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Izuku gritted his teeth and he forced a grin.

"Over my dead body" He spat right back

"If you insist" Stain raised his blade up, ready to stab the boy

Izuku gritted his teeth as he could feel the in coming force. But.......

"St-sto-stop" Ingenium strugled to say

Izuku looked to the hero. His eyes went wide with surprise

"Begging me to not kill another scum of society" Stain asked the turbo hero

Izuku needed to find help. The man was dying.

"That boy isn't scum.... His just a child. And an inoccent victim-" Ingenium began to cough up his blood

"Stop, don't say anymore!" Izuku shouted out

Tears brimming in his eyes.

"You're really kind kid" Ingenium said with a smile and heavy eyes

"Leave the boy alone, like you said you both a like minded than you would know what that boy has gone through... Unlike you he hasn't walked the road of no return and he won't... Spare the child"

"Ingenium, stop save your strength... Iida is waiting for you!!!" Izuku cried out as tears began to trickle down

"Its okay...*cough* Kid" The hero told him

"If you want to go so badly then be my guest" Stain said he began to walk towards Ingenium

He stabbed down on Izuku's uninjured shoulder. Rendering his hands useless. He moved over to Ingenium. Izuku's head was throbbing with pain he couldn't activate Eraser.

He saw the villain raise the blade over the pro...

In that instant Izuku saw flash backs of his mother, dead on the floor. In her puddle of blood. Ingenium was in his own puddle of blood. He remembered his mother with stab wounds. Ingenium was stabbed in several places

One stab from the back to the heart had ended his mothers life. The blade of the villain was right over that spot on the hero.

Time seemed to have slowed down as Stain began to plunge the blade down on the hero.

With all his might, Izuku screamed out


Everything around him got blasted away. Stain and his blades was thrown back and slammed against the wall.

Glass shattered, people where thrown back as was veichles and others. Izuku was losing blood. His head was dizzy. Ingenium had stopped moving. And looked passed out. He prayed with all his heart, to whatever diety or god still on his side that the pro was going to live

Ingenium was one of the true ones

The distant wails of a siren were heard. Izuku felt relieved. And with that brief feeling of relief Izuku had passed out

Naomasa was in the area, when suddenly a strange force moved his car. People almost crashed into each other, some did but there was no major incidents.

Something wasn't right and people began to panic as they thought it was a villain. He called the ambulance to come to the area quickly as he began to search for the cause of the phenomena

He switched on the sirens and searched. He stopped by an alley, his gut was telling him to go down. He made his way out the car and hurried down the path.

To his shock and horror. The pro hero Ingenium was down and not far from him was vigilante Deku. Both severely injured and loosing blood. He called the ambulance.  Their pulses were slowing down

He gritted his teeth as he began to administor first aid. There was blood everywhere and not far from the two was another. but that hero had long passed.

From the wounds, he deducted they were fighting the same villain. The hero killer most likely.

The ambulances finally came and all were rushed to the hospital. He went with Izuku to make sure he wasn't recognized and was safe. He'd get the full story about what happened

Aizawa did mention the kid was going to be in the same area but to run into him like this out all the possibilities.... He was starting to think that the world had something against the kid

Both were rushed into the ER.

Izuku was in need of blood transfution he also had a concussion. And there were also signs of dangerous quirk overuse. the bleeding through the nose and eyes was something shocking to see as the boy began to cough up blood. If Deku was awake he'd be screaming in pain from his throbbing head . Ingenium was in need of numerous treatments. It didn't look so good for him. His spine was damaged and it didn't look like he'd be getting up anytime soon

When both were stablelised, Izuku had fallen into deep sleep. An oxygen mask hooked up to him because the boy had trouble breathing

Iida Tensei was awake however.

"Ingenium, thank god" Naomasa said thankful the guy was going to be okay

"The kid" was the hero's first words in his wake

"He seemed to have over used his quirk... But he'll be fine"

"What happened" Naomasa asked

"Stain happened.... The kid found me and saved me the last minute but stain also got to him"

Naomasa got all the information he needed

He told the man to rest and left the room

Iida had just lost to Todoroki when he got a call from his mother. The horror and dread he felt when he got the news of his brother.

He ran out the stadium right after only to bump into his teacher.

"Iida!?" Aizawa called surprised

"Sensei... I'm sorry, I need to go!!!" He said getting back up

"We are going to the same place, Mic's car is over there let's go!" Aizawa ordered and Iida was left surprised

"My brother..." Iida began as Aizawa began driving

Iida didn't say anymore as he could see Worry and dread plastered on the man's face. He then remembered that Izuku had left shortly after his battle with Shinso of class C.

He felt more dread after realizing

"Sir did something happen to Aiza.... Izuku-kun!!!?" He asked with worry

"From what I got he and your brother were attacked by Stain"

Iida didn't say anymore as they made their way to the station. They sat silence trough the whole train ride and when the got to Hosu hospital they went their separate ways.

Iida went straight to his brother and Tensei gave him the dreaded news that he couldn't feel his legs. His time as a hero now over...

Aizawa was in a far more delicate state. Izuku still hasn't woken up. He overused his telekenisis... The strain may have damaged his brain

Not only that but there may be some nerve damage in his hands. Where stain had stabbed and left fatal wounds. Whether he was going to wake up was a question being asked

Hooked up to the heart monitor his heart beat was slow. He looked so pale due to all the blood he lost. So pale and so fragile.... It broke Aizawa's heart to look at him. His breathing was so shallow that he didn't look like he was breathing. The oxygen mask straped to his face being his lifeline

When Iida came to visit he to fell to grief as he watched his friend hooked up to those machines. He called Uraraka and told her about what happened to Deku. He even told her how he got himself into that situation

Uraraka in turn told the class...

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