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Head phones on as the world is shut out.

A boy with raven hair walks through the crowd of people to see a villain. Heroes were on the scene. The boys forest green eyes watch as the battle unfold through his black rimmed glasses taking note of the heroes.

A surgical mask over his face cover from the bridge of his nose to his chin. He wore a black hoody and army green cargo pants with bright red shoes.

He watched as a raising star hero arrived at the scene about to take down the villain only to have the spotlight taken by a debuting hero.

The boy sighed at the new heroin. It was another one of those heroes he thought to himself as he left the after. He was mildly aware of the new heroin sticking her butt out shamelessly. He truly wondered why they do this for attention

Fame, money, and so fort. All are nothing things that didn't seem to interest the boy. What interested the boy was seeing the man that killed mother to put behind bars. But no one can help him. The blame was put on him. Put on him by his murderous stepfather.

Izuku was the name given to him by his mother. Midoriya was the name of the man took his mother away pinning the blame on him.

The revelation of him knowing the vile man wasn't his father was the day he got his quirk. The day Hisashi Midoriya kicked him in the gut while yelling he was the son of the a bastard underground hero.

His mother told him that his real father was a kind man who would protect them. Izuku asks why they are not with him and so his mother says it because if they were Hisashi or better known as a flame hero 'Dragon' would kill them all.

Izuku understood his mother. He did press on about the topic because he knew the man would hurt then. Hurt him, his mom and then go after his real father.

The day the hero killed his mother was the day Izuku's world shattered. He was always bullied then came home and was abused by the vile man and so he almost went insane when he found his mother's body lying on the floor of their apartment with multiple stab wounds.

Izuku didn't know what to do and so he ran. Ran and ran till he was out of breath. After staying homeless for a while he decided to take his bullies advice and jump of the roof of a building but was saved by a man who was like mist.

Then said man was a villain by the name of Kurogiri. When he told Izuku he was a villain, he was surprised the boy didn't seem to mind.

Izuku was broken.

The world was unfair

His reply to kurogiri was

"Heroes, villains what's the difference. We live, we die, we take lives, we save lives. We're just human"

To say Kurogiri was shocked was an understatement. He was paralyzed. He learned the boy had been bullied for years at a young age. Grew up being abused a man who shared no ties with him and his only lifeline had been taken away from him and the blame was put on him.

Kurogiri raised and trained the boy for two years. He still wondered how and why the villain Kurogiri worked with didn't question why the warp gate was disappearing and then coming back when called. He wondered if they even know of his existence.

Izuku reminisced as he made his way back to his apartment. He had become an info broker. He knew things he shouldn't know and knew things no one else knew.

He wondered what his life would be like if Hisashi Midoriya was never in it. It would have been better.

Izuku was trying to look up evidence that shows that the damn hero was the one who killed his mother. But searched to no avail. He was supported by Kurogiri. The villain didn't think about keeping him a secret. It just was something that was left out in the open and nobody saw it.

Kurogiri was Izuku's guardian figure. He somewhat shared his ideals. Everyone was only human.

Izuku mostly slept that day. There was no request and he was a vigilante that mostly was active at night. When he woke it looked as though the day was ending. He knew that kids his age would be returning home from school.

He didn't have to go to school. His was smart for his age. Smart enough to hack into highly secure government and non-government agencies without anyway to be tracked. Being bullied caused him to turn to books.

He remembered the saying knowledge is power  and so he consumed it.

He decided to take a walk before become the vigilante he was. During that walk he heard and explosion.

That explosion reminded him of someone. All explosions do. He then remember his childhood friend. His bully. Out of curiosity he made his way to the scene.

He saw heroes panicking and saying that their quirks weren't suited for this and that the hostage probably wouldn't make it. Izuku felt like face palming. And so he did.

The villain was a sludge. The stench attacked his nose and he felt like throwing up. The explosions was being caused by the boy.

Izuku sighed and walked to the front. Everyone eyed him curiously. He stretched his hand and then his fingers bended in.

Just then the hostage was pulled out from the villain and flew straight into Izuku's out stretched hand. He caught him by the collar and Izuku didn't notice that it was a spiky blond. With his other hand he did a couple of movements and the crowd and pros watched as the villain floated up.

Izuku slammed him onto the wall, to the ground, to the opposite wall and repeated until the flames were out and the villain was unconscious.

The boy he was holding was in shock as was the heroes and crowd of civilians watching.

"What are you waiting for apprehend the villain"

The boy he was holding snapped his head up to his saviour and a look of shock was written all over his face in recognition of his voice. Izuku finally realises who he is and drops him. And runs from the boy.

Bakugou Katsuki

He chases after him only to no avail

Izuku uses his quirk and pushes himself of the ground and onto the building where he then starts to get further away

Everyone is left dumbstruck. But Bakugou was left with pure hate. He believed that Izuku Midoriya killed his mother and ran. He saw the woman as a second mother. How could he not feel like taking on the responsibility of bringing him down. He labeled deku a mother killer.

Pitying the flame hero that had a villain son.

No one believed Izuku. Only two people. His true father who found out about his existence when the love of his life that he had lost died and Kurogiri. A villain who had saved him.

That night was peaceful. Izuku set on the edge of a building looking down. And then....

"What are you doing kid?"

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