Jungkook finished with a cruel smile, looking at Iyah who stared at him in hatred and pain filled eyes which took him aback.

"Go to hell, you asshole" Iyah spat through gritted teeth as she stormed off, leaving Jungkook speechless.

Jungkook just stayed there, almost glued to his spot as he kept replaying that moment. He usually doesn't care whenever he says mean things that he knows would hurt people, but when he saw the pain overcome the hatred in Iyah's eyes, he- he just didn't know what he felt.

He can be mean, heck he even understands the reason why all the maids at his house hates him. Because he himself actually does agree whenever they say he's the "demon child" or a "jerk of an asshole", 'cause he knows it's the truth. And whenever Iyah tells him the same words he doesn't feel anything nor does he usually feel remorse for saying mean stuff back.

But maybe he took it too far this time.


Hey guys! So what do you think? Not the best chapter, I know but I decided to mix in a little drama (trust me more are coming and they're definitely gonna be more dramatic than this) so it's not as boring. Also I wanna know if you guys like it better when it's written in third person't POV or do you like it better when it's the character's POV? Let me know that in the comments please thank youu😊

Also, I'm very very sorry for not updating at all last week. I was just very busy with all the preparation for school since we're about to start the school year with online classes and I just enrolled and stuff so I hope you guys understand.

Anyway, as usualy please let me know your thoughts on this so far and always stay safe, healthy and happy and ILYGSM!💜


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