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"So what made you become a vigilante"
Uraraka asked

"Everyone pinned the blame on me for my mother's death and so I decided to look for the person myself"

"What do you plan to do when find that person"

"I'll try not to kill that's for sure, but I can't be that certain" Izuku replied

Iida and Uraraka just sweat dropped.

Izuku didn't plan for this. To talk with people his own age. He never expected them to be the first to approach him.

But Izuku had to leave them aside for now. He was more focussed on his revenge. Izuku didn't tell anyone who killed his mother. He wanted to bring that monster down himself. In the most worse and brutal way he could think of.

In a way that would make those who looked up to him want to kill themself for just admiring him.

He was already collecting information on him. His already got a lot of information on him sleeping with numerous woman.

Has a lot secret love child's here and there.
He was planning on making it really big. Broadcast it all through out the city. All through out the world perhaps.

That day they were having a hero training lesson. Izuku was told that it was All-might that was the teacher. To say Izuku wasn't excited would be an understatement.

The boy was glowing with excitement. The students had already known the man for a month. Iida and Uraraka thought it was refreshing to see someone.

What they all didn't know was this was a test for Izuku. Nedzu planned out a test for the young vigilante. They wanted to see if Izuku still had the heart of a hero. But that was to be held on a later date. Because at the moment Almight had used up his time.

Information from Bakugou told them Izuku had always wanted to be a hero. If he proves them that he still wants to be a hero than would allow him to get a provincial license.

Izuku had been out on the streets for sometime after all. Four years of being a vigilante could be enough experience he needed.

When All-might didn't arrive Izuku felt down. Many of the students felt disgusted. Bakugou glared at him. But Izuku ignored him. He ignored them all. Aizawa told the class he would take over for now

Everyone was told to get into their hero costumes. Izuku was going to wear his vigilante outfit but Aizawa had sent it to the support department to have it slightly upgraded.

Izuku already looked like his biological father. His costume just added the cherry on top.

His costume was just like Aizawa's retaining the short sleeves the gloves and the hood from his original design. There was also the the metal mask. He added the cap.

"Deku you look like Mr Aizawa" Uraraka said looking surprised

"I am his son" Izuku said in a monotone voice. The tone saying so what

When they arrived at their destination. Izuku noticed it was a facility that bunch of different zones. It was the USJ. They were greeted by another hero. Thirteen. Izuku began to Fanboy at seeing another of the heroes he looked up to.

It seemed as though all the heroes Izuku looked up to where teaching at this school. They must really want new and true heroes to rise up and that's why they were teaching. Izuku suddenly got a text. It was from an unknown number.

Izuku knew it was Kurogiri. "There will be an attack" and as though by cue the warp gate opened.

"Cool you guys got fake villains" Kirishma said sounding excited

"They're real" father and son said in synch

Everyone turned to them. Bakugou trudged up to Izuku and grabbed by collar

"It was you wasn't it!!!" He snarled in his face

"Of course you'd think it was me"

"Tell me would I really sabotage having a nice and warm home. A father and a chance of proper education" he asked sarcastically

"Thirteen protect the kids" Aizawa didn't have time for these kids nonsense.

He jumped down and attacked the weak villains. A grin spread across Izuku's face as he pushed his hair back. "This guy's really cool" Izuku said and jumped down after him before thirteen could even stop him.

Izuku knew that Kurogiri was going to spread out the hero trainees. Everyone recognized Izuku as Deku. Some where pretty pissed. Aizawa was really impressed at how the kid was handling himself against the hord of villains. He noted some them were really mad.

Deku charged after the one that looked like the boss. Knives in hand. Aizawa was sure he had taken all of them away.

Deku launched and swung at Shigaraki Tomura. "Why, why, why, why is Deku here!?!?!?!"

"You know I've been asking myself that the whole time" Deku replied. Shigaraki kept on dodging knife swings and kicks. He had enough grabbed Izuku's face. He could have dodged, but his inner mad man wanted to see his reaction. Even though most of the villains face was hidden by the severed hand on his face.

Izuku's hood fell back, his cap had fallen of and his mask was down. A shit eating grin on his face. Shigaraki's quirk wasn't working

"Your just like Erasure Head"

"Deku!!!" Erasure Head called

Shigaraki jumped back just as he did. He was back to back with Erasure head. "Would it be wrong to say I am enjoying this" Izuku said as he charged after a villain. He gave a round house kick and the villain went flying.

Aizawa merely grunted

Izuku was a bit to slow at dodging a punch. Eraser head arrived on time and punched a villain.

A mutant jumped at Erasure Head. Izuku swung multiple knives. Erasure Head was going to ask were he kept them later.

"Deku your Erasure's kid aren't you" Shigaraki asked

"So the bastard was another Erasure Head" a villain growled and launched at Deku. This was one that was waiting for his turn to attack.

The villain had one eye. The eye he lost gone and nothing but an empty socket was there. Izuku may have and may not have been the cause of it being empty. Someone had started a fight and the madman in Izuku came out and took out the guys eye.

He launched at Deku but Erasure Head slammed a fist into his face and sent him flying.

Shigaraki was now the last one standing. Izuku's eyes were already bloodshot. His head was pounding from using telekinesis.

Aizawa charged after Shigaraki. The villain a punch the hero blocked, he shot up an elbow and the villain blocked

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Izuku shouted

Aizawa was a bit to late as his elbow began to crumble. He jumped back villains launched for him but Izuku used his telekinesis and swung them back. 

Both Aizawa and Izuku stood back to back.

"By the way I'm not the last boss" in that moment a dark shadow loomed over Deku and Erasure Head.

Aizawa was struck down. And Izuku held by the head. He struggled to break free but was no match for the beast strength.

Both Aizawa's had Erasure active but nothing was happening.

"Nomu has multiple quirks your Erasure won't work against him

The villain said with a laugh.

"Aizawa-chan!" Asui's voice came and then her tongue. It wrapped around Izukus body. Shigaraki turned to the girl and a boy and charged at them.

His hand reached out to them both waiting for them to fade away whey his touch landed

Nothing happened...

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