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Izuku thought his eyes would fall out. Even Aizawa.

"Aizawa you okay buddy" Yamada asked looking quite worried

The man set back down and quickly looked through the files. He found the girls file quickly and read through it. The girls name was changed. The name she first used was Tetsuya. Izumi Tetsuya. But it was changed for some reason.

The girl looked exactly like his son, apart from the fact she was female but the resemblance is still very shocking

He looked at the girls quirks. He went quiet. Yamada looked over to him quite worried.

What was about the girl that made him act like this. He was the homeroom teacher of class C. Izumi was quiet type and always kept her head down. He noted long ago to tell Aizawa that there was a female Izuku in his class...

But it had slipped his mind

He was probably cursing his absent mindedness right now because he had failed to inform Aizawa that the girls quirks were exactly like Izuku's.

The said boy was about to have a panic attack.

Izumi stood on stage proudly. She had been holding back and hiding herself for a long time. She was an orphan and smart one.

The orphanage she grew up in was poor but everyone treated each other like family. She was happy, but still wanted to know the reason why she was put there.

Two years ago she was adopted by Dragon or Hisashi Midoriya. To her he was a kind man and a caring father. She wondered how this man could have an ungrateful son known as Izuku Midoriya. What was more shocking was that she learned that he wasn't even the man's biological son. Yet how Hisashi portrayed himself as the most caring father made the girl believe all his words.

And what was even more shocking was that she learned that the woman the boy supposedly killed was her own mother. Biological mother.

That meant Deku was her brother. She looked up records and found out she was the eldest child by an interval of ten minutes. Fire burned in her belly, she would avenge the woman, even though the woman was the one who put her up for adoption. She had yet to find that reason. She took the woman's last name, only to surprise Deku.

She had asked Hisashi about her real father, but the man said he didn't know. If the girl had looked hard enough, and thought more carefully she would have witnessed the disgusting sinister smile that grew on his lips every time she turned her back.

She entered the general studies and decided to transfer to the hero course once she showed what she was made in the sport festival. Why? She believed the exam was flawed. How can one measure true strength and application of quirk if they go against robots

She looked at the boy that stood beside her. He had a shocked expression on her face. She read things up on Deku. She knew the boys name was Bakugou Katsuki. A childhood friend of Deku. She'd talk to him later. She knew she would ask why she looked like Deku.

There was something strange about class 1A though. They had shocked expressions. The greenete boy with the mask looked the most surprised. As though he had seen a ghost.

She didn't know the reasons for those expressions and didn't really care that much at the moment. She had one goal and that was to win this.

She began her speech before Bakugou

"As the representative of the following classes mentioned I'm here to say that on behalf of everyone, we are here to prove ourselves. The entrance exams a flawed and they do not allow those non-physical quirks to pass"

" we are here to prove everyone wrong, we can become heroes with our special quirks and we are giving it our all so don't look down on us hero course we will sweep you off your feet!"

And with that the crowed of students cheered viciously. The gen ed were hyped and throwing their fist into the air.

Izuku didn't know what to think. He was running possible answers through his head. He looked around the stadium. He spotted some people that made his stomach boil.

He told Shoji Mezo in his class if I start charging after Dragon, knock me out, he can't really tell what he would do if went up against him. Worst case scenario he dies, or the other. The better case would be his arrested. Then he can weed himself out with the help of Naomasa since his a freaking walking lie detector. But he can't rely that much on him because even if he can vouch, he would need proof.

Who is this girl? He wondered. Uraraka was about to ask why she looked like him but the look in Izuku's eyes stopped her. He too did not know.

Bakugou tsk-ed at the girl. It just made his insides boil even more. There was now freaking two of them.

The boy began to his speech...

"Don't get your hopes up cause I'm going to be number 1"

There was silence. All of class 1A, just face palmed. The crowd that started shouting and cursing and jeering... The whole lot was enraged

"Is it me or did his ego grow bigger after I was gone" he asked to no one in particular but someone decided to answer

"No I'm guessing it did" Kaminari told him

Most the class was still quite hostile. Mineta was still very much afraid. Izuku is hoping the kid gets kicked out of the hero course or hopefully the whole of UA. His using all his will power not to pummel the boy.

The girls apart from Jirou and Asui began to warm up and not be afraid or have anything against him. Yaoyorozu was still hesitant about him. Ashido, well the girl always sides with her friends that being Bakagou Bakatsuki.

The guys in his class, well Kaminari began hanging out with him. Since they both a pretty much in the same boat. Iida and Uraraka may God bless them, he thought, as they were the pure souls they were the first people to befriend him. The others are not that hostile.

Koda Koji, was less like Mineta. Tokoyami didn't seem to mind as did Shouji. Aoyama just seems like he doesn't care and so fort.

The greatest mystery though would be Todoroki. He wasn't hostile. And that what worried him. Why? He beat his old man and he doesn't seen to care. Well he understands all the hellish training that is nothing short of torture, but still the lack any retaliation was unnerving

He kept his eye on the girl as midnight explained the game. An obstacle course. Shouldn't be that hard.

As the game started Todoroki was the first to act. Freezing everything.

The hero courses managed to break through. Izuku was dumbstruck when Izumi used the same quirk as him.

Izuku used Todoroki's ice to his advantage and ice skated across. Others saw his lead and followed and then they reached their first trial

The robots

Todoroki instantly froze the massive zero point robot. He didn't warn the others on time as he left them behind and were about to be crushed

Izumi saw this and on instincts, just like Izuku, both raised their hands simultaneously instead of seeing floating frozen chunks of metal, a shock wave occurred.

It was as two powerful invisible forces collided creating a shockwave that blew everything away.

The remains of the frozen robot was gone leaving dumbstruck students, teachers and audiences

There was silence as everyone had stopped in their tracks

The silence finally then broken by the two commentators


This brought everyone back as they all got over the shock and would ask about it later

The commentators however were having a scuffle in the booth yelling at each other because either one of their students had cause that shockwave

That being Izumi Mikumo of Class 1C whose homeroom teacher was Present Mic and Izuku Aizawa whose Homeroom teacher was Eraser Head.

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