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A/N: Warning, great big manga spoiler ahead. I read the manga to the very last chapter and have to wait for the next to be out so yeah a warning to anime only's. 266.... I didnt know that chapter could break me this much. I literally cried. I don't think I'll be able to watch that scene once its animated. Even if I watch it... I'm going to be bawling. I felt as though I rewatched Itachi's death for some reason and Naruto disappearing from Kushina's hold- or was that the other way around- Ahh!!!! The point is I cried damn it!!! Hell I'm still messed up about it.

For some reasons I think some of these scenes where based on Naruto scenes cause Kouhei Horikoshi is a fan of Naruto. Damn it don't bring those scenes back... I'm still crying about those!


"Okay brat tell me what Limit Break is like" Gran Torino asks

"Well its like a rip of version of One For All" Izuku says

"It breaks down all the limiters in my body, my strength, my regeneration rate, my quirk limits as well" Izuku tells him

"But in doing so you become a madman" Gran Torino sighs

To think his talking with his grandson he never knew he had. Today has been quite an emotional rollacoaster for him

"By the way gramps, the truth is I found out about this about a year ago, I was really shocked to. But happy I found family" Izuku says with a giddy smile

Gran Torino smiles and then...

"Okay let's get to work. I recommend you asking Almight for some tips, that if he can give any" Gran Torino says

"Hey what do you think Almight's reaction would be if told him about everything" Izuku was looking to mess with people

"He might have a heart attack" Gran Torino says instantly

"What!?" Izuku says worried. He doesnt his favorite hero to die because of him

"Its a joke, don't worry to much brat, but he will be shocked beyond his mind. Nana was like a mother to him anyway" Gran- no Sorahiko Torino says with a smile

Izuku sits and thinks about what was just said

A smile graces his face as he begins to rock back and forth

"What's wrong" the old pro asks

"That means Almight is like an uncle" Izuku says a bit giddily

"Okay now let's get to work" Sorahiko ordered

Stain was scouring the city when in he senses something behind him. Instantly he draws his blade and slices but nothing.

"My master wishes to speak to you" came Kurogiri. The warp gate didnt hide his distaste for the man for what he did to Deku. Honestly it was taking every single will power he had to not rip this man apart with his quirk.

He brought the man to the bar where he would meet with Shigaraki. Things didnt go so well but Stain still some how joined in. Shiagaraki still wasn't very pleased.

That night when everything was silent. Kurogiri left his post. In an alley waiting for him was Eraser Head and the Detective

"Anything for us to know about since you called" asked Aizawa

"Indeed, it seems the vigilante Stain has just joined the league" Kurogiri was trying to stay neutral but he couldn't help hide the distaste in his voice

A sentiment he could share with Aizawa at the moment.

"Is there anymore information you can give us, anything about what's happening" asked the detective

"There will be an attack soon in Hosu by Nomus" says Kurogiri

The detective froze at that. He needed to contact the heroes in the area to be on guard

Aizawa was curious about something. Why was Kurogiri like this and helping them

"Can you tell me why are villain like you is helping us and why can't you just break away from the villains" Aizawa asked

"Apparently its my mission to take care of Shigaraki Tomura. I cannot disobey my orders even if I wanted but I still have enough free will to things as please" Kurogiri answered

"What do you mean your mission" the detective asked

"I am a Nomu, I believe the first sentient one, with my quirks and my roots persona I was created to be a caretaker"

"But knowing what I am, it seems I may have some bugs allowing my free will, knowing what I am and having the capability to speak and mostly though I've never tried before resist my benefactors orders... I have not told Izuku about by the way"

Aizawa and Tsukachi looked beyond shocked. Kurogiri was a Nomu.

"What do you mean by 'roots persona'" Aizawa asked

"Who I was when I was alive" Kurogiri answered

"What do you mean by that" Tsukachi questioned

"Nomus are made by using corpses of villains and heroes reanimated into living sentient marionettes. I giving you this information means as I said I have some bugs" Kurogiri says

Aizawa and the detective looked sick.

"Do you remember anything from when you were human then" Aizawa asked. if only he knew he was going to regret that question

"I only remember my name and nothing else" the Mist on Kurogiri began to dissipate. No it looked like it was being sucked in

Kurogiri was becoming whole. It revealed a pale man about the same age as Aizawa. He looked nothing like one would imagine kurogiri to look like as human

His hair was white as clouds reaching up and turning into mist. He had a gentle smile on his face as he reintroduced his self

Aizawa felt his heart stop. It couldn't be. His past that he left behind. This man before him was once his friend. The reason he was able to become a hero

"I was formally known as Shirokumo Oboro" Kurogiri says then turns back into his misty form

Aizawa is frozen in his spot.

"Well then I must be going" Kurogiri says

"Wait!" Aizawa says a bit panicked

The villain and detective looked at him confused. Aizawa didn't know what to say

His mind was to boggled to think up anything. But there was something he had to say

Both villain and detective was quite shocked when Aizawa bowed down to the said villain

"Thank you... Thank you for everything, for the past and present" Kurogiri nodded in acknowledgement. In that brief moment the villain realised, that this man, this hero most likely knew who and what he was in the past

He may not remember but Aizawa thanked him for helping him in the past and helping his son now in the present

"We have more work now huh?" The detective asks

"We do" Aizawa says with a sigh

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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