// Chapter 8 \\

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||Word Count: 1647||

Iyah's POV

I stretched my arms as my eyes slowly opened, widening slightly as I noticed I was in an unfamiliar room. It took about a minute for me to remember that I was no longer staying at my aunt's house and that this will be my new life. I sigh as I sat on my bed for a few more moments before finally getting myself to stand up and start my day.

First day at work, you got this

I thought as I took my towel and toiletries and walked towards the bathroom. First I checked the maid's bathroom which was near the dirty kitchen, but once I heard water splashing I realized that the other maids were probably getting ready since it was quite early in the morning. I stood outside the bathroom door for a few more minutes before getting impatient and walking towards the other bathroom which was on the other side of the living room. Judith said it was the guest's bathroom, but that we could use it whenever the maid's bathroom wasn't available.

I slugishly walked towards the bathroom, still half asleep really and opened it, happy to see that no one was using it. I quickly took a shower and got done and over with. I poke my hand out of the shower curtain to try and fish out my towel as I wrapped it around my body. Once I got out of the actual shower that's when it suddenly dawned to me that I forgot to bring my clothes.

For fuck's sake

I cursed at my own stupidity as I contemplated if I should walk out of there and just take my chances to dash quickly to my room and hope no one sees me or if I would just stay in the bathroom forever until someone notices and brings me some clothes.

Yup definitely the second option

My thoughts sarcastically replied making me huff in annoyance. I took a deep breath before slowly opening the door, peaking my head out to see if anyone was there.

It's early in the morning, only the female maids must be up.

I reasoned, before stepping one foot out then trying to make a run for it. Unfortunately for me, a bitch just had to slip. As I landed almost face flat on the floor, I suddenly heared footsteps coming down the stairs. I mentally prayed to all the Gods with my entire being for it to just be Judith or another maid.

"The fuck are doing there?" A manly voice asked, making me close my eyes in embarassment.

Ofcourse it had to be the asshole

"None of your business" I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and cool but it came out softer and a bit shaky, showing my embarassment and nervousness because yo, I was standing- lying with just a freaking towel on in front of a demon.

"So you just thought it would be fun to lie flat on your face with just a towel wrapped around your body at this early in the morning? Weird kink, but okay" he answered, as my face instantly burned up at his remark. I quickly stood up, cursing myself silently as to why I didn't think of doing that sooner before facing him, my face probably beat red.

"Perve" I spat at him before pushing him to the side so I could run past him and into my room.

"You didn't have to change if you didn't want to. I didn't mind the view anyway" he called out as I turned around to glare at him, only to see him smirking at me which only made me even more angry.

"Fuck you" I said as harshly as I could before slamming the door close, probably waking up the whole house with how loud it was but at that moment I didn't care (but I probably should've) 'cause he just made my skin crawl so much.

Who the fuck does he think he is? Does he seriously think he'll get me to swoon over him with degrading words like that? Fuck him

I cursed him over and over in my head as I still stood there with just my towel on.

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