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The game has begun and everyone was out for blood.... Hahaha... Not really

Most of the points was going to the hero courses

Some people even formed teams to through the round

Izumi the female Izuku had formed a team with her trusted classmate Shinso. Kaminari and Izuku seemed to be working together along with Uraraka and Iida

Yaoyorozu was working with Todoroki and Bakugo and his the bakusqad minus Kaminari of course

Present Mic was having a blast shouting out every time he saw something worth shouting about

Aizawa was trying to distract himself from everything

"Deku" Kaminari called out to Izuku as they were running through the maze

"Is that girl probably your sister" he asked

"Most likely" Izuku replied

These guys honestly didnt really care about the sports festival. They were looking for a way to get the I blood pumping

"That was really a shocker huh?" Kaminari told him. Honestly he didnt know how to handle the situation

Kaminari had been having a queasy feeling and so he decided to tell Deku

"Aizawa, I think something is wrong" he tells the boy

The two stop in their tracks

They are far from any cammeras and in what looked like some sort of tunnel and so no one in the audiences could see them

"What is it" Izuku asked sounding serious

"I don't know but don't you the timing is little off" Kaminari says

"We got out my family from AFO's reach and nothing much happened and all of a sudden you have a sister here and not only that but Dragon is also here"

Izuku greeted his teeth. Kaminari was right and he knew Dragon knew he was he was in UA.

"Not only that but I think his here" Kaminari says

Izuku didnt to ask who

"What do you the possibility that my dad is working for Dragon are" he asked

"They are high, your dad disappeared three years ago, mom was murdered a year after... Kurogiri even said that the man was let go by All For One"

"So he found a new employer, not only that but to lure you in and try to kill you... There's no doubt dad is working with Dragon"

The horn signalling the game was over was blown and the maze began to disappear into the arena

"We find him and Dragon is done for" Izuku says

At one end of the tunnel Izumi was listening in and on the other was Bakugo. Apparently Todoroki was with him

the students moving forward to the final rounds were announced and shown on the big screen

(I'm to lazy to name them so Izumi replaces Aoyama)

Right of the bat Izuku would face Todoroki but right after the match with the male class C student that made it to the finals

Now it was time for the recreational games were all could join in

Izuku didnt want any part of it and decided to sit it out

He decided after the battle with Todoroki he'd this ditch the whole thing and go cause some trouble to show that Deku was still at large

What he didnt plan on was talking with Todoroki

There he was, him and Todoroki face to face in an isolated hallway

"So what do want to talk about" Izuku asked

Did he finally come to rant at him or whatever he wanted. Compared to the whole class. Todoroki was a mystery to him

"I just wanted to thank you" was Todoroki's words

That stunned the vigilante and froze him on the spot. Those few words was all it took to blow Izuku's mind

"T-t-t-thank m-me" the utterly shocked boy pointed at himself

Todoroki simply nodded

"Sure I guess with that hell you've been through you'd thank me, but like this in a really calm manner, it almost seems like your greatful.... Which I find odd even of I did beat your father to an inch of his life..." Izuku began to ramble until he was stopped by Todoroki

"What my dad did to me is nothing compared to what Dragon did to you" Todoroki began

"You managed to talk some sense into my dad and thats what I'm grateful for"

"Eversince the day he was released from the hospital... All the trainings and everything else, they were done and gone"

"It doesn't make up for all that his done so far but eversince then everything was somewhat surreal"

Izuku didnt know what to make of this but deep inside he felt somewhat glad. Unconsciously letting out a satisfied smile along the way

"I guess I'm glad to hear that"

"My dad told me that I'm free and I can do whatever wanted... For so long he had been trying to turn me into the number one hero but now that I'm free to do whatever I want... I honestly didnt know what to do until you showed up.." Izuku didnt know where this conversation was heading now...

For some reason it made him nevours

"What I want to do is help you" Once again Izuku was stunned and frozen in place

"both our mothers suffered from quirk marriages and thats something I can relate to you on.... I guess all I wanted to say was if you need help, the Todoroki family is willing to lend you a hand" with that the dual colored haired boy walked off

Izuku was left where he was standing

He didnt know how to feel

For the first time in a long time someone was reaching out to him to help him. It wasn't due to obligation or pity. He could feel the respect that Todoroki had for him when he spoke. Someone genuinely wanted to help him.

His heart ached with joy, his knees felt numb and gave way, as he slid down the wall he clenched his chest and sobbed slowly to himself. This feeling of relief that washed over him felt so good he didnt know what to do but cry

He felt so happy that someone was willing to help him because they on their own wanted to

Bakugo heard everything and the feeling of guilt only seemed to double and grow even more

The recreational games was going on and Aizawa went to get a drink

He was pissed of already after seeing Dragon. He got even more pissed when he walked into Endevour

"Excuse me" Aizawa quickly said as he tried to push past the man but the hulking man blocked his path

"Wait Eraser Head..." The time of the number two hero almost sounded as though he was begging

Aizawa stopped in his tracks and turned to the man

"The boy, Midoriya Izuku... Deku" Aizawa felt sick whenever he heard Midoriya... Worse when they put it together with his son's first name

"I heard you were on his case"

"What of it" Aizawa almost growled

Once again Endevour dosent know Deli is already in custody

"I wanto help" was the number two's reply

"Bring him down?" Aizawa asked

Endevour simply shook his head

"I want to help clear his name"

Aizawa literally stood frozen where he stood

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