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"KUROGIRI!?!?!?" Kaminari shouted

"So you do work for the villains!"

"Kuro took care of me, a side from that I have no connection to those bozos" Izuku replied blankly

"Midoriya Izuku, thank God your okay" Kurogiri let out a sigh

"It take a whole more than that to kill me" Izuku says with a smile

"Anyway I want to get Kaminari out the league, well his family that is"

"I see you've met the boy"

"But it is quite surprising because you knew nothing of him"

"Kuro you underestimate me. I know a whole lot of things" Izuku says shaking his head

"Listen Izuku, All For One has taken an interest in you" the must starts before Izuku could speak of what he wanted

Izuku could here the worry laced in his voice.

"Kuro, why don't you meet up with Eraser Head instead. Speaking to me right now may not be the best idea" Izuku says turning serious

Kaminari watched him weary of what to do

"I will, I had actually already though of doing so"

"I'll need a favour as well"

"Yes the family of Kaminari Denki. It would be best if you inform your father about this predicament. It be best if we cease this conversation. You'd never know who's tapping in on the signal"

And with that the call ended. Izuku gave a thumbs up to Kaminari. "Kurogiri should be able to get your family out"

"Now let's go tell dad!" Izuku says and grabs the shorter boy.

Note: Izuku is as tall as Sero

They were in front of the principals office. Kaminari leg became jelly as he began shaking.

"Is your quirk Jelly or electrification" Izuku said laughing at the boy

"I'm not like you, you bastard" Kaminari shot back

Izuku ignored it and kicked open the door revealing a mummified Aizawa and principal Nezu also another skinny looking man

"What do want brat" Aizawa glared

"Denki has a little secret he wants to share" he says pushing the boy to the front

There was silence for a while. Then he began. He began with apologizing

"I'm sorry"

"I didn't have a choice"

"What is this about Kaminari" Aizawa asked a hint of annoyance I'm his voice

"I gave the location to league for them to attack" everyone is dumbstruck

"Why did you decide to confess" Nezu asked

"My cover got blown and I wanted help for my family" he says his head still down, ashamed of what he did.

"Your cover was blown?" The skinny blond asked

Izuku knew who he was. A grin plastered on his face.

"Deku is one of the top five hackers and brokers in the country. I should have known" said Nezu

"I know a bunch of things I shouldn't know about"

"Dad says I make his job easier" the kid says gleefully

"I know who you are for example" he says pointing to the tall skinny blond

"Only those with brains the size of peas wouldn't recognize you plus your voices are exactly the same" Izuku states

"The way you have with words is just like Aizawa-kun's" Toshinori states as he sweat dropped

"Well Kaminari-kun you'll have to do some explaining and Aizawa and his son will do something about your family" says Nezu

"And it will be best to drop your mask and act as the real you from now on. Your friends deserve to know the truth as well"

The blond looked down.

"Cheer up man, look on the bright side your friends are bound to forgive you and your family will be together again"

Kaminari noticed something in Izuku. He had more than the greenete. He still had his family. He still had his friends that were willing to forgive him.

What about Izuku. He has Kurogiri and he has his dad. But his mom is dead. He just started to learn how to make friends. His childhood friend doesn't believe in him and his gung ho on taking revenge on the man that took his mother away.

He had pure hate for Dragon.

The next day came and then finally it was time for Kaminari to confess.

Aizawa called him up to the class. Izuku had his his head on the table. He was asleep.

"Kaminari has something he'd like to share with everyone" Aizawa told the class

Everyone was confused. Why would he call him up. What does their classmate have to share.

Kaminari stood up clenching his fist as he walked up.

"Oi buddy what's going on" his friends stomachs were filled with dread

"Kirishma, everyone I'm sorry"

Everyone was confused. Why is their friend apologizing. Bakugou could feel that the person behind him was responsible for this.

"I was working for the league of villains"

The class was silenced

It so quiet that if a pin was dropped an echo would be heard

"I gave away the information on were the USJ was. I had been feeding information to them so they could take down Almight"

"Why!?" Ashido shouted as tears tricked down her cheeks

She was hurt. Kaminari was one of her best friends.

"I don't deserve anyone's forgiveness"

"Kaminari will be join the rehabilitation project we have"

"Some of you probably have questions on what exactly this project is now" he emphasized

Because back then when there was only Deku in the rehab project no one asked

"If you wish to know come along this weekend to see"

It's true they were now curious

Izuku finally woke and looked around. He saw Kaminari in front, so he must have confessed he thought

Bakugou struck and pulled him by the the collar and threw him towards the podium in front. The boy hit it hard and fell down hard.

"You had something to do with the shit didn't you" he shouted

"Bakugou do this again and you'll be receiving severe punishment" Aizawa snapped as he helped his son up

"Deku is the one helping get my family out from the league's reach. His the one he blew my cover and the reason why I'm not in any prison right now"

"Please don't ruin my asshole image" Izuku begged

Aizawa just sighed at his son's antics

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