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Aizawa announces to the class that the sports festival will be coming up.

"Goodbye" Izuku says opening the window, sadly the windows were people proof

Izuku sighed and sat back on his chair

"Your lucky that you have a choice to participate or not"

"What!?" The class shouted except a few. Kaminari included

"Izuku is the vigilante Deku and is currently under the protection/ custody of UA and me" Aizawa cleared out

"Plus his just going sneak out anyway"

"What your just going to let him do what he wants" Bakugou shouted

"After what happened at the USJ he has gained enough point to be let out as long as he returns"


"As long he wears the tracker that is" says Aizawa

That day at lunch the class was blocked by other students

"Out of the way fucking extras" shouted Bakugou

"Oi, Oi is this what all the class1A is like" says a boy with steal coloured hair

"From the looks and your tone, your in class B" says Izuku appearing behind Bakugou

"Who are you!?" Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu asked confused

He had seen the whole of class 1A before. He had never seen this kid

"I'm a new student" a lot of the students looked baffled

You can't just transfer into the Hero course like that

"So how did you get in" asks a purple haired boy. He reminded Izuku of his own dad

"Lets just say my dad got me in because of some reasons..." Izuku says slyly

"So your one those rich bastard kids" the purple tired looking boy shot back

Izuku busted out laughing. Everyone looked at him as though he was a madman. He was laughing. The madam in his was laughing

"Shut the fuck up Deku!" Bakugou said loud enough for all gathered to hear

Those that recognized the name stepped back

"Deku?" The class B student questioned

"I'm in a rehab, or don't worry, I mean no harm" says Izuku with a smile

Now everyone recognized him as the vigilante


"My dad's a hero in this school. How you guys find out who is up to you, so bye bye" Izuku said and left the fear struck students

They heard the rumours of Deku being in school and now they got their evidence

Izuku decided to go mess around with someone

It was going to be fun for him but as annoying as hell for the other

By instinct he knew where his prey lied. Izuku opened the window. Happy it wasn't person proof this time around

Izuku hopped of and out the three story high window. Using his telekinesis to slow his decent and land right in front of Kaminari

"Yo!" Izuku shouts

Kaminari shrieks in surprise and steps back into a fighting stance

"You trying to give people are heart attack" the blond shouts at the green

"Hey now, a vigilante should know when another is sneaking around" Izuku says slyly

"Don't tell anyone about me, I'm warning you Deku"

"What are you going to do" the crazed glint in Izuku's eyes shook Kaminari to the bones

After hearing about what Deku did to the Nomu, it had put him on a whole another level. Before coming to U.A Kaminari had heard about Deku

Powerful telekinesis and erasure together brewed pain. Having your quirk taken and then being thrown around like a rag doll was something he didn't want to through

He witnessed first hand how Endeavour fended.

He was out to collect some information. Deku had come across Endeavour around the same time. Endeavour spotted Deku and charged at him.

It was so simple, just taking away the man's quirk. So simple to lift him up in the air and throw him around, smacking him back and fort from walls and roads.

Deku stopped after noticing Endeavour was hanging by the fence and left just like that or so he thought. If Kaminari wasn't the one to call for an ambulance he didn't know if his classmate would still be with a father

Though he knew of the torture Todoroki went through, but still losing a parent would be the most horrible feeling one could go through

He thought of Deku as a heartless monster before realising that Endeavour was left in a state were he had a 100% chance of survival

All his previous thoughts were erased. Deku wasn't a murderer. He thought of him to be like him

But being on another level was no joke.

Kaminari regretted trying to threaten the boy.

"Lets be buddies" says Izuku. This surprised Kaminari

"I know about you" he says confusing the blond more

"Your family is in danger, so why not I help out" Izuku says

Kaminari is left speechless

"Your mom and baby sister is within reach of All For One, and they use another name and you had ran away from home two years ago to try and give them a better life by 1. Giving your mom a less mouth to feed 2. To work for AFO because your father left a lasting impression on him, and him knowing you were his son decided to turn you into the same type of man he was"

"But you decided to be a vigilante instead of a villain and you send money to your mom and sister, but AFO caught and threatened your family, making you his little lap dog"


"I'm an info broker, I know things"

"I can pull some strings, get your family out and have dad put them under protective custody"

"Why are you doing this" Kaminari asked

"I lost my mom and I'm just waiting for the best moment to bring down the bastard that killed her"

"I already got a whole lot of shit against the sick bastard, I just need evidence of murder" says Izuku with a smile

"And I want you to help with putting the fucker away"

"Then your going to help my family" Kaminari asked

"Fuck no" Izuku replies

Kaminari cursed himself for getting his hopes up. Anger brew inside him

"Cause I'm already on it" he says pulling out his phone

The blond is slack jawed

"It's not something I'll be holding against you for your information. I just hate it when innocent people are being threatened"

"I do this for a living apart from beating the shit out of bastards"

"I'm the one that's asking for a favour" Izuku says dialing a number

"So I'll be owing you one later"

Before the Kaminari could say anything the line picks up and a familiar voice speaks

"Yo Kurogiri" Izuku says with a smile

vigilante Deku (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now