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Aizawa swore he could have fainted right there and then

His long line of hero work couldn't have prepared him for what the Flaming number two hero proposed

"I'm sorry but I don't think I heard that right" Aizawa made a motion of checking his ears. If he wasn't dreaming than he needed to get his ears checked

"I said I wanted to help you clear the boy's name" Endevour begrudgingly replied

"Why would want to help" Aizawa asked

He wasn't going to fall if this was the trap

"Our battle from a year ago wasn't as one sided as it seemed.... Did you really think I'd fall victim to a child so easily"

Yeah Aizawa guessed that a pretty long time ago

"I saw the scars on that boys body. Not only that but he had the same eyes as my son when he first saw me"

"Honestly I was at loss and ended up letting the boy do me in but he never did"

Aizawa held his breath as he listened to the flame heroes tale

"I may have hit the boy pretty hard in the head because he was staggering when he begun to talk to me"

Flash back

Endevour was off duty and making his way back home. But even though he was off duty it didn't mean he wasn't ready for anything. He always wore his suit under his civilian clothes just in case anything happened

And that was when he spotted the young vigilante

The so called mother killer Izuku Midoriya

He charged at the boy... Taking note he was a mere child to him. He didnt throw his punch to hard but still it was strong enough to slam the boy into the wall hitting his head

He was used to taking down larger villains and what not all in all to become the number one but he was stuck in number two which greatly tucked him off

But he was still a hero at heart, not the most heroic but still a hero. He tuned down his flames and tried to capture the boy

His flames burned through the boys clothes and what he saw shocked and stunned him where he stood

The boy was covered with horrid scars. Whip marks and burns. That moment of hesitation gave Izuku the chance to throw him about

Enji Todoroki thought this was the end of him. But his demise never came

"Wh-why won't you end me" he asked

"I'd be a villain if I killed you" Izuku told him

"I know a lot of things about you Endevour" Izuku told him

"I could easily come clean about how you treat your family but compared to how I was treated, your kids are living a dream"

"Midoriya Hisashi isn't what he seems Endevour, even you are in danger with him around" Izuku told him

"Honestly Family is the most important thing in the world Mr Endevour" Izuku smiled a sad smile with tears in his eyes

Enji Todoroki could somehow relate. One of his son's are gone and now with the chances if him dying he might never see them again

"You should treat your family well and keep them safe... Otherwise they will end up like me" Izuku gave a goffy grin

Endevour knew that the last moments of his life was in this boy's hands so instead of being angry he decides to reminisce about his family. He regretted everything and how he treated them... It wasnt long when he passed out

When he woke he was in a hospital room with IV drops hooked up to him

"Luckily for you someone who knew first aid was around and treated you.... Honestly speaking if you weren't treated you would have been half dead when you arrived but the person made sure you would survive" the doctors had told endevour

"The kid that called the ambulance said that you were already treated"

"Where is that boy now"  the hero asked

"Who knows, he ran off right after"

Apparently endevour was saved by two people. The one that called the ambulance and the one that treated him

From what Deku was telling him, he knew in his gut that it was Deku that treated him. Then leaving so the other kid that was watching the whole thing from the shadows to call an ambulance

Flash back end

"I owe the boy for saving my life" Endevour told Aizawa

'Oh my god Izuku, what kind of shit do you get into' Aizawa thought

"Fine, but even so, I still don't trust you" he told endevour sternly

"Fair enough" and with that flaming hero walked away



This story is back people

Oh its been so long.... And I don't care what you endevour haters say I like nice endevour even though he used to be a flaming prick     

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